I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [372] Bowl and Chopstick Combination

Stone bowls for people's livelihood, jade chopsticks for people's food.

These are two pieces of spiritual equipment, but the two pieces of spiritual equipment fit together very well, and the effect is extremely powerful when used together.

When Minshi Jade Chopsticks catches the target, if Liu Tiefeng is holding the Minsheng Stone Bowl, the target will not be able to move until he puts the target into the Minsheng Stone Bowl.

When the target exists in the Minsheng Stone Bowl, under Liu Tiefeng's chopsticks, the target in the Minsheng Stone Bowl cannot leave the stone bowl.

The two abilities complement each other and form an absolute closed loop of abilities. Unless Zhang Ping has the power to destroy the Minsheng Stone Bowl, he will never escape from his grasp.

The Minsheng Stone Bowl was a spiritual device that he had sacrificed the entire Pearl City to create. If Zhang Ping wanted to destroy the Minsheng Stone Bowl, it would be no less difficult than destroying the Pearl City with one blow.

This is something Liu Tiefeng himself cannot do.

At the beginning, he only killed one by one. It took him a month to kill everyone in Pearl City, until the blood flowed like a river and ten rooms were empty.

"Haha, you are still too young after all!"

Liu Tiefeng put Zhang Ping into the stone bowl. In an instant, Zhang Ping's body shrank rapidly and became the size of a peanut.

"What a dangerous ability, it scares dad to death!"

Suddenly, Zhang Ping's mean voice came out from the clouds. Liu Tiefeng's face suddenly changed slightly and he looked at Zhang Ping in the bowl.

Zhang Ping in the bowl was sitting on the ground, drooling.

With Zhang Ping's current strength, using the pure water body and pure blood body, it is really easy to forge a substitute, especially when they are in the clouds.

What is cloud and mist?


Therefore, when Zhang Ping entered the cloud and mist, he had actually turned part of his body into pure water, and even used the activated pure water body to turn his body into a part of the cloud and mist.

When he needs it, directly transferring his consciousness to this part of his body is enough to avoid most dangers.

Infinite-level awakened ones not only compete in strength, but also compete in information gathering ability.

It can even be said to be information warfare.

Although Liu Tiefeng's chopsticks came very quickly, when he hit Zhang Ping's stand-in, Zhang Ping actually had time to activate the floating cannon gem, but he did not do so. The purpose was to see what Liu Tiefeng's chopsticks and stone bowl had. Effect.

Liu Tiefeng poured out Zhang Ping from the bowl, and then mentally swept around to find the real Zhang Ping.

"Hahaha, you were deceived by me!"

Suddenly, Zhang Ping, who was falling towards the ground, seemed to have regained consciousness just now, and his eyes suddenly became lively, and he laughed loudly.

Liu Tiefeng immediately raised his chopsticks and stabbed him, but the next moment he felt danger, he immediately raised his other hand, just in time to block the floating cannon that broke through the sea of ​​clouds.

Then densely packed floating cannons fell from different angles. He could only block them frantically, and even activated two more abilities. One of the abilities was externally manifested by forming an energy shield, which would rotate around him. The other ability was After the shield was shattered, a golden light shield appeared on his body.

The floating cannon landed on the golden light shield and was all blocked, but the light shield also became dim after the round of attacks.

"Liu Tiefeng's physical strength is definitely not as good as mine!"

Zhang Ping saw the effect of the photomask and immediately made a mental judgment.

Generally, physical abilities are consumed in activating physical abilities. For example, when Zhang Ping condenses contract gems, the contract itself consumes mental power, while making the gems consumes physical strength.

It is not ruled out that Liu Tiefeng deliberately hid his clumsiness, but if Liu Tiefeng has adjusted the defense power of the mask to the maximum, then Liu Tiefeng's physical strength can be roughly calculated based on the defense level of the mask.

Of course, this calculation is not necessarily accurate and can only be used as a reference.

"Almost, Arthur, do it!"

Zhang Ping suddenly stopped his falling, and then thought.

When he advanced to Advanced Awakener, he got two activation abilities by eating meat. The activated fairy was called Yaoyao, and the one summoned by the sub-type spores was called Arthur.

In the air, Arthur, an activated life composed of bomb gems, received Zhang Ping's order and quickly approached Liu Tiefeng. At the same time, Zhang Ping controlled the blood attached to the bomb gems to form a mouth and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, old ghost, You fell into the trap again, watch your move!"

"Which way?"

Liu Tiefeng had just blocked the attack from the floating cannon, and before he could take a breath, he suddenly heard Zhang Ping's voice. At the same time, he also sensed the danger approaching, and he hesitated.

He was sure that the falling Zhang Ping was definitely Zhang Ping. The problem was that there seemed to be another Zhang Ping hiding in the clouds and mist. At this time, another Zhang Ping appeared above him.

Two of the three Zhang Pings must be fake, and only one is genuine.

The problem is that he doesn't know

Which Zhang Ping is the real one, and each chopstick attack can only lock on one target. If he makes a mistake, he is likely to be attacked by Zhang Ping.

Moreover, using chopsticks and stone bowls is not completely unconditional.

When he uses these two spiritual equipments, part of his mental power and physical strength will be stored in the two spiritual equipments. It will be returned to him only when he solves the enemy. At the same time, there is a chance that the enemy's abilities will fall on him.

If the life forging method is his core ability, then chopsticks and stone bowls are the foundation for his rapid improvement in strength, somewhat similar to Zhang Ping's Pica.

It was when Zhang Ping obtained the Pica that his strength really began to take off. Before Liu Tiefeng went on a killing spree, his strength relied entirely on equipment. After forging stone bowls and chopsticks, his abilities only increased.

In fact, the growth trajectories of infinite-level ability users are similar. They all have a high-speed growth period. Situ Shibai has it, Zhang Ping has it, and Liu Tiefeng also has it.

At the moment when Liu Tiefeng hesitated, a gem door suddenly opened below Zhang Ping.

Just now, Zhang Ping dropped the key to the treasure door on the ground, waiting for this moment.

The clouds in the sky suddenly surged, and a giant made of exploding gems suddenly appeared. Then the giant emitted a dazzling light. It was only early morning, but the sky was so bright that the whole Pearl City seemed to have entered noon from early morning.


The bomb gem exploded, and Liu Tiefeng blocked the bowl in front of him and gritted his teeth to withstand the attack of the explosion.

Then he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and his head immediately turned 90 degrees. Looking down, he saw that his back was full of green lines.

These lines quickly invaded his body, and his spine lost consciousness in an instant.

He quickly gritted his teeth and used his telekinesis to tear his body apart. His upper body moved forward against the pressure of the explosion, but more green lines wrapped around him, wrapping him up like a dumpling.

"No, we must make a choice!"

Liu Tiefeng realized that Zhang Ping was not testing this time, but a general attack!

Although he took out the stone bowl and chopsticks, it was not a test, but he actually had more abilities that he had not yet used.

The problem was that Zhang Ping did not follow martial ethics. He first used the explosion to attract his attention, and then used the strange green line to seize control of his body, forcing him into danger in an instant.

Now he was at a disadvantage.

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