I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [371] Come to my bowl!

Is Zhang Ping angry?

Of course I'm angry!

But he ordered himself in his heart not to get angry.

Every infinite-level ability user usually has a relatively core ability. His core ability is naturally the contract gem, but Liu Tiefeng's core ability is unknown.

There is no doubt that Liu Tiefeng was irritating him.

Regardless of whether Liu Tiefeng wanted him to lose his mind due to anger, or whether he had the ability to absorb anger like Ming Wu, or even have an effect on angry emotions, he could not let Liu Tiefeng do what he wanted.

In fact, the changing clouds and fog around them cannot block their sight.

The reason why they didn't get close to each other was entirely because they didn't know whether the other party had the ability to kill at close range.

At the same time, Zhang Ping controls the dark fog and Liu Tiefeng controls the clouds to produce thunder and lightning. On the surface, they are similar to being able to control dark clouds. No one can guarantee what will happen if they enter the other's range of abilities.

Especially when certain abilities are combined together, they are incredibly powerful, so you need to take more precautions.

"It seems that the provoking method has no effect on him."

Liu Tiefeng waited for a moment and saw that Zhang Ping's mood did not change at all, so he immediately raised Zhang Ping's danger level by several levels.

The battle between humans and humans is never a pure competition of strength.

When evenly matched, intelligence is also very important. Some awakened people think that they are powerful and often do not like to use their brains when fighting. It may be okay once or twice, but as long as they fail once, they will be doomed.

If Zhang Ping was angry, Liu Tiefeng would be happy on the contrary. Unfortunately, Zhang Ping was too calm and his emotions had no ups and downs at all. He could not feel Zhang Ping's emotions and could not see through Zhang Ping's intentions.

Not easy to deal with!

At this time, Liu Tiefeng condensed two small hammers in his hand, and threw the small hammers into the air. In the blink of an eye, the hammers disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

His core ability is called 'Life Forging Method', and he can forge life into spiritual equipment.

In his early years, he was actually not much different from Liu Tiefeng in other worlds. He was equally righteous and upright, but then his son died.

With tears in his eyes, he forged his son's corpse into a spiritual costume, and hammered Situ Shibai and Li Aoxue, who had killed his son, alive into a piece of equipment!


This matter came to an end, but after killing Situ Shibai, the entire Pearl City was mobilized by the clean-up team. He didn't want to kill anyone and had to escape into the mountains. Until one day he met a man named Zhong Dian, and he knew The truth about the world.

When he used his entire Pearl City life as a pledge to join the organization behind the clock called "Infinite", he had an even better son.

"Zhang Ping, I will give you another chance. As long as you tell me who is behind you, I can give you a chance to join us!" Liu Tiefeng thought for a while, and since irritation is useless, he tried to persuade him to surrender.

Of course, this is not a real attempt to persuade someone to surrender, but a tactic aimed at weakening the opponent's fighting spirit.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Then I will also give you a chance to tell you all the information about the forces behind you, and I will give you a pleasure."

"Huh, stubborn!"

Liu Tiefeng's voice passed through the clouds and hummed coldly.

The next moment, a roar came from above the sea of ​​clouds, and then the thunder and lightning in the clouds formed an image of Tai Chi that rotated crazily. Two ball-shaped lightning suddenly erupted and fell towards Zhang Ping below.

Zhang Ping popped a key-shaped gem over his head. In an instant, a gem door opened above his head. Two ball lightning passed through the key door and hit Liu Tiefeng almost at the same time. Liu Tiefeng's body shook slightly and resisted the ball. Lightning attack.

Only then did Liu Tiefeng realize that a treasure key door appeared behind him.

"What a terrible thunder and lightning, it scared me to death!" Zhang Ping said angrily at this time.

Liu Tiefeng took a deep breath, suppressed the electric current rushing in his body, and said coldly: "Space ability is not omnipotent!"

As he spoke, he took out a nail and inserted it into his chest.

This nail is called the Space Locking Nail, and it can lock the surrounding space, making it difficult for any space-based ability to interfere with the space where it is located.

However, the air-locking nail is not an absolute ability. When the target uses space ability, each ability confrontation will consume the air-locking nail's durability. When the durability reaches zero, the air-locking nail will automatically collapse.

At the same time, every time the locking nail is used, it will consume a bit of durability.

Because of this, Liu Tiefeng did not use the air-locking nail from the beginning.

"It turns out that space is not omnipotent!"

Zhang Ping glanced at the air-locking nail on Liu Tiefeng's chest from a distance and said with a shocked expression.

However, Liu Tiefeng was not angry because of Zhang Ping's yin and yang aura. He had just noticed that his anger was absorbed by Zhang Ping, and anger would only benefit the enemy!

Next, both parties stopped speaking and made preparations silently.

Zhang Ping dropped more than a dozen floating cannon gems into the air, then took out a few keys, attached them to the contract energy and threw them to the ground. Then he took out a lot of bomb gems, first used his ability to piece these gems together, and then Use 'Daughter Spores' on gems to activate them.

After some preparation, he took out a bomb gem and threw it at Liu Tiefeng.

Liu Tiefeng is also making preparations. The hammer he just threw onto the sea of ​​clouds is called the Yin-Yang Killing Hammer. They have the ability to stir up the sea of ​​clouds and produce Yin-Yang thunderballs.

But he didn't expect that the Yin-Yang Thunder Ball didn't hit Zhang Ping, but was used by Zhang Ping, and finally hit him.

Don’t think that he is forcibly suppressing the current running through his body now. In fact, after the battle, it will take at least a week for him to completely offset this lightning.

The most terrifying thing about the Yin-Yang Thunder Ball is that it is immortal. Yin thunder produces Yang thunder, and Yang thunder produces Yin thunder. It is almost impossible to get rid of it.

If Zhang Ping is hit by the Yin-Yang Thunder Ball, Liu Tiefeng is sure to take Zhang Ping down within an hour.

Unfortunately, Zhang Ping is probably already alert now. It is too difficult to hit Zhang Ping with the Yin-Yang Thunder Ball.

At this time, Liu Tiefeng took out a black stone bowl, and then took out a pair of ivory chopsticks. He whispered: "Food is the first necessity of the people. The rice bowl is the strongest shield, and the chopsticks are the strongest spear!"

The next moment, the black stone bowl seemed to be awakened. It obviously did not change, but it seemed to be able to block all attacks, and the nearly one-meter-long chopsticks in his hand also became round and shiny, and at the same time had the ability to attack all targets.

"Zhang Ping, come to my bowl!"

After getting ready, Liu Tiefeng suddenly shouted and used chopsticks to pinch towards Zhang Ping.

Instantly, an invisible force of energy shot out from the chopsticks, like a sharp arrow piercing Zhang Ping in the mist. Zhang Ping had dodged first, but the chopsticks still pierced Zhang Ping who was moving. Two blood holes appeared in Zhang Ping's abdomen instantly, and he could not move at the same time.

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