I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [364] New Ability - Dream City

Before the students around him could react, Zhang Ping had already flown out of Pearl City with Prince Yue.

However, as soon as he left the city, he felt a powerful spiritual wave sweeping across the city. He turned around and looked at the moon. The eyes of Dragon Master behind him immediately shot out two lasers. The moon was swept past by the lasers, and it was divided directly. For two.

Then the moon was like a broken mirror with countless cracks.

The dream is broken!

Zhang Ping opened his eyes and found that he was falling towards the ground. Prince Yue woke up a few seconds earlier than him, and at this time, he controlled a large number of tails to stab him fiercely.

"Don't worry, I'll get your family together!"

Zhang Ping easily blocked Prince Yue's attack with his telekinesis, and then quickly extended his telekinesis towards the city lord's palace.

Sure enough, the Moon King was already unconscious in the City Lord's Mansion due to the consumption of all his mental power. Zhang Ping used his mind power to restrain the Moon King and quickly pulled him in front of him.

When the Moon Prince saw the Moon King, he immediately struggled even more fiercely.

If we purely compare physical strength, Prince Yue is actually still superior to Zhang Ping. Even though Zhang Ping's physical strength is already very strong, there is still a certain gap compared with Prince Yue.

The problem is that Zhang Ping actually used telekinesis, so no matter how hard Prince Yue struggled, it was useless. His throat was pinched tightly by Zhang Ping, and he couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to speak. He could only make a burst of noise during the struggle. A meaningless roar.

"Don't worry, we have a lot of time to get along slowly!"

Zhang Ping glanced at Prince Yue and said with a smile.

He quickly flew over a rock and threw Prince Yue directly to the ground. Before Prince Yue could counterattack, his telekinesis suddenly fell down and pressed Prince Yue to the ground.

Then he landed on the rock, put one hand into the Moon King's chest and pulled out five gems.

These five gems have different colors. In addition to the inherent abilities of the two races, cognitive distortion and common sense subversion, they also have three abilities: perception of the same race, top strength, and eternal sleep.

Zhang Ping's attention soon fell on the gem that was sealed with the ability to sleep forever. The color of this gem was similar to the silver moon. There was a golden energy inside that turned into a Tianchang fox and kept roaring, as if it wanted to He rushed out the gem and tore Zhang Ping into pieces.

"I see, this is probably equivalent to the spiritual body of the Moon King!" Zhang Ping observed for a while and then said to himself.

As the king skill of the Moon King, Yongyue Jiameni is actually an extension of part of the Moon King’s spirit, so when Yongyue Jiameni is taken out

Afterwards, it was actually equivalent to tearing off part of the Moon King's spirit.

Although this ability can be used, it will be contaminated by the spirit of the Moon King.

If the user's mental toughness is too poor, he may even be overtaken by the spirit of the Moon King, and finally be reborn by the Moon King.

Thinking of the seriousness of the consequences, Zhang Ping simply controlled the glutton who was already ready to make a move and swallowed the gem in one gulp.

In fact, when the Moon King's ability was taken out, the glutton in him seemed to wake up, and he was always ready to move towards the gem that sealed the eternal moon, as if he wanted to swallow it in one gulp.

It's just that he didn't know the situation, so he didn't let the glutton eat this ability immediately.

Now that he knew the potential harm of Yong Yue Jie Meni, he decisively rejected the idea of ​​letting the rescue team members contract Yong Yue Jie Meni, so he allowed the glutton to devour Yong Yue Jie Meni.

After the glutton devoured Yong Yue, his energy suddenly expanded more than ten times, and then he spit out a stream of silver energy.

This energy slowly rotates and finally changes into the shape of a ball.

[New ability: Dream City. 】

A light suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Ping's eyes, and then the attributes of the new ability appeared: [Dream City: It can consume a lot of mental energy to build a dream city in a dream. 】

Building a city in a dream?

Zhang Ping frowned and did not try immediately, but continued to observe the glutton's condition.

This time the glutton was really full.

After all, Yongyue Sleeping is a king skill. The energy level is very high, and it is difficult for a glutton to completely digest all the energy in one go.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and simply controlled the contract gem to connect to Gluttony, and distributed part of the energy to the contract gem.

However, the contract gem didn't seem to like this energy, so it transferred the energy to the seed in his chest.

After absorbing a large amount of energy, a subtle crack immediately appeared on the surface of the seed, and a touch of silver appeared on the surface of the seed.

This seed is the proof of kingship.

Although the appraisal showed that "the powerful power is being nurtured, and with the blessings of countless tribesmen, it will bear fruit sooner or later", in fact, after Zhang Ping obtained it, it did not change at all.

Now it seems that if you want it to bloom and bear fruit early, you must acquire more king skills.

Zhang Ping was a little happy and a little distressed. He was happy because at least he now knew how to make the seeds bloom and bear fruit, but he was distressed because it required too much energy.

A moon king can only give birth to

There are cracks in the seed. How many moon kings does he have to kill to make the seed fully grow?

But the road has already appeared under his feet. Whether he is happy or distressed, all he can do now is to move forward step by step.

He threw the Moon King to the ground, then sat on the rock and began to try the dream city ability.

The Moon King and the Moon Prince are already a dish in his bowl, and he is not in a hurry to cook them.

Two alienated beasts that have been mature for a long time and can no longer be mature, how can they have new abilities that are fun?

Zhang Ping closed his eyes, and after activating his ability, he felt that everything around him was dark. He followed his instinct and began to output his mental power. A city wall was quickly born out of thin air, and then the ground, trees, and castles all quickly appeared out of thin air.

At first, he followed his instincts completely, but when he found that the castle looked more and more like a combination of countless houses in Mingzhu City, he quickly tried to use his mind to correct the image of the castle.

Gradually, the image of the castle was reversed and moved closer to the Neuschwanstein Castle that Zhang Ping had seen in his previous life.

Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, the image of Dream City needed to be guided by himself. If he did not actively guide the ability, then the ability would piece together the buildings he was most familiar with, forming a strange-looking four-legged beast.

Next, the castle gradually took shape, and at the same time a large amount of mental power was filled into the castle to quickly improve the castle.

The mental power required for Dream City can be described as massive.

Zhang Ping could feel that his mental power was constantly being drawn, and it had been reduced by one third in a blink of an eye.

With his current mental power, one third is already very exaggerated, but it is still far from meeting the needs of Dream City.

However, considering that there is still Tianchang Fox outside that needs to be dealt with, and after dealing with Tianchang Fox, it is necessary to guard against Situ Shibai, who is unclear about the enemy in this world, Zhang Ping can only grit his teeth and interrupt the supply of mental power.

The Dream City did not collapse, but remained in a semi-real and semi-illusory state.

Smoke occasionally floated out of the snow-white city walls, and was finally absorbed by the surrounding city walls.

Zhang Ping looked up at the overall castle, and after entering the castle, he found that the interior of the castle was similar to the City Lord's Mansion in Mingzhu City.

The main reason was that he had not entered any particularly luxurious places in his previous life, and the City Lord's Mansion in Mingzhu City was already the most high-end building he had ever entered.

"What is the use of this city...?"

Zhang Ping walked slowly in the corridor, gently touching the wall with his hand, looking at the magnificent castle, with some doubts in his heart.

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