I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [362] Sudden change in style

The first lesson of Pearl Ability Academy.

If any abnormal phenomena or traces of suspected alien beasts are found in the city, students must report it to the teacher as soon as possible, and the teacher or the patrol team will investigate.

When Zhang Ping discovered the Tianchang Fox, he immediately thought of finding a teacher, but he didn't expect that the teacher also had a Tianchang Fox.

Now Luo Shiyu also wanted to find a teacher, but then she remembered the teacher who had talked to her before. His eyes were exactly the same as Su Jingyao's, and she immediately gave up the idea of ​​finding a teacher.

She never lacked the courage to fight.

On the day he awakened his ability, he had the consciousness to face danger and even sacrifice his life.

Since the teacher can't believe it, he can only go to the patrol team!

"Why? Because...it stinks!"

Su Jingyao looked at Luo Shiyu in front of her and slowly answered.

In the flash of lightning, Luo Shiyu came back to his senses and said with an apologetic smile: "Sorry, I've been too busy these days. If you feel bad, senior sister, you can stay away from me!"


Su Jingyao suddenly stopped talking and just looked at Luo Shiyu steadily.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Luo Shiyu tried to calm down, but his heartbeat was still beating faster and faster.

After all, she is just a student in an ivory tower, without much actual combat experience, let alone the experience of fighting to the death with the enemy.

He can still remain calm after discovering an abnormality, which is actually quite good.

"Remember to wash up!"

Su Jingyao suddenly said after a long silence.

After saying that, Su Jingyao walked past Luo Shiyu and walked slowly towards the school cafeteria. The students who had just gathered around Luo Shiyu all changed their goals and all followed Su Jingyao away.


Luo Shiyu remained silent and stood there with her head bowed, looking like a girl who was bullied on campus.

After about five minutes, she slowly raised her head.

First she glanced at the cafeteria warily, and then walked towards the school gate quickly and slowly.

Half an hour later.

Patrol Headquarters.

Several Tianchang foxes are gathering together, eating human hands, feet and feet.

"Uncle Patrol, I have information to find..."

Luo Shiyu trotted in from outside the door, and before he could finish his words, he was stunned.

When she came in, the patrol members all looked down at her.

Towards her shoes, when she stopped mid-sentence, they all looked up at her.

Luo Shiyu didn't know why at this moment, all the words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak.

When several patrol members stood up in unison and threw the chicken feet and wings in their hands on the ground, Luo Shiyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously turned around and ran out.

But as soon as she ran out of the patrol headquarters, she bumped into the strong chest of a passerby. Her nose felt sore and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Eh, Luo Shiyu? Alive?"

Before Luo Shiyu could react, his cheek was pinched by two hands and pulled.

She quickly struggled to open the two strange hands that were holding her face, instinctively stepped back, and at the same time looked at the passerby she bumped into in confusion.

One male and one female.

The man was about the same age as her. He had a smile on his face and his squinting eyes, which gave her a very unorthodox feeling. Moreover, she felt that she had seen this man somewhere and he looked familiar.

As for the woman, she is probably much older than her. Her long legs are white and dazzling.

At this time, the patrol members from the patrol headquarters chased out, and one of them asked: "Little sister, wait, you just said... you have information, who are you looking for?"

While he was talking, these patrol members surrounded him and blocked Luo Shiyu's retreat.

"Wait, are you polite? Didn't you see she bumped into me? If you have anything to do, you should wait until she apologizes to me." Zhang Ping looked at a few Tianchang foxes and said with a straight face.

Before Luo Shiyu could react, Zhang Ping put his hand across her and hugged the waist of one of the Tianchang foxes, pushing everyone towards the patrol headquarters. As he walked, he added: "This is not the place to talk. , let’s talk after we go in!”

After a while, everyone returned to the patrol headquarters.

Zhang Ping turned around and closed the door of the patrol headquarters with a smile. One of the Tianchang foxes felt something was wrong and frowned: "Why are you closing the door?"

"Don't you want to eat her? What if you are caught with the door open?" Zhang Ping turned around and asked in confusion.

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of several Tianchang foxes suddenly shrank, and at the same time their murderous intent broke out without concealment. Luo Shiyu was also startled and looked at those Tianchang foxes in disbelief.

Cheng Xuejie said angrily: "Okay, stop playing around and kill all the Tianchang Fox quickly to prevent more people from being killed."

If you didn't come to this world, then forget it.

Now that they have come to this world, Cheng Xuejie still hopes to save more people. The longer they stay here, the more people in other parts of the city may be killed by Tian Changhu.

Maybe during the few minutes they were lingering here, someone was killed by Tianchang Fox somewhere else.

"Who...are you?" Seeing the tense situation between the two sides, Luo Shiyu couldn't help but retreat, keeping distance from Tian Changhu and Zhang Ping and the others.

Zhang Ping snapped his fingers, and the human skins on the foreheads of several Tianchang foxes were immediately peeled off. After losing their human skins, the Tianchang foxes immediately revealed their true colors, and Luo Shiyu was so frightened that he stepped back again.

"That's a good question!"

Zhang Ping used his mind to stop Tian Changhu, who was about to take action, and slowly walked in front of Tian Changhu.

He turned to look at Luo Shiyu, made exaggerated movements with his hands, and said loudly: "We are the rescue team that travels through parallel worlds and saves Mingzhu City from fire and water. Our hearts are full of love and justice. Wherever there is danger, wherever there is difficulty, there is our rescue team!"

"So disgusting." Cheng Xuejie complained.

Zhang Ping said dissatisfiedly: "Senior sister, can't you see that I am recruiting new people? Can you sabotage me like this?"

"Actually... I also feel so disgusting!" Luo Shiyu whispered.

Zhang Ping immediately fell to the ground, as if he had suffered a huge blow.


Cheng Xuejie and Luo Shiyu couldn't help laughing at the same time when they saw Zhang Ping like this.

"Okay, stop playing, and quickly solve them all." Cheng Xuejie said to Zhang Ping while laughing.

She could see that Zhang Ping was actually very happy, otherwise he wouldn't make others happy like this.

Zhang Ping had just come to this world and entered Mingzhu City. In fact, his mood was a bit bad. It was not until he saw Luo Shiyu that his mood improved.

"Yes, sir!"

Zhang Ping stood up and immediately covered his hand with energy. The next moment, he inserted his hand into the chest of Tianchang Fox, and then took out two dazzling gems.

"Only two abilities, a bit rubbish!"

Zhang Ping glanced at the gems in his hand, raised his head and teased Tianchang Fox.

Generally speaking, alien beasts have two to three abilities. In addition to the race-specific skills of 'cognitive distortion' and 'subversion of common sense', Tianchang Fox with good qualifications often have a third ability.

This Tianchang Fox looks strong, but in fact, it is just the lowest cannon fodder in the Tianchang Fox clan.

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