I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [363] Unintentional Words

Next, Zhang Ping extracted the abilities of the remaining Tianchang Foxes, but he did not kill these Tianchang Foxes immediately. He only temporarily cut off their nerves so that their brains could not communicate with their bodies.

He planned to catch all the Tianchang Foxes, and after extracting their abilities, kill them all to make a dish that could be eaten by residents whose family members were killed by Tianchang Foxes.

The folk customs in Mingzhu City are strong and fierce. I believe this is the best comfort for the family and the best revenge for Tian Changhu!

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Ping threw Tianchanghu into the corner, and after making sure that there were no other Tianchanghu at the patrol headquarters, he said to Cheng Xuejie and Luo Shiyu.

"Wait a minute, what's going on?" Luo Shiyu couldn't help but ask, frozen on the spot.

She carefully looked at the human skin that Zhang Ping had peeled off. Although the human skin was very scary, and the face had been distorted and blurred due to drying, pulling, etc., she could still tell that these human skins were the ones she had just seen. The patrol team arrived.

She vaguely guessed the truth, but she couldn't be sure, so she could only ask Zhang Ping and Cheng Xuejie.

Zhang Ping looked at Cheng Xuejie and said with a smile: "Senior sister, can you explain it to her?"

"Well, let's talk as we walk."

Cheng Xuejie glanced at Zhang Ping, then nodded to Luo Shiyu.

The three men left through the back door of the patrol headquarters.

On the road.

Cheng Xuejie looked at Luo Shiyu and whispered: "The alien beast you just saw is called Tianchang Fox. They can perfectly disguise the victim by simply peeling off the victim's skin and sticking it on their forehead."

"So... whoever Tian Changhu pretends to be means that he is dead?" Luo Shiyu asked with a slightly pale face.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said: "Not necessarily. Some awakened people who have the ability to escape from a golden cicada's shell may still survive."

In World No. 3, she knew that there was an awakened person who survived with the help of a 'skin-shedding false body', but Tian Changhu thought he had killed him, so he went out walking in his human skin.

"But the vast majority of people can indeed be regarded as dead." Cheng Xuejie thought for a while and then added.

After all, there are only a few awakened people with this kind of ability. The reason why Cheng Xuejie mentioned this was because she just happened to think of such a lucky person.

After understanding this, Luo Shiyu said thoughtfully: "So that's it, that is to say, Senior Sister Jingyao has been killed by Tianchang Fox.

Already? "

After she finished speaking, the next moment she felt the aura of Zhang Ping, who was walking in front of him carelessly, changed suddenly. If Zhang Ping was a harmless cat at the previous moment, then at this moment he was a tiger about to become angry.

"You mean, Su Jingyao was killed?" Zhang Ping turned around and asked.

Luo Shiyu nodded a little awkwardly, and quickly told Zhang Ping how he found out that Su Jingyao was particularly concerned about the shoes she stepped on, and that she looked like a teacher.


After listening to this, Zhang Ping felt a little helpless.

When he saw Luo Shiyu, he was still thinking that since Luo Shiyu in this world is still alive, Su Jingyao should be fine, and it is even possible to see the 'genuine Zhang Ping' who has not been traveled by 'himself'. .

Who knew that Prince Yue did not choose Luo Shiyu this time, but chose Su Jingyao.

"Are you... okay?" Luo Shiyu asked cautiously, seeing Zhang Ping's visibly depressed mood.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, cheered up, shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just that I changed my mind."

He turned around and walked back. Cheng Xuejie and Luo Shiyu looked at each other and had no choice but to follow.

The three returned to the patrol headquarters, and the next moment Zhang Ping opened the mysterious sewer.

"Zhang Ping, what do you want to do?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Zhang Ping walked into the mysterious sewer and replied: "Don't the rescue team want to save the world? I will give them a chance and they will save the city. I have other things to do."

According to their past ideas, Zhang Ping would solve Tian Changhu. The mission of the rescue team was to maintain the stability of the city. When the rescue team truly grew up, they would not consider sending it out to save other worlds.

But after learning that Su Jingyao died in this world, Zhang Ping remembered the scene he saw in the cafeteria. The girl was eaten alive by Prince Yue without realizing it in her joy, and she didn't know how she died until she died.

How many more times will this tragedy happen?

The endless world is endless reincarnation and endless hell!

Zhang Ping knows very well that this Su Jingyao is not the Su Jingyao he knows. The question is how long can he last in this hell of endless reincarnation?

Killing Tian Changhu over and over again, watching familiar people die over and over again.

In fact, he wasn't afraid of doing it again and again.

What he is afraid of is losing his anger, losing his care, and losing his compassion.

This time when he entered the city, even if he saw Tianchang Fox eating people, his anger was not as strong as the first time, because he had already been prepared in his heart, and besides, there was a previous world as a comparison, and not everyone in this world died. It's already very good.

The question is...is it really good?

Why should it be worse?

Zhang Ping realized the emotional changes in his heart, and realized that if he continued to reincarnate, he might no longer be moved by the life of Pearl City before he had time to save many worlds.

This is not lost, nor is it sinking, it is just...numbness!

Therefore, instead of saving Pearl City, what he really needs to do is to let the rescue team truly grow. When the rescue team becomes the cause of countless people, it will be possible to continue to rescue more worlds, and even save multiple worlds at the same time.

An hour later.

Zhang Ping walked out of the mysterious sewer, and Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie followed behind with their team members. Everyone had a very serious expression. They knew the goal of this time and the danger of the action, but when they joined the rescue team, they were mentally prepared.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Ping nodded to Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie, and the next moment the two led the team out of the patrol team headquarters.

After the two led the team away, Zhang Ping slowly walked out of the patrol team headquarters. He couldn't leave just like that, and there were two old opponents that he needed to deal with first.

He just wanted the rescue team to grow up, not to let the rescue team die. Prince Yue and King Yue must be killed first, and the rest are the opponents of the rescue team.

Pearl Ability Academy.

Prince Yue was sitting in the back row of the cafeteria, eating a girl. Because of excessive blood loss, the girl had died, and there was still a pale smile on her face.

"Is it delicious?"

Zhang Ping slowly walked to Prince Yue and sat down, looking at Prince Yue and asked.

"Classmate, do you want to eat?"

Prince Yue raised his head. When he saw Zhang Ping, he felt very unhappy for some reason, so he handed the girl's hand to Zhang Ping with malice and asked hoarsely.

Damn it!


Zhang Ping's eyes turned cold and he was immediately angry.


He stood up and slapped Prince Yue in the face. Without waiting for Prince Yue to fight back, he used his telekinesis to freeze Prince Yue, then pinched Prince Yue's neck with one hand and quickly flew out of the cafeteria.

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