I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [359] Upgrade to level 8 with one shot

Sunfire Base.

Since Zhu Chengmian received Zhu Taihao's permission, he has been guarding the flare cannon launch room during this period.

Now that Pearl City has disappeared, Situ Shibai, the number one enemy of the beast-controlling Zhu family, has also been eliminated by Zhang Ping. According to Zhu Chengmian's idea, the next era must be his, Zhu Chengmian's era!

But there is a prerequisite, that is, Zhang Ping must die.

"Eighth Elder, Third Elder is contacting you!"

At this time, a servant came forward with a tray, bowed his head, and spoke softly.

Zhu Chengmian frowned slightly, picked up the contact jade plaque in the tray, and said calmly: "Third uncle, what's the matter?"

"Haha, it's actually not a big deal. It's just that Yan Bing's kid was lucky enough to move the infinite-level ability user outside Pearl City. I was afraid that you didn't know the coordinates, so I contacted you quickly to inform you." Third Elder Zhu Luanyang smiled. said.

Zhu Chengmian was silent for a moment and asked: "What do you want, third uncle?"

"You're polite, you kid is good at everything, but you're too polite. We're too unfamiliar when talking about deals. But I'm really curious about something, and I'd like to ask Cheng Mian to help clarify my doubts." Zhu Luanyang said .

Zhu Chengmian took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said calmly: "Third uncle, just ask, if I know, I will definitely answer everything."

"Where do those foxes come from?" Zhu Luanyang lowered his voice and asked slowly.

When the beast-controlling Zhu family suddenly formed an alliance with a group of alienated beasts, he couldn't understand Zhu Taihao's plan. As a result, the group of foxes didn't really work, and Zuo Xiangming occupied Pearl City instead.

Everyone else thought it was just Zhu Taihao's stupid move, but Zhu Ranyang always felt something was wrong. The problem was that he couldn't find any more information. Even when Zhu Yanbing took his team out, he couldn't find any trace of the foxes living there. It's as if they are beings that appear out of thin air.

The more this happened, the more uneasy Zhu Luanyang felt, so he now took the opportunity to ask Zhu Chengmian for information. Zhu Taihao would hide it from them, and he would definitely not hide it from Zhu Chengmian.

Zhu Chengmian pursed his lips and said after a while: "Sanctuary."

"Sanctuary!?" Zhu Luanyang said in shock.

Zhu Chengmian whispered: "If you want to know more, you can go to the security captain of the sanctuary, Zhong Shi."

"Hahahaha, I'm just curious. Since I already know the answer, how can I investigate again? By the way, I will send you the coordinates of the infinite-level ability user. Let's have tea together when we have time. Hang up." Zhu Luanyang suddenly laughed and said.

Zhu Luanyang disconnected the contact, and the smile on his face quickly faded. Then he looked at Zhu Tianhou who was waiting on the side, and said calmly: "Send someone to investigate, the security captain of the sanctuary is here!"

"Yes!" Zhu Tianhou nodded.

On the other side, Zhu Chengmian got the coordinates sent by Zhu Luanyang and immediately ordered the flare cannon to be activated.

"Old guy, I don't believe you can resist investigating!"

Zhu Chengmian was actually very curious about the Sanctuary, but because he was afraid of the power of the Sanctuary, he never took any action.

Since Zhu Luanyang came out to seek death on his own, he didn't mind giving the other party a little motivation.

But now for Zhu Chengmian, the most important thing is to solve Zhang Ping!

Afternoon, blue sky and white clouds.

Zhang was lying flat on a lawn in a valley somewhere, sleeping soundly.

A fawn stepped forward curiously and sniffed Zhang Ping's face, then jumped back to its mother. Just when it wanted to raise its head to drink milk, countless birds suddenly flew up in the surrounding woods in fear. .

Countless animals stopped eating and paid attention to their surroundings.

