I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [357] The Appearance of God

After countless trials and errors on death row, Professor Zhou gradually discovered the secret of the runes from the data center.

These runes can turn your thoughts into reality!

Although the probability is very, very small, if you meditate on these runes every moment, then sooner or later the one in a billion probability will be triggered.

But then, a problem arises.

People can meditate on these runes and watch these runes all the time, but no one can guarantee that their thoughts are exactly the same every time.

Maybe one second you want to become a god, and the next second you want to poop.

But the probability of becoming a god was not triggered one second, but the probability was triggered the next second, and the whole person turned into a piece of shit.

Professor Zhou quickly thought of a way, which was to meditate regularly.

Do what you should do in normal times, recharge your batteries at critical moments, then watch the runes and try to gain extraordinary power from the runes.

However, this method definitely cannot be tested by death row prisoners. After all, most of the death row prisoners are extremely vicious people. If they gain power, even the army will have difficulty controlling it, and it will become a huge harm.

Therefore, Professor Zhou selected the ten most determined and loyal soldiers among the soldiers for experiment.

A month later, these ten soldiers had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Among them, Soldier No. 1's body swelled to five meters tall, and his whole body was covered with strong muscles. His thinking speed became very slow. Once angry, he would even become confused and had a bad temper.

Soldier No. 2's ten fingers turned into muzzles, while two long bullet clips grew out of his back, and tracks grew out of his feet. He needed to eat metal and gasoline to survive, and he had become a silicon-based life.

Soldier No. 3's body completely turned into flames, but due to the influence of gravity, he could only lie limply paralyzed on the ground, and needed other people to add burning materials to survive. Once he lost the burning materials, he would be destroyed by the flames. Die by extinguishing.

Other soldiers also have similar problems. Although they have gained abilities, they are limited by reality and seem to have various flaws.

Zhang Ping looked at the super soldiers in the picture and vaguely realized the problem.

Although these soldiers have gained abilities, they must still retain some inertial thinking in their subconscious, and they even try to use science to understand superpowers.

Maybe this is just a subconscious behavior, but it will have a huge impact on the composition of abilities.

Originally, Soldier No. 3 should be able to change his body freely and not be affected by gravity, but because he subconsciously believed that flames would be affected by gravity, he became what he is now after gaining the ability.

Just when Zhang Ping thought there would be a new round of experiments, the scene suddenly turned back to the mental hospital.

"Doctor, my uncle's illness seems to be getting worse again!"

In the consultation room, the young and beautiful girl looked at the doctor in front of her with tears in her eyes and said pitifully.

The screen slowly rotated, from facing the girl to facing the doctor. The doctor, who used to take care of his hair meticulously, had now become unkempt, and there was a huge tumor on his cheek. He raised his head and looked at the girl passionately, eagerly Asked: "What else did he write?"

"My brother is painting. My uncle doesn't seem to want to continue painting, but my father supports my brother, and the house has become so dark, cold, and scary." The girl became more and more frightened as she spoke, and couldn't help but hold on to the head in her hand.

The doctor drooled, swallowed the saliva back into his stomach with a hiss, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, our hospital is the most formal mental hospital. According to you, it is just a family conflict. Since your uncle does not support your brother's painting, , then kill your uncle, believe me, everything will be fine."

"Will it really get better?" the girl asked.

The doctor nodded, and suddenly his body spasmed, as if there was a drill spinning inside his body, and the skin all over his body started to rotate, and the Tianling Cap slowly protruded, as if something was about to come out.

The girl was startled by the doctor's change and immediately got up from the chair. Only then did Zhang Ping realize that the girl's lower body had turned into an octopus, with a large number of tentacles crawling all over the ground.

She was panicked at first, and then her expression suddenly changed. She seemed to have thought of some important question, and immediately stepped forward to grab the doctor's hand and said loudly: "Doctor, you haven't answered my question yet!!!"

"I am a doctor!!!"

The doctor seemed to realize his identity. The next moment, his twisted, non-human body suddenly sprouted dense arms. Some of these arms held scalpels, some held hemostats, and some held forceps. The tools in front were still there. It's relatively normal, but the tools held by the arms growing out of the back are not normal at all, even hammers, saws, and large axes are coming out.

Eventually, the doctor turned into a monster with six legs and countless arms. His neck was very long, and there were many lights on his neck that could change directions.

He looked at the girl and murmured to himself: "Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick, my brother is!" the girl replied very seriously.

The doctor's eyes suddenly widened, and the lamp around his neck suddenly swayed, shining continuously around. He murmured to himself: "I remembered, your grandpa is my patient. Let's go see your grandpa. Let's go." Bar!"

As he said that, he walked straight forward and smashed the wall.

Then he walked towards the other side of the corridor.

There happened to be a patient in hospital clothes not far from the corridor. He walked to the patient and stopped, stretching his long neck in front of the patient. All the lights focused on the patient. The patient opened his eyes impatiently and saw The doctor's terrifying, weird, and twisted form suddenly startled him. He turned around and ran while shouting: "There is a ghost, run quickly."

Suddenly, an ax fell from the sky and struck the patient directly on the shoulder. Then a large number of arms grabbed the patient and dragged him to the doctor.

"Don't be afraid, I am a doctor and I will cure your disease." The doctor said very seriously.

The patient kept wailing and struggling, and suddenly an anesthetic needle fell. When the liquid in the anesthetic needle was injected, he kept wailing and remained motionless.

Next, the doctor cut open the patient's arm, broke all the bones, mixed a little blood and then re-created six smaller arms.

Zhang Ping discovered that the doctor really had something. Although the bones were pinched and could theoretically break if touched, as long as they were not touched, they were still the structure of the hand bones. The subsequent nerve connections were even more delicate. He pointed out that the originally tiny nerve was scratched by the doctor, and then divided into six strips. After being sewn up, there was no problem.

After some miraculous sewing and mending, the patient turned into a monster with six arms and eight legs. However, his three arms were only as thick as one of a normal person, so he looked very weird.

The doctor seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece. After completing the operation, he ignored the patient and continued to move in the direction where the girl left.

When he was operating on the patient, the girl got impatient and left first.

However, along the way, he met other patients and still caught up on the operation, so when he arrived at the ward where the girl was, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

He walked into the ward, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and he stared straight ahead, tears slowly flowing down from his eyes,

The screen slowly turned to the ward. Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva and prepared himself mentally.

Suddenly, a painting appears in the frame, taking up all the space.

Black sun!

And the giant white snake surrounding the black sun!

When Zhang Ping's eyes shed tears because of seeing the giant white snake, the giant white snake seemed to have come to life. It slowly looked at Zhang Ping, its cold eyes revealing murderous intent.

Suddenly, a black fist appeared in the black sun, and the fist hit Zhang Ping at an unimaginable speed.

Zhang Ping had no way to avoid it and could only watch the fist coming from the screen. It was obvious that the fist did not break through the screen, but he still grunted and spurted out a mouthful of blood, causing the screen to be interrupted.

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