I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [368] The Nine-Man Group

The corpse dog fell into the blood pool, and the blood in the blood pool suddenly surged.

Countless blood seemed to come to life, quickly climbing up the corpse dog's body, turning the corpse dog's body red.

At this time, the corpse dog opened its eyes suddenly and laughed wildly: "Hahaha... It's finally my turn to be awesome, Tian Hao!"


Something is wrong!

The corpse-eating dog Tian Hao suddenly realized that his voice was wrong. He looked down at his paws and fell silent.

"Um... I'm sorry, can you tell me what's going on?" Zhang Ping stood at the door and looked at Tian Hao and asked.

Tian Hao was startled by Zhang Ping's voice. He looked at Zhang Ping in disbelief and roared: "What...what's going on? Why didn't you come in? Why was a dog coming in? Impossible, a There is only one owner in the dream, what the hell is this dog?”

Normally, a dream has only one owner, and the key can only enter a human's dream, and it is absolutely impossible to enter a dog's dream.

Human beings are often confused when dreaming, and the probability of subconsciously opening the door after picking up the key is very high.

Once the door is opened and inside, they can capture the target's dream body through information overlay.

When the target wakes up, the dream body will be absorbed by the opponent's mental power. Eventually, they can sneak into the target's brain through this method until they finally capture the target's body.

They had succeeded in this method of seizing the body several times, but who knew that something unexpected would happen this time.

"It seems you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

A sickle suddenly appeared in Zhang Ping's hand. He directly inserted the sickle into the corpse dog's body and pulled the corpse dog in front of him.

He had already guessed what was going on, but he didn't know more detailed information, so he asked Tian Hao. However, if Tian Hao was unwilling to cooperate well, he didn't mind killing Tian Hao directly and researching it slowly.

"Wait, I said, don't kill me!" Tian Hao saw the killing intent in Zhang Ping's eyes and immediately gave up.

Zhang Ping shook the sickle and threw it to the ground, and said calmly: "Tell me, what happened to the key?"

"You mean the reincarnation key? It's a special item made by me and eight other people. I have the ability to lock humans, and Boss Zhou has

The ability to encapsulate information, as well as Sister Wang's dream invasion, Brother Li's information coverage, Zhang Laosan's subconscious control...

The abilities of the nine of us are combined together to form the reincarnation key, which can seize other people's dream bodies in dreams, and finally seize the target completely. Tian Hao said cautiously, fearing that Zhang Ping would be dissatisfied and kill him directly.

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and said, "So, you want to seize me?"

"I'm sorry, we just want to live. In fact, there is still a quota for the reincarnation key. As long as you don't kill me, I can persuade Boss Zhou to give you the quota. Although it is indeed shameful to live in this way, it is better than death. Better." Tian Hao said fearfully.

Zhang Ping looked at Tian Hao and analyzed: "Are you afraid of me? In other words, if I kill you now, will you really die?"

Sure enough, after hearing what Zhang Ping said, Tian Hao's whole dog felt bad.

It backed away in fear, with only one thought left in its mind, that is, it could not die. It had managed to survive until now, how could it die here?


In an instant, it turned around and ran away.

But before it had even taken three steps, the scythe suddenly fell down and stuck right into its head.

The superpower of the awakened person can actually be compared to a pistol or armor. The awakened person itself is still a human being. It does not mean that if the ability is powerful enough to a certain extent, it will evolve into other life forms.

Even though Zhang Ping is very powerful now, he still has weaknesses. Facing some special superpowers, he has no resistance like ordinary people.

Just like Situ Shibai couldn't resist Tian Changhu's ability, Zhang Ping really couldn't stop Tian Hao's ability.

The combination ability of Tian Hao and others is very disgusting. If Zhang Ping walks into the room carelessly, I am afraid that the dream body will really be taken away.

Although his dream body would not be taken away if his body was taken away, Dream City would definitely be controlled by Tian Hao and the others. He would be equivalent to losing an ability while leaving huge hidden dangers.

Therefore, Tian Hao and the others deserve to die!

After killing Tian Hao, Zhang Ping closed his eyes, and the real world was connected to a corpse dog with a spiritual line.

The reason for choosing corpse dogs is that the abilities of corpse dogs are too disgusting, and they are the existence that everyone wants to beat. The second is that if a corpse dog is found, there must be more corpse dogs nearby.

Corpse dogs are social creatures and are used to doing evil in groups.

Zhang Ping repeated his old trick, dragging the corpse dog's dream body to Dream City and throwing it directly into the bedroom filled with blood.

Just like before, the corpse dog fell into the blood pool, and the blood in the blood pool suddenly surged.

Countless blood seemed to come alive, quickly crawling up the corpse dog's body, turning the corpse dog's body red.

At this time, the corpse dog opened its eyes suddenly, yawned, and said calmly: "Is it finally my turn? I don't know the identity I inherited..."

Before he finished speaking, he found that he had turned into a dog.

It looked silently in the direction of Zhang Ping, then sighed and said: "I just said this method won't work, kill me!"

"Are you Chen Laowu?" Zhang Ping asked.

The corpse dog nodded and said: "It seems that Tian Hao is dead, and he is the only one who can call me Chen Laowu. My real name is Chen Wu!"

"How many people have you killed?" Zhang Ping saw that Chen Wu was so calm, so he was not in a hurry to take action.

Chen Wu shook his head and said, "I don't know. Unless it's my turn, I'm just sleeping in the reincarnation key and I don't have any consciousness. If you have only seen Tian Hao before me, then three people should have been possessed by him now."

"I know. Although you haven't harmed anyone yet, if you haven't met me, with the power of the reincarnation key, I don't know how many people would have been killed, so I will kill you. I believe you should understand, right?" Zhang Ping nodded and said.

"Then I can't just sit there and wait to die!"

Chen Wu took a deep breath and controlled the body of the corpse-eating dog to slowly float above the blood pool. Suddenly, eight spirits appeared in the blood pool. These eight spirits hit Zhang Ping at the same time, and Chen Wu followed closely.

"It's a good performance, but it's too fake!"

Zhang Ping sneered in his heart and quickly pulled out the key from the door.

Sure enough, Chen Wu and others all showed unwilling expressions, turned into blood mist with a wail, and were all absorbed by the key.

Zhang Ping was not naive enough to believe everything others said. Although Tian Hao looked sincere and Chen Wu seemed to have accepted his fate, Zhang Ping still believed that they were hiding something from him.

Especially when Tian Hao deliberately ran out and Chen Wu deliberately rushed towards him, Zhang Ping had a feeling that they were deliberately leading him to ignore the key on the door.

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