I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [367] Bloody Key


Zhang Ping and the rescue team all spent the night in the city lord's mansion.

They spent more than ten hours during the day reorganizing Pearl City, meeting with representatives from all forces, and were busy until eight o'clock in the evening before they had time for dinner.

After dinner, everyone was tired and went back to their rooms to rest.

Zhang Ping was not actually tired, but he still had a lot to learn about Dream City, so he went to bed early.

At this time, he was visiting the Dream City at night, and he was constantly inputting spiritual power into the Dream City, making the Dream City more real and solid.

He can do whatever he wants in the dream city. Distance is no longer a limitation. As long as he wants, he can appear anywhere and even manifest some technological products from his previous life.

Unfortunately, illusion is just illusion after all.

The operation of these technological products is actually controlled by others, it just looks like that.

Zhang Ping played with his mobile phone for a while, but soon became bored, so he began to try to invade other people's dreams.

The essence of Dream City is his dream, but this dream already has superpower attributes and many incredible abilities.

The Moon King can pull everyone into a dream world that is very different from reality.

Theoretically, Zhang Ping should also be able to use his own dreams to invade other people's dreams.

The premise is that he can link to the other party's dream.

In the real world, his mental power turned into lines extending towards Zhang Shouzhong's room. Then in the dream world, he began to create a bridge based on his feelings.

Gradually, a suspension bridge appeared in the dark space outside the dream city, and at the other end of the suspension bridge was a blurry mosaic.

"It's really good!"

Zhang Ping's eyes widened suddenly and he said with some surprise.

He immediately walked towards the other end of the suspension bridge. When he reached the other end of the suspension bridge, he carefully crossed the mosaic.

In an instant, he entered a ruined city, surrounded by densely packed mummies with strange shapes.

"Help, help!"

Zhang Shouzhong ran wildly through the streets, with a large number of mummies chasing him behind him. There were also Tianchang foxes standing on top of the surrounding buildings watching him run away.

"Having a nightmare?"

When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he said somewhat dumbfounded.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s normal. After all, Bai

Tian had just experienced a big war, and it was inevitable that he would have many negative emotions under mental stress, and these emotions would eventually manifest themselves in the form of nightmares.

Zhang Ping did not interfere with Zhang Shouzhong's dream.

The main reason is that he doesn't know whether his interference in the other person's dream will cause harm to the other person. If something goes wrong, it will be bad.

After confirming that he could lock the target through mental power and then build a suspension bridge from the dream city to enter the target's dream, this exploration was considered a complete success.

Zhang Ping Ping Road returns to Dream City.

Just as he was about to wake up, a red key suddenly flew in from the window and finally fell on the floor.

Zhang Ping looked at the red key on the ground unexpectedly, and after a while he stepped forward to pick it up. At the same time, the identification technique came into effect, and he knew the origin of the red key.

Just as he can connect to Zhang Shouzhong's dream, his dream may also be connected to other living beings.

This key is like the drift bottle that Zhang Ping played with in his previous life. Someone emits a piece of information in the form of a key. This information cannot be received in the real world. It is only possible to receive this information in a dream.

The problem is that this piece of information itself is encrypted. It has entered the dreams of countless people, but the dreams will dissipate when people wake up, so the key can only continue to drift again and again until it crashes into Zhang Ping's dream city.

Zhang Ping took the key, walked outside the door and tried to insert the keyhole.

When the key was inserted into the keyhole, the entire door quickly turned red. With a slight twist, the door opened with a click.

On the ground, a faint red mist flowed out from the cracks, and the corridor began to be filled with red mist.

"What's going on?"

Zhang Ping glanced at the mist at his feet, muttered something, and then cautiously pushed the door open.

The room has changed dramatically. .

The original image of the bedroom turned into a blood pool. At the same time, above the blood pool, a blood-colored six-sided crystal slowly rotated.

"Safety first, stay safe first!"

Zhang Ping didn't dare to walk into the room. After thinking about it, he closed the door first.

Although this key only carries a piece of information, the problem is that the information may not be safe. Some information is contaminating. If he gets contaminated after entering, it will be troublesome.

In the real world, Zhang Ping immediately controlled his mental power to spread outside the city, preparing to find someone first

An animal went in for him to have a look.

Of course, animals in the real world will definitely not be able to enter the dream city. He plans to connect to the animal first, and then use the dream body in the dream to catch the animal.

In the woods outside Pearl City, a corpse dog was sleeping in a hole in the ground. Zhang Ping's mental power quickly locked on to it, and his mental thread fell silently.

Then Zhang Ping created a suspension bridge along the spiritual line in the dream city, quickly leading to the corpse dog's dream.

After passing through a similar mosaic, Zhang Ping entered the dreamland of a corpse dog. There is actually nothing to say. The dreamland of a corpse dog is basically a reflection of its range of activities in the real world. It is just that in the dream, it can happily eat corpses. But the real world can only make you drool.

Zhang Ping turned into a giant and grabbed the corpse dog, and quickly exited the corpse dog's dream before the corpse dog could react. The corpse dog that was still struggling suddenly became motionless.

In the real world, the corpse dog suddenly woke up and let out a mournful whine. It took a while to recover.

It barely stood up and tried to walk out of the cave, but it staggered after two steps and finally fell to the ground. Its body seemed to be bitten by the air, and it gradually disappeared from the lower body.

Zhang Ping had been keeping a close eye on the situation of the corpse-eating dog. Seeing this scene, he was a little shocked. Obviously, his dream city still retained some of the characteristics of the Moon King's dream. When it was attacked in the dream, it would eventually be reflected in the real world.

Because the corpse-eating dog's body in the dream was taken away by him, the corpse-eating dog in the real world directly evaporated!

However, through the dream body of the corpse-eating dog just captured, he also felt that this attack was essentially a contest of mental power. He could easily catch the corpse-eating dog, mainly because his mental power was much stronger than that of the corpse-eating dog. If the target was of similar strength, this trick would probably not work.

To put it bluntly, this ability can only be used against targets weaker than oneself. It is basically useless for targets that are similar to oneself or stronger than oneself.

Thinking about it this way, this ability is actually quite useless.

After all, he has too many abilities to deal with any opponent who is weaker than him, so there is no need to use such a troublesome ability.

It can only be said that something is better than nothing!

Zhang Ping sighed slightly, and then appeared at the door of the bedroom.

He pushed open the bedroom door and threw the corpse dog's dream body directly into the room, while observing the changes in the corpse dog's dream body.

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