Outside the planet, a huge lens slowly rotates around the planet. At the same time, a large number of lenses floating around the lens rotate, gradually focusing the light on the edge of the huge lens in the center.

The metal frame at the edge of the lens is studded with many small gems. The light from the free lens hits these small gems, so the gems emit light and quickly spread to the surroundings along the lines on the frame.

At the top of the huge lens, a huge red gemstone slowly emits light.


The huge gem suddenly emitted a red light. The red light passed through the lens and became more concentrated. It immediately shot through the atmosphere like lightning and fell towards the ground.

The moment the red light emitted, Zhang Ping opened his eyes suddenly, his sixth sense already warning him.

The next moment, the red light fell.

The entire valley was instantly reduced to ashes, and countless animals that had no time to escape were evaporated in the light.

In the red light, a black egg is continuously gushing out black energy to counteract the attack of the red light.

"Hey, Lord Dragon Dragon really can't believe it!"

Zhang Ping sat cross-legged in the black egg, feeling frightened.

In fact, he didn't react, but Dragon Lord Dragon didn't take action to protect him this time. If he was hit head-on by the red light, he might have no choice but to give up his physical body and run away as a spirit body.

Fortunately, this time, the dark mist in his body came out automatically and blocked the red light attack in time.

At this time, a lot of confidence was constantly being refreshed in his mind.

This information comes from various abilities. Although they have no self, they have a certain degree of intelligence.

To put it simply, after they are activated, it is equivalent to evolving from a manual transmission to an automatic transmission.

They are equivalent to another set of Zhang Ping's organs.

Usually Zhang Ping can take the initiative to use these abilities. When Zhang Ping has no time to use them, they will automatically operate according to the situation and use Zhang Ping's three abilities.

Observe and choose appropriate coping methods.

"Is there such a good thing?"

After Zhang Ping read the information, he couldn't help but muttered.

Then he raised his hand, and a ball of black energy came out from his palm. This energy was the image of the glutton after activation. Although it had no self-awareness, it had the instinct to devour everything.

Now Zhang Ping did not need to eat and could use the glutton to devour external objects.

For example: the red light that fell from the sky inexplicably outside.

Under Zhang Ping's control, the glutton extended a large number of tentacles. These black tentacles penetrated the dark mist and directly attached to the surface of the dark mist. The falling red light was quickly absorbed by the tentacles.

The glutton energy on Zhang Ping's palm expanded as fast as a balloon.

If it continued to expand, there was no doubt that the glutton would explode because of absorbing too much energy.

But just when it expanded to the size of a basketball, a blue thin line immediately drilled out from Zhang Ping's wrist and directly inserted into the surface of the glutton.

Then the energy absorbed by the glutton was absorbed by the blue thin line.

However, the blue line did not transfer the energy to the contract gem, but transferred the energy to the 'Energy Eater'. After passing through the Energy Eater, it was quickly distributed to each ability.

After passing through the 'Energy Eater', these energies seemed to be purified, and any energy or creature could perfectly absorb these energies.

Seeing this, Zhang Ping quickly controlled the contract gem to separate a thin line to connect to his chest. The next moment, he felt a pure energy slowly spreading from his chest to his whole body.

At this moment, his level began to rise rapidly.








In a blink of an eye, Zhang Ping's level soared from the original 21 to 29.

Under normal circumstances, if he wanted to reach level 29, it would take at least six to seven years on the premise of proper diet and persistent exercise, but now through the energy feedback from the ability, he directly saved these six or seven years and got it done in one step.

As long as he upgraded one more level, he would be a top awakener!

Zhang Ping was very happy, but thinking that he was not ready yet, he simply disconnected the link.

In fact, the small level upgrade did not have much effect on him. It was nothing more than icing on the cake, improving a little physical and mental strength, but the big level upgrade was different.

Every time he upgraded a big level, his strength would change dramatically.

Therefore, he could not advance casually, and he had to be fully prepared before choosing to advance.

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