I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [365] Whistle Universe

In fact, Zhang Ping's current state is very strange.

Although he closed his eyes, his five senses were still paying attention to the movements around him, but his spirit appeared in the dream city in an illusory form and formed a body.

Strictly speaking, this body is not a mental body, nor a spiritual body, but a 'dream body'. It is probably like the body in dreams when ordinary people dream, and it does not exist in reality.

Zhang Ping is now both awake and hazy, as if his heart is divided into two halves, one part remains in the real world, and the other part remains in the dream city, having a lucid dream.

He walked around the dream city and finally slowly opened his eyes in reality.

"I see!"

Zhang Ping found that his dream body was still in Dream City, and it felt like he had an extra arm.

He took out the Sun and Moon Mirror that he had picked up in the ruins of Pearl City from his belt. The next moment he stretched out an arm from nothingness to grab the Sun and Moon Mirror, and directly pulled the Sun and Moon Mirror into the dream city.

This is the first function of Dream City, storage!

Zhang Ping can put things into Dream City. Compared with space equipment, no one can destroy Dream City as long as he is alive. It can be said that Dream City is the safest place.

The second function of Dream City is to predict dreams!

From now on, his dreams will always be lucid dreams, and they must be in Dream City.

If the Moon King pulls him into a dream again, Dream City will also appear in the dreams of everyone!

When the Dream City reaches a certain level, it will even explode the dream created by the Moon King. It can be said that this ability is the king's skill that overcomes the Moon King.

After Zhang Ping figured out the situation in Dream City, he first transferred all the items in his belt to Dream City, and then even put the belt into Dream City.

From now on, he only has clothes made of dark mist and nothing else. He no longer needs to worry about equipment in battle.

Dream city.

Zhang Ping was able to do two things at once, controlling his dream body to place various things.

When he needs to use it, he can get it immediately.

Suddenly, he saw the awakening ring that the traveling bluebird had brought back.

On a whim, he simply put it on Mengti's finger. He was a little curious and didn't know what effect Mengti would have if he wore the ring.

A certain parallel world.

Zhang Ping spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell down

on the ground.

He immediately turned over, but the enemy kicked him in the chest at a faster speed. He flew backwards again and hit the wall of Pearl City hard.

"Captain Situ, why?"

Zhang Ping bent down and vomited out more blood. He looked at Situ Shibai in disbelief and asked sadly.

"Sorry, this world is hopeless."

Situ Shibai looked numb, raised his hand and waved lightly, countless rays of light fell. Countless residents around Pearl City screamed and were hit, and fell into a pool of blood one by one.

"I'll fight you!"

When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he suddenly became furious, roared, and rushed towards Situ Shibai with flames burning all over his body.

However, this was destined to be in vain. A golden light curtain appeared in front of Situ Shibai, which easily blocked Zhang Ping's collision. Situ Shibai was not angry, but had only deep sadness on his face.

"Zhang Ping, this world is cruel. Do you still remember a question you learned in the academy? A rhino-horned beast rushes towards the Pearl City. If it breaks through the city gate, countless people will die. Do you have a way to turn it around? direction, but that direction is your family, how should you choose?" Situ Shibai said slowly.

Zhang Ping punched the light screen one after another and shouted: "I want to save them all. As long as I am strong enough, I can kill the rhino-horned beast. I don't know what happened to you, Captain Situ, but you shouldn't kill him." Anyone in town!"

"Haha, strong enough? When will you grow to be strong enough? Unfortunately, this world has no time." Situ Shibai smiled and said with tears in his smile.

Zhang Ping shouted: "Captain Situ, can't you tell us if you have any difficulties? We can face it together and find a way to solve it together!"

"Let me tell you, after all, he is qualified to know!" Suddenly, a male voice sounded.

Only then did Zhang Ping realize that there was a man wearing a black and white striped robe standing not far away. He immediately glared at the man and shouted: "Who are you? Are you controlling Captain Situ?"

"Don't worry, we still have a day to have a good chat." The man smiled.

Situ Shibai sighed and said, "Mr. Zhong Dian, let me talk to him. I can convince him to join us."

"You look so bitter and resentful that it's hard for me to believe that you can say something nice. You'd better let me do it."

Zhong Dian looked at Situ Shibai and said calmly.

Situ Shibai took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Then please, Mr. Zhong Dian, please convince him, and I will deal with all the awakened people around me!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

Zhang Ping heard Situ Shibai's words and immediately roared: "Stop, stop it!"

"Okay, okay, stop shouting. He won't pay attention to you if you shout until your throat is broken. If you weren't still valuable, do you think you can survive until now." Zhong Dian picked his ears and said a little impatiently.

Zhang Ping glared at Zhong Dian, who suddenly flashed in front of Zhang Ping, pinched Zhang Ping's burning neck with one hand, and said with a smile: "Don't speak next, you just need to listen. As for what to choose after listening, that is your freedom. !”

Then, he threw Zhang Ping to the ground, clapped his hands, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "What do you think our world is like?"

"Like a chicken egg?"

"The sky is round and the earth is round?"

"No, no, I'm not talking about the planet we live on. I have the concept of a planet. I'm talking about... the world!"

"Forget it, let me tell you, our world... is like pulling a whistle!"

"Pull the whistle, do you know what it is?"

"A child's toy, a toy made of a piece of iron and a piece of string."

"Don't believe it? Hahahaha, I don't want to believe it either, but the truth is so cruel. Our world is like a piece of iron in the whistle, but it is not the only piece of iron."

"When the whistle is stretched, the number of iron sheets will increase infinitely. This process is called the 'large diffusion state'. When the stretch reaches the limit, it will naturally begin to shrink. In this process, the number of iron sheets will increase infinitely." "

"We are still in the final stage of the Great Diffusion. In about a hundred years, the world will enter the Great Contraction. At that time, countless worlds will be destroyed in collisions!"

PS: Happy New Year. Speaking of which, this is already Sansheng’s eleventh year of writing books, from "Insect Tide", "Earth OL", "Transcendental Evolution", "Magic Prop Master", "Endless Sea Map" to the current " "I made a contract with myself", thank you to all the book friends who have always supported Sansheng, thank you!

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