I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [366] His Choice

After listening to Zhong Zhong's words, Zhang Ping felt cold all over.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Since the world will be destroyed sooner or later, why do you want to kill so many people?"

"Who told you that everything will be destroyed? As long as the world that may collide is destroyed first, won't you be able to save a world?" Zhong Dian said with a smile.

Zhang Ping understood that this world was obviously not the world that Zhong Dian and the others wanted to keep.

"Yes, this world is too close to the world we need to protect. Although there is still a hundred years of world left, our boss is more cautious, so he asked me to come over and solve this world first." Zhong Dian saw what Zhang Ping was thinking and confirmed. Zhang Ping’s thoughts.

He looked back at Pearl City and said calmly: "There is also such a city in our world. The same people live in the city. If the two sides collide, everyone will die, so we must give up the people on one side. Only by giving up these people can more people survive!”

"do you understand?"

Zhong Dian looked at Zhang Ping and observed Zhang Ping's expression.

At this moment, Zhang Ping fell into silence. He did not naively ask why he could not give up the other side. After all, only the strong could decide which side to give up. He and Situ Shibai were obviously the weak ones in this game.

Situ Shibai had already made his choice, even going so far as to commit a massacre as a sign of surrender.

"Okay, let's make a choice. You can choose to die with this world, or you can choose... to leave this world with us. Of course... you must show sincerity first!" Zhongdian saw that Zhang Ping already understood, so he calmly said ’s smile.

Zhang Ping looked up at the clock and asked: "There is really Pearl City in that world, and everyone I know is there? Can I bring the people I know to that world and replace them?"

"Hahahahahaha, why do you ask everyone like this? My answer is... No, I know what you want to ask, and the answer is... Each of them is an infinite awakener. If you agree to come to our world, Then the Zhang Ping of our world will be replaced, because the awakening ability of Zhang Ping of our world is not unlimited!" Zhong Dian laughed.

Zhang Ping said in disbelief: "How is it possible? Each one is infinite..."

"In a state of great proliferation, parallel worlds

The number is far beyond your imagination. Everyone has the probability of awakening infinite level abilities. When we discover these infinite level awakeners, we will give them a chance to choose. "Zhongdian explained.

Now is the time for him to give Zhang Ping a choice.

If Zhang Ping chooses to join them, he can survive. If he refuses to join them, he will have no choice but to be destroyed along with the world!

"Okay, let's make a choice. Tell me your answer while I'm still in a good mood!" Zhong Dian said at this time.

Zhang Ping opened his mouth and felt a little confused for a moment. If he didn't agree, he would be dead. If he agreed, he would live in pain and guilt for the rest of his life.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to live in such pain.

At this moment, he finally understood why Situ Shibai said that the world was cruel, because it was really too cruel.

Suddenly, he saw Liu Sishan lying in a pool of blood a few hundred meters away. She was looking at the sky with empty eyes. Her chest was penetrated by the beam, forming a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl. Her internal organs were burnt and white smoke was emitting. .

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Zhang Ping suddenly wanted to laugh. At the beginning, he was very ambitious and wanted to make a name for himself. Who knew that he would end up like this in just a few months?

He looked at the clock and asked: "Since there are endless parallel worlds, have you ever thought of a possibility?"

"What's the possibility?" Zhong Dian glanced at Liu Sishan in the distance, then narrowed his eyes and asked.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "You think you can keep the world you want to protect. Maybe one day in the future, you will also face my current predicament. What will you choose then?"

"There is no such possibility. Do you know Tianchanghu? Whenever an infinite-level awakener appears, we will release the corresponding alienated beast, and the alienated beast will 100% have the ability to restrain the opponent. Before the opponent has grown up, Before he got up, the alienated beast had already eliminated this possibility!" Zhong Dian said with a confident smile.

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes and opened his eyes, looked at the clock and gritted his teeth and said: "It turns out those foxes...are you!"

"Yes, and our power is much greater than you think, so you don't need to worry about this issue. Give me your last chance...your answer!" Zhongdian said with a smile.

Zhang Ping slowly closed his eyes, having already made up his mind


Pearl City.

Zhang Ping cut the Moon King and Moon Prince into eight pieces, roasted part of the meat and ate it, and then returned to Pearl City.

In fact, his mind power has been paying attention to the situation in Mingzhu City. When strong men like Feng Laixian and Wu Ruoyu want to stop the rescue team from killing Tian Changhu, he will use his mind power to stop the opponent, lest Tian Changhu is not finished killing him. Humanity itself started to fight among itself.

"Already finished?"

Soon after Zhang Ping returned to the city, he saw Zhang Shouzhong lying in the ruins. He walked up and asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, the fox I faced was a bit strong, and I almost lost my money to it." Zhang Shouzhong rolled his eyes, then pointed at the Tianchang Fox not far away with his chin, and said with some fear.

The main reason is that Zhang Ping is not nearby and his team does not have the talent for treatment. He is really out of pocket and will be in pain for a long time before Zhang Ping comes back.

However, with his vitality as a top awakener, being stabbed in the back is not a fatal injury. As long as the bleeding is stopped in time, the probability of survival is still relatively high.

"Wait a minute, let everyone clean up the foxes, and you go to take over the City Lord's Mansion. By the way, gather all the people who can speak. Let's talk about who will be the name of this city in the future." Zhang Ping divided some blood to heal Zhang Shouzhong's wounds, and said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said, "I am familiar with the process, but will Captain Situ appear?"

"I don't know what the situation of Captain Situ in this world is. It's hard to say now, but don't worry, no matter what Captain Situ's position is, I am sure to deal with it." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

If Situ Shibai is reasonable, then he will reason with Situ Shibai. If Situ Shibai is unreasonable, then see whose fist is harder.

Anyway, no matter which situation, he is not inferior to Situ Shibai at all.

"Okay, I'll go see my senior sister!"

Zhang Ping treated Zhang Shouzhong, patted his shoulder, and then left in the direction of Cheng Xuejie.

In this battle, the rescue team suffered no casualties.

Zhang Ping discovered that the biggest shortcoming of the rescue team was not the lack of combat effectiveness, but the lack of doctors who could treat the wounded.

He hoped that this world could recruit enough doctors, at least he would not be able to treat the wounded next time.

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