I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [370] Grand Feast

"Haha, it seems that you also know me in other worlds, but that is just my phantom. I am the most real Liu Tiefeng, and the rest are all fakes!" Liu Tiefeng was slightly stunned, and then said with a deep smile.

As he spoke, the ground around him slowly rose up, forming stone statues of Liu Tiefeng.

Zhang Ping frowned and said, "You are not from this world, so what about Liu Tiefeng from this world?"

"Young man, you have too many questions. It's you who should answer my questions now!" Liu Tiefeng said dissatisfied.

Zhang Ping's face was getting worse and worse. While Liu Tiefeng was speaking, he had searched the whole city with his telekinesis, but could not find Liu Tiefeng. This meant that Liu Tiefeng in this world had probably been killed.

A moment of silence.

Suddenly, two arms stretched out from the ground to grab Zhang Ping's ankles. Zhang Ping immediately counterattacked, pressing the ground with his telekinesis, crushing the two arms directly.

"It seems that you are drinking wine as a penalty instead of toasting!" Liu Tiefeng said lightly as the smile on his face gradually faded.

Zhang Ping said coldly: "Did you kill yourself in this world?"

"No, I just let him merge with me!" Liu Tiefeng said coldly.

The next moment, he took action decisively, preparing to subdue Zhang Ping first, and then slowly torture him!

Zhang Ping did not appear in this world alone, but brought two teams, which shows that there is power behind Zhang Ping and the others.

The most important thing for Liu Tiefeng now is to interrogate the intelligence of this force and find out how many infinitely powerful people there are besides Zhang Ping.

The ground churned instantly, and at the same time, lightsabers condensed out of thin air, spinning around Liu Tiefeng.

When Zhang Ping flew up, these lightsabers all shot at Zhang Ping at extremely fast speeds, and Zhang Ping had no choice but to control the dark mist to form a shield to block the attack.

Then both sides quickly flew into the air. Zhang Ping got into the clouds and quickly locked onto Liu Tiefeng with his telekinesis. He squeezed hard, but Liu Tiefeng's skin immediately bounced off a layer of colored light. He didn't know what kind of ability this was. It can perfectly resist the power of telepathy, but telepathy is completely unable to exert its force on this layer of colored light.

The other party is also an infinite level ability user!

Zhang Ping felt a slight shiver in his heart, and then he controlled the mist to turn into thin lines and stabbed at it, but Liu Tiefeng also controlled the mist to turn into thunder clouds at this time, and then dense thunder and lightning fell on the mist. The two sides exchanged blows, evenly matched.

Infinite level ability users, when the gap is not big, are competing on who has more abilities and who has fewer weaknesses.

It's like two magicians, each mastering part of the magic and part of the counter-spell. Neither of them knows whether the spell they have mastered or whether the other has mastered the corresponding counter-spell, so they can only test it again and again.

If you happen to have a magic spell and the other party does not have a corresponding counter-spell, then once it hits the target, the target will be beyond redemption.

Situ Shibai just didn't have a 'counter-curse' that could withstand Tianchanghu, so when he encountered Tianchanghu, except for his strong vitality, he was not much different from ordinary people.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Ping has always believed that awakened people are still human beings. Unless awakened people one day become omniscient and omnipotent, they will definitely still retain the weaknesses that belong to humans.

It's just that some weaknesses are obvious, and some weaknesses are subtle and difficult to detect.

Zhang Ping and Liu Tiefeng are now attacking each other in different ways, looking for each other's weaknesses.

To be honest, Zhang Ping's mood at this moment was very complicated. He had thought before that there might be people he knew in other parallel worlds, but they were bad people.

He imagined that one day he would meet a cruel and evil Zhang Shouzhong, and in the end he had to tearfully kill the evil version of Zhang Shouzhong.

He even considered meeting the original version of himself, and in the end, he had no choice but to kill himself.

But he didn't expect that the evil version of his acquaintance he met first was Liu Tiefeng, and he didn't expect that this evil version of Liu Tiefeng was also a person with unlimited abilities.

"I advise you to just surrender without hesitation, otherwise don't blame me for ruining your abilities!" In the clouds, Liu Tiefeng's voice penetrated the clouds and caused the surrounding clouds to tremble.

He apparently used some kind of ability that had an effect similar to a 'lion's roar', and the sound was even louder than thunder.

Zhang Ping did not speak. Although his telekinesis could not exert force on Liu Tiefeng, he could always lock Liu Tiefeng's position. After Liu Tiefeng shouted, he shot two laser beams at Liu Tiefeng with his eyes.

On the other side, Liu Tiefeng waved his hand, and the surrounding clouds turned into dust to block the laser. The laser that could cut the mountain in half could not penetrate this layer of dust.

Zhang Ping frowned slightly. It was obvious that Liu Tiefeng had many abilities with "absolute effects".

Generally speaking, abilities only need to be divided into two types, one is an ability with relative effects, and the other is

It is an ability with absolute effect.

The so-called abilities with relative effects are actually abilities whose power is not fixed, but will become more and more powerful as the user's own attributes continue to improve.

Most of Zhang Ping's abilities are of this type, such as laser eyes. The stronger his physical and mental strength, the more powerful he is. If his laser eyes were used by ordinary people, they would probably only be able to cut straw and the like, and would be exhausted very quickly.

And abilities with absolute effects are often extremely targeted.

For example, Zhang Ping's Gold Swallower is an ability with absolute effects. The metal virus was incredibly powerful at the time, and it was enough to defeat Zhang Ping in all aspects. Even Feng Laixian couldn't defeat the creature composed of the metal virus.

But Zhang Ping can perfectly restrain the metal virus with his gold swallower, which makes no sense at all.

The ability Liu Tiefeng is using now is this type of ability. No matter how powerful Zhang Ping's laser is, it is useless because the opponent has perfectly restrained this laser.

Similarly, the colored light on Liu Tiefeng's body was also a highly targeted ability, which directly disabled Zhang Ping's telekinesis.

However, Zhang Ping did not fall into a disadvantage. He also blocked several of Liu Tiefeng's attacks, such as lightning, illusion attacks, etc., all of which were easily blocked by him. At the same time, he was still absorbing Liu Tiefeng's various emotions and turning these emotions into Transformed into dark mist.

The two sides are evenly matched for the time being.

After a round of attack and defense, Liu Tiefeng suddenly said: "Aren't you very curious about what happened to my counterfeit in this world? I might as well tell you now, he... was eaten by me!"

He was floating in the clouds and mist, looking through the clouds and mist to observe Zhang Ping. Seeing that Zhang Ping did not have any negative emotions due to his words, he smiled and said: "I have an ability called 'Feasting Feast'. This ability I can create a cauldron to cook blood relatives. After eating the blood relatives, the potential of the target can be superimposed on my body, and... the closer the target is to my blood, the better the effect will be. "


Zhang Ping remained silent. He knew very well that Liu Tiefeng only said these things to disturb his mind. Although he was very unhappy in his heart, he did not lose his calm because of this.

"I have killed many, many fakes, and I will keep killing and eating them. Sooner or later, I will meet the fake you know, and I will... eat him!" Liu Tiefeng squinted his eyes and saw Zhang Ping Still no response, he said with malice.

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