I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [369] Morning Encounter

In fact, both Tian Hao and Chen Wu had only one thought in their minds when they realized that Zhang Ping would not enter the room, and that was to escape.

Because fighting Zhang Ping in Zhang Ping's dream has no chance of winning at all.

The problem is that Zhang Ping will not let them leave easily, so Tian Hao used his own death as a foreshadowing to give Chen Wu a chance to escape.

In fact, Tian Hao was not killed. All his information was still recorded in the reincarnation key. As long as Chen Wu could get the key and escape, none of the nine people would have to die.

It's a pity that Zhang Ping saw through their thoughts.

Zhang Ping took the key and closed the bedroom door first, then closed his eyes and turned his attention to reality.

In the real world, Zhang Ping opened his eyes, and then extracted the glutton's energy from his body. An illusory arm stretched out from the void, grabbed the glutton and pulled him directly into the dream city.

In the dream city, Zhang Ping opened his eyes again and directly fed the key to the glutton.

The reincarnation key is very dangerous, and even he must treat it with caution. Unless he has specific abilities, he will never use the reincarnation key to open the door again.

The problem is that Zhang Ping felt that the reincarnation key was not safe even if it was placed in the dream city, so in the end he decided to feed it to the glutton.

The glutton swallowed the reincarnation key, and the next moment its round body expanded violently, and then it spit out a diamond-like sphere.

When the sphere landed in Dream City, Dream City immediately became distorted and rapidly turned into diamonds with the sphere's landing point as the center.

The entire castle has turned into a diamond structure, and at the top of the castle, a round orb shines with dazzling light. The Dream City, which originally occupied a large area, has rapidly expanded its area.

Gain new abilities:

[Super combination: When more than multiple abilities are combined with each other, new effects will be produced. 】

[Dream Orb: The orb emits light to form a shield, which can resist outside invasion. At the same time, the dream body is within the coverage of the Dream Orb, and its defense is greatly improved. 】

[Dream Key: Consume mental energy to create a Dream Key, which can open the target's deep dreams through dreams and tamper with the target's subconscious mind. 】

Gluttony spits out three abilities in one go.

Super combination is considered an auxiliary type

The effect of the ability is not yet clear. Zhang Ping can only determine whether it works well after trying it.

As for the Dream Orb, it has taken effect automatically now. However, how strong the defense is will only be known when it is attacked. The next time the Moon King activates the King Skill is probably the best opportunity to verify it.

The last dream key, in Zhang Ping's opinion, is the most useless ability.

After all, if you want to open the target's deep dream, you have to enter the opponent's home court, which is too troublesome.

Moreover, the ability itself is too evil, and it is impossible for him to use this ability to deal with good people. As for bad people, there is no need to be so troublesome, so it is estimated that he will not use this ability.

In fact, Zhang Ping already has many abilities so far, but there are only a few commonly used abilities. Most of the extra abilities are of the "not commonly used, but can't live without" type and only exist to supplement shortcomings.

Awakened people will not turn into other life forms due to level up. Even though Zhang Ping has many abilities and his vitality is beyond imagination, he is still essentially a human being. He has not become a god or an immortal.

He still has many, many weaknesses, such as time-based superpowers, which make it easy to kill him, and space-based abilities, which can also kill him once he is completely locked up.

In addition, illusory luck, fate, etc. can all pose a great threat to him.

Even excluding these conceptual superpowers, he still has many weaknesses. The easiest way is to kill him with certain attacks, such as lifespan reduction, super hunger, etc., which can easily kill him.

Fortunately, there are very few awakened people who have mastered this type of ability, and they are all rare beings seen in a hundred years.

Of course, even if you have the ability in this area, there is still a prerequisite, and that is to hit him!

If the ability cannot hit the target, no matter how strong the power is, it is of no use.

A night of silence.

The next morning, Zhang Ping got up early and went for a run.

This was one of the few habits he wanted to stick to. As long as he was still in Pearl City, he would run around Pearl City in the morning and feel everything familiar around him.

Only then will he feel like he is still human.

The more powerful you are, the more you need a heart of awe.

There are many strong people because

Relying on his own strength, he gradually became wanton and arrogant, and finally lost his own heart.

Even if Zhang Ping has ordered himself not to get lost, he will still conduct self-examination whenever he has time and reflect on whether his behavior over a period of time is wrong.

After all, even if he is not lost, it does not mean that everything he does is right.

As long as a person is alive, he should continue to learn. His strength is destined to increase faster and faster, and his abilities will increase more and more.

If you make a mistake when you are weak, you will endanger the people around you at most. But once you make a mistake when you are strong, you may endanger the world and affect thousands of lives.

“Not many young people can get up early and run now.”

Zhang Ping was running, and suddenly Liu Tiefeng of this world caught up from behind and said to Zhang Ping slowly.

"Old man, run slower and watch your steps." Zhang Ping quickly slowed down and said to Liu Tiefeng.

He didn't expect that he would meet Liu Tiefeng while running. Looking at Liu Tiefeng's familiar face, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He wondered if Liu Dashan in this world had disappeared.

"Haha, you don't have to slow down for me. I'm still strong, so it doesn't matter if you run faster." Liu Tiefeng saw Zhang Ping's thoughts and said with a smile.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Then I'll run a little faster."

He ran a little faster, paying attention to Liu Tiefeng's situation, but Liu Tiefeng easily caught up with him without even taking a breath.

"Young man, I have a question. I wonder if you can tell me the answer." Liu Tiefeng said while running.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Just ask, I know I will definitely not hide it from you!"

"You should be called Zhang Ping, right? But according to my investigation, Zhang Ping in this world is dead, so... which world are you from? What is your purpose in coming to this world?" Liu Tiefeng asked slowly.

In an instant, Zhang Ping's heart was alarmed, and he quickly distanced himself from Liu Tiefeng.

However, Liu Tiefeng did not take the opportunity to attack, but just stopped and looked at Zhang Ping with interest.

Zhang Ping used the identification technique, and after finding that it was useless against Liu Tiefeng, he asked, "You are not Liu Tiefeng, who are you?"

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