I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [358] Phase Shift Ring

Zhang Ping felt his eyes go dark, and then countless energies in his body began to riot.

Green chains shot out from his chest and spread directly around, and then layers of haloes appeared in his eyes. These haloes broke through his eyes and appeared in the outside world, forming countless energy haloes in mid-air.

When these apertures rotate, lasers or other abilities are emitted in all directions.

One of his arms directly turned into the form of blood, spreading around, and the other arm turned into the form of pure water, absorbing water molecules in the air wantonly, and expanded to more than ten meters long in the blink of an eye.

"Stop everyone!"

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth, shouted loudly, and used his willpower to control the rampant energy.

He knew exactly what was happening at this moment.

Because of the punch from the black fist in the picture, all his abilities went crazy.

This is similar to the birth of the Sunken One. All his abilities came to life and he had his own ideas.

However, he is not a fallen person, and his spirit has not been affected, so he is still the master of these abilities. If only a few abilities go wild, he can easily suppress these abilities, but he has too many abilities.

When all his abilities go berserk at the same time, he becomes a bit careless about the beginning and the end.

“Now we must prioritize first!”

In an instant, Zhang Ping took a deep breath and first focused on the contract gem. After all, the contract gem was his foundation.

Because these abilities were forcibly activated, although they came to life, their 'self' will was not born. When Zhang Ping focused on an ability, he easily surrendered it.

The green chains shot out from his chest quickly turned into energy and returned to his body, and under his control turned into countless green thin threads to bind other abilities one by one.

His arm that turned into blood quickly returned to normal, and then the arm that turned into pure water also returned to its original state.

Then the glowing eyes slowly dimmed, and the layers of rings in the sky disappeared in an instant.

When all the visions disappeared, Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief, then lay down on the ground and simply fell asleep.

It actually only took about three minutes from the time when his abilities exploded until he surrendered all his abilities, but it consumed a lot of his energy in an instant and was even more tiring than fighting.

No matter what he thinks, he is now

Everyone must sleep first, and all other things must be moved later.

In the mountains in the distance.

Zhu Yanbing and others all noticed the strange phenomenon just now.

When Zhang Ping fell asleep, they put down the telescope and looked at each other in confusion. After a while, Zhu Sanchi broke the silence and said, "Is he injured?"

Just now Zhang Ping spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Although the blood turned into a small snake and crawled back into his arm when it fell to the ground, everyone could see that Zhang Ping had just vomited blood and it was definitely due to some unknown attack.

It's true that they couldn't beat Zhang Ping, but they still had basic eyesight. They could tell the difference between real injuries and fake injuries.

"It is true that he was injured, but I don't know the extent of the injury." Zhu Yanbing said solemnly.

Zhu Rina glanced at Zhu Yanbing and Zhu Sanchi and said calmly: "I know you have ideas, but I advise you to give up the plans in your heart."

She knew very well that Zhu Yanbing was an ambitious person.

If she was even 10% sure, she would not stop Zhu Yanbing from taking the risk to deal with Zhang Ping. The problem was that even if Zhang Ping was injured, she still felt not sure at all.

"Don't worry, I'm very clear-headed, I just have an idea." Zhu Yanbing smiled at Zhu Rina.

Then he took out a green ring and said with a smile: "When leaving the base, the third elder gave it to me and asked me to use it at the right time!"

"Captain, do you mean to teleport Zhang Ping outside the city and then use the flare cannon to shoot him?" Zhu Sanchi immediately realized Zhu Yanbing's intention.

Zhu Yanbing nodded and said: "Well, as long as we move fast enough, the chance of success should be high. If this can be done, my position should be moved up a little bit. As my right-hand man, you will naturally also The rising tide lifts all boats.”

The green ring is called the phase transfer ring, and once caught in it, it will be forcibly transferred to the designated location.

Obviously, the third elder meant to let Zhu Yanbing find an opportunity to use it to force Zhang Ping to a designated location and then kill him. In this way, half of Zhu Chengmian's contribution would be shared by the third elder. After all, there is no such trick as the third elder. Zhu Chengmian may not be able to kill Zhang Ping.

"What if he wakes up?" Zhu Rina hesitated.

They had no idea how severe Zhang Ping's injuries were, or when Zhang Ping would wake up. To take action rashly would be to risk their lives.

The bet was right

, naturally everything is easy to say, but if the bet is wrong, they will all die!

The price is too high.

It wasn't just Zhu Rina who was hesitant.

Zhu Yanzhi, Cao Fang and others under Zhu Yanbing were also very hesitant, and some even did not want to take risks at all.

"I know this matter is very dangerous. If I didn't have the chance, I would never even think about it, or even take out the transfer ring, but now I feel it is a good opportunity, so... you can assist me from a distance, Cao Fang comes with me. If it succeeds, I will not treat you badly. If it fails... I will stop him and you all will evacuate quickly!" Zhu Yanbing looked at everyone and said seriously.

Zhu Sanchi smiled and said: "How can I let you, captain, take the risk? It's up to me. The worst I can do is die. I have already realized this when I come out to fool around."

"Actually, I can let Xiaozhi give it a try!" Zhu Yanzhi said at this time.

The Xiaozhi he was talking about was his summoned beast, a hamster that could turn into a bear. Although it was usually used as a scout in the form of a hamster, its combat power was actually not weak.

"Can Xiaozhi use special equipment?" Although Zhu Yanbing thought that Zhu Yanzhi's idea was good, he also had some concerns.

Zhu Yanzhi nodded and said, "It can be used. I have tested it before, but now we are a little far away. If we want to operate accurately, we must get a little closer."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go without further delay!" Zhu Sanchi smiled immediately.

Since there is a way to have the best of both worlds, everyone immediately stopped objecting. After all, if this thing really works, everyone will benefit.

Everyone immediately set off and quickly moved towards the ruins of Mingzhu City. When they reached the maximum distance that Zhu Yanzhi could control, Zhu Yanbing handed the Phase Shift Ring to the hamster, and then the hamster took the Phase Shift Ring to the direction of the ruins of Mingzhu City.

Mingzhu City Ruins

Zhang Ping was lying on the ground, sleeping very soundly.

Next to him, the Dragon Chanzun looked to the right, and a little hamster with a phase shift ring came running. The Dragon Chanzun's eyes were still dim, and it was obvious that the little hamster had not triggered its counterattack function.

After a while, the little hamster stopped beside Zhang Ping.

It took off the phase shift ring with its little paws, and then threw the phase shift ring on Zhang Ping with all its strength, and then activated the phase shift ring's ability.

The phase shift ring flashed green, and Zhang Ping was teleported away instantly.

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