I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [360] Dragon Subduing

A few days later.

Mysterious sewer, rescue team headquarters.

Zhang Ping was holding Fat Cat and was checking Fat Cat's body, while Fat Cat was at the mercy of Zhang Ping with a look of despair.

Although Zhang Ping knew that the attack from the sky must have been the work of the Zhu family, he finally decided to give up revenge. Firstly, he could not find the Sunfire base and had no way to take revenge. Secondly, he had more important things to do. There are things to do, and there is really no time to waste on the little beast-controlling Zhu family.

In the past few days since he came back, he has basically been studying his abilities in the bedroom, while thinking about the information he saw in the appraisal feedback screen.

After absorbing the energy of the Flare Cannon, all of his abilities have become stronger, and can even be connected in series with other abilities to form special effects.

For example, 'Glutton''s unreasonable devouring ability, coupled with 'Linker''s ability to extract superpowers from other creatures, he can forcefully extract powers directly from comatose creatures, without the need to use contract gems. ring.

Now, whether it is an awakened person or an alienated beast, he can easily take away the opponent's ability.

Of course, with Zhang Ping's pink and tender integrity, he would definitely not attack innocent people at will, but if the target is a heinous person, then that's a different story.

As for the feedback screen of the identification technique, although the information is very exciting and may even be the "origin story of the Awakened One", because the screen is incomplete and a lot of the information is basically on the surface, there are not many issues to think about.

The only thing Zhang Ping thought about in detail was the Black Sun and the White Snake.

Because in the Moon King's dream, Li Huatao, who had dark inspiration, shouted about the black sun and the white snake when he saw him.

The question is why the paintings painted by a mentally ill person moved, why did they attack him, and why did Li Huatao talk about the black sun and the white snake when he saw him?

No answer!

He didn't know why.

This is obviously not something that can be understood just by thinking about it.

In the end, Zhang Ping gave up thinking because it was a waste of time and had no meaning.

"Strange, little thing, you are obviously not an alienated beast, why do you have super powers?" Zhang Ping said strangely while touching the fat cat's soft belly.

Fat Cat rolled his eyes weakly, and then let Zhang Ping touch him.

The main reason is that it can't fight back, Zhang Ping is its master.

Zhang Ping actually just asked casually and did not expect Fat Cat to answer his question. Apart from playing with Fat Cat and Little Theron these days, he spent most of his time communicating with his own abilities.

When the ability is activated, it can appear outside the body in the form of energy. This means

the possibility of communication.

He discovered that through communication, these abilities actually have the possibility of mutation. For example, the identification technique, after his communication, has now mutated into 'information control'.

The information control will monitor all information around Zhang Ping around the clock. The information collected by all Zhang Ping's senses will be transmitted to the information control. When Zhang Ping wants to know, he can know a large amount of information with just one thought.

For example, the temperature, humidity, air composition, etc. of the room he is in will all be collected by information control, which is completely beyond the capabilities of the identification technique.

Therefore, Zhang Ping is now equivalent to a lost person who has not lost, a sinking person who has not sunk!

His ability will update itself based on communication. Although it will not change the basic attributes of an ability, it can broaden the boundaries of the ability.

Controlling flames cannot mutate into controlling water flow, but it can mutate into controlling ignition points and controlling the sun...

Of course, getting stronger is a good thing, but no matter how powerful the ability is, it requires enough physical strength and energy to use it, so it is impossible for Zhang Ping to really control the sun.

Zhang Ping estimated that his current strength was roughly equivalent to one-tenth of Situ Shibai.

After seeing Situ Shibai taking action with all his strength, he could already compare Situ Shibai as an indicator of combat power.

But after today, Situ Shibai probably won't be able to beat him.

After finishing playing with the cat, Zhang Ping told Su Jingyao through telepathy that he was going out, and then disappeared directly from the mysterious sewer.

He communicated with the mysterious sewer, and now the mysterious sewer is linked to the contract gem. Anyone who has swallowed the contract gem can freely enter and exit the mysterious sewer, which is very convenient.

World No. 3, fishing cliff.

Zhang Ping appeared out of thin air, then took a deep breath, and green energy gradually surged out of his body.

All these energies gradually turned into thin threads and wrapped directly around Dragon Dragon Master's body. Dragon Master Dragon Master's eyes suddenly glowed slightly red, but he did not attack Zhang Ping.

The moment he was attacked by the Flare Cannon but Dragon Dragon Master did not take action, Zhang Ping had already made up his mind to solve the 'hidden danger' of Dragon Dragon Master.

At least, Dragon Dragon Master must be controlled by him instead of being activated inexplicably.

"Do you really want to resist?"

Zhang Ping could feel Dragon Master's resistance through the energy of the contract gem.

This kind of resistance is not a fierce struggle, but an interception with huge energy as a barrier internally, constantly blocking the invasion of contract gems.

However, the silent resistance proved that it was not Zhang Ping that it protected.

Zhang Pingcai

As a matter of fact, the real object of Dragon Dragon Master's protection is the extraterrestrial stone slab, and he is just a supplementary addition.

Now he is attacking Dragon Lord Dragon. The reason why Lord Dragon Dragon is not counterattacking is because the extraterrestrial stone slab is on his body. Attacking him is equivalent to attacking the extraterrestrial stone slab.

"The next step is to work hard!"

Zhang Ping saw that the Dragon Chanzun did not resist fiercely, so he injected his physical and mental strength into the contract gem frantically, and the contract gem immediately derived more green lines to invade the Dragon Chanzun.

After the communication, the contract gem did not mutate into other abilities, but its own domineering characteristics can infect other creatures. If other creatures cannot resist its invasion, then once they are completely infected by the ability, the effect is equivalent to taking the contract gem.

Although the Dragon Chanzun is a weapon, it has some characteristics of creatures, so the contract gem can invade its body and infect it.

Under the invasion of the energy of the contract gem, two different energies are directly formed in the body of the Dragon Chanzun, one is red and the other is green.

The green energy constantly breaks through the blockade of the red energy, and even forcibly infiltrates the red energy into green.

Although the energy in the body of the Dragon Chanzun is endless, it has not really reached the star level. It can only absorb the power of the inner star, which does not mean that it can use the power of the star level.

Moreover, no matter how huge the energy is, it is meaningless. After all, it cannot attack Zhang Ping. It can only passively defend and let the energy of the contract gem break through the blockade.

Two days later.

The eyes of Chan Long Zun gradually turned green, and at the same time, a hint of green appeared on the red gem on his forehead.

When the green energy touched the ruby, the extraterrestrial slate in Zhang Ping's spirit body suddenly glowed slightly, and the red gem on Chan Long Zun's head immediately emitted red light, expelling the green energy bit by bit.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes, and his spirit body directly left his body and quickly drilled into the clean world gem on his forehead.

In the clean world, Zhang Ping sensed the existence of the extraterrestrial slate as soon as he came in. If it was in the outside world, he would have no way to get the extraterrestrial slate, but it was different in the clean world.

But now is not the time. Once he excludes the extraterrestrial slate from his spirit body, Chan Long Zun will probably evaporate him instantly with a shot, so he has to wait now.

He entered the clean world just to isolate the influence of the extraterrestrial slate on Chan Long Zun, not to seek death.

In the outside world, the green light of the gem on Chanlong Zun's forehead quickly eroded the red light. Without the support of the extraterrestrial stone slab, the contract gem turned the ruby ​​into an emerald in the blink of an eye.

This time, Chanlong Zun was finally truly subdued by Zhang Ping!

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