I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [360] Luo Shiyu's bad luck

After Zhang Ping completely took control of Dragon Dragon Master, although he himself did not become stronger, his overall strength far surpassed Situ Shibai.

Prediction based on the previous battle performance between Situ Shibai and Dragon Master Mao, it would take at least ten Situ Shibai to be able to deal with Dragon Master Mao.

Moreover, Zhang Ping controls Dragon Dragon Master. Not only did Dragon Dragon Master's strength not decline, but it actually improved due to Zhang Ping's ability.

Zhang Ping can turn his abilities into gems through the activated 'King's Gem', and then install them on Dragon Dragon Lord, and Dragon Dragon Lord will release his abilities on his behalf.

Although Dragon Dragon Master's energy is not unlimited, if the huge energy in its body is used to release Zhang Ping's abilities, the power of many of Zhang Ping's abilities will be increased thousands or even tens of thousands of times.

For example, the laser eye that Zhang Pinglai can use at most is to cut a mountain in half, but when installed on the body of Dragon Master, it can even cut the moon in half on the ground.

Ability is also a part of strength. The more abilities you have, the more options you have to deal with various situations.

So when Zhang Ping installed his rarely used abilities in the form of gems on Dragon Dragon Master, Dragon Dragon Master became stronger!

After surrendering to the Dragon Lord, Zhang Ping did not return to the rescue team headquarters immediately.

He took out a fishing rod from his belt and fished leisurely on the cliff. After completing the fishing task of the fairy leopard pointing the way, he leisurely carried the fish back to the mysterious sewer.

During the time when Dragon Dragon Master suppressed Situ Shibai, Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie each recruited many team members. Although the rescue team was not large in number, it was already much more lively than when it was first established.

At this time, more than a dozen team members were gathering in the square, cheering from time to time. In the crowd, Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie were fighting each other.

Zhang Ping came forward with the fish in hand to watch the fun.

"Look at the punch!"

Zhang Shouzhong controlled a large number of nano-robots to turn into fists and hit Cheng Xuejie crazily, but they were all blocked by Cheng Xuejie's biological force field. Then the ground suddenly exploded, and a white nano-tentacle wrapped around Cheng Xuejie and threw Cheng Xuejie directly into the air.

But at this time, Cheng Xuejie let out a low shout, and the biological force field on her body turned into a triangle, blocking the attacks of the surrounding nanobots, and then slashed at Zhang Shouzhong, who had been floating in the air, like a knife.

"I'll block it!"

Zhang Shouzhong immediately controlled the surrounding nanorobots to block Cheng Xuejie's attack.

"No fight, no fight!"

Cheng Xuejie landed and immediately exerted force with her feet

, the long legs whipped towards Zhang Shouzhong, Zhang Shouzhong quickly avoided it and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Captain, aren't you, are you scared now?" a short boy shouted.

Zhang Shouzhong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Sister, in order to let you see the biological force field, she deliberately made the biological force field appear. This is actually very unfair to her. The blow to the biological force field just now, if it was not visible to the naked eye, Even if I blocked it in my haste, I would probably have fallen below. In a battle of the same level, there is no doubt that I have lost."

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He only used less than half of the nano-robots. If he really fought to the end, I guess it was only a 50-50 split." Cheng Xuejie dusted off the body and then explained.

Zhang Shouzhong smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's go exercise, don't be lazy, otherwise we will be done with saving others in the future, let's break up!"

Obviously, Zhang Shouzhong was quite prestigious among these new team members, and everyone dispersed laughing.

"Zhang Ping, we have recruited many team members, where is the world that needs to be saved?" Zhang Shouzhong walked to Zhang Ping who was about to leave as if nothing had happened, put an arm around Zhang Ping's shoulder, and asked in a low voice.

The new members of the rescue team are basically recruited from World Three, and have already been to World Zero. They sincerely believe that the existence of the rescue team is to save the world.

The question is, now that there are people, what about the world that needs to be saved?

Zhang Ping suddenly sweated slightly on his forehead and said with a dry smile: "Soon, I will find a world that needs you, I promise!"

"Did you just go fishing? I know that the fairy leopard's task of guiding the way is also very important, but don't waste the whole day on fishing. Think about the compatriots who are suffering in the world. If you go a day earlier, there may be more people. If every world had died one day earlier, countless people would have been saved." Zhang Shouzhong glanced at the fish in Zhang Ping's hand, suppressed a smile, and said in a serious tone.

It was a rare opportunity to preach to Zhang Ping. He had to keep his face tight and never let himself laugh.

Of course Zhang Ping saw that Zhang Shouzhong was pretending to be serious, but what Zhang Shouzhong said this time did make sense, so he nodded and said: "I know, tomorrow I will go find the world that needs saving!"

"Tomorrow? I happen to have nothing to do tomorrow. I'll go with you!" Cheng Xuejie said immediately after hearing this.

Zhang Shouzhong agreed: "Zhang Ping is too boring sometimes. He really needs someone to follow him and supervise him. I agree!"

"I object, if I go

The world we come to is very dangerous, and I’m not sure...well, I’m sure! "Zhang Ping originally wanted to say that he was not sure of protecting Cheng Xuejie, but considering how powerful Dragon Dragon Master was, he really couldn't lie without conscience.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said, "Then we'll set off after breakfast tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Ping agreed.


Pearl Ability Academy.

Luo Shiyu immediately opened his eyes when he heard the girls talking and laughing outside the dormitory.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face as usual, then put on her uniform and took out her usual shoes.

This pair of shoes was originally supposed to be white, but because it had not been washed for a long time, it had turned light yellow, and the soles were still stained with dog feces and exuded an unpleasant smell.

However, Luo Shiyu didn't dislike the shoes at all. After putting them on, he walked out of the dormitory and greeted his classmates with a smile.

"Classmate Luo Shiyu, good morning!"

"Classmate Luo Shiyu, good morning!"

"Classmate Luo, can we go to the cafeteria together?"

"Good morning everyone!"

Luo Shiyu greeted everyone with a smile, and then walked towards the cafeteria surrounded by everyone.

"Classmate Luo Shiyu, good morning!"

At this time, a hoarse voice came from behind, and Luo Shiyu suddenly felt a little cold behind him.

She turned around and saw Su Jingyao, so she forced a smile and said, "Sister Su, good morning!"

She didn't know why, but every time she saw Su Jingyao, she felt a little fussy.

"Classmate Luo Shiyu, when will your shoes be washed?" Su Jingyao suddenly frowned, glanced at Luo Shiyu's shoes, and asked.

Luo Shiyu asked doubtfully: "Senior sister, you seem to want me to wash your shoes. Why?"

She stepped in dog poop before, and she originally planned to clean it up when she went home in the evening, but then she forgot about it because the teacher came to talk to her until late at night.


The teacher came to talk to her that day, and it was Su Jingyao who came to the teacher and she was able to escape.

I remember that the teacher seemed a little dissatisfied with her at that time. He always stared at her shoes. His eyes were very similar to Su Jingyao's eyes now.

At this moment, Luo Shiyu reacted belatedly and realized that the reason why he had not washed his shoes during this period was precisely because of this familiar feeling.

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