I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [373] Cooking and Living

Born to be cooked!

Encircled by countless green threads, Liu Tiefeng boldly activated his abilities.

His remains turned red instantly, and then his flesh rotted rapidly, while a large amount of steam emitted.

When the steam completely disappeared, there was nothing around. Zhang Ping couldn't find anyone after searching for a minute. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, the infinite awakened ones are not that easy to kill.

It is estimated that Liu Tiefeng escaped.

This is normal. If all the enemies are idiots who don't know whether to live or die and insist on fighting to the end, then this world will be really wonderful.

However, in the real world, such idiots simply don’t live long.

Zhang Ping talks about his heart, and if he falls into a disadvantage, he will definitely find a way to escape. After all, for an infinite level awakener, as long as the green mountains are left, there will be no need to worry about running out of firewood.

As long as you live, anything is possible!


Zhang Ping then searched carefully around, but unfortunately he could not find Liu Tiefeng.

He could only sigh slightly, then returned to Pearl City and continued to jog back to the City Lord's Mansion.

Two hours later.

In the west of Pearl City, an awakened person came out with dog food and placed it in front of his hound.

A drop of viscous, transparent liquid fell from the sky and landed right in the dog's food. The dog didn't care, but still lowered its head and ate the food in big mouthfuls.

When the hound finished the food, he suddenly rolled his eyes and gradually began to twitch.

However, the owner of the hound had already returned to the house and did not notice anything unusual about the hound. Soon the hound stopped twitching. It slowly opened its eyes and felt angry in its heart.

Obviously, the hunting dog has been taken away by Liu Tiefeng.

Liu Tiefeng lowered his head and glanced at his dog's paws, and secretly said with hatred: "Zhang Ping, sooner or later, I will skin you and cramp you, make you into a dish and swallow it one bite at a time!"

Born from cooking, it is a very extreme escape ability in itself.

After this ability is activated, the original body will completely collapse, leaving only a small amount of special and undetectable original liquid. When the original liquid is swallowed by other organisms, it will be reborn in the body of other organisms, and gain the ability to seize the target based on its original abilities.

For example, now, Liu Tiefeng has inherited a dog's nose, and his sense of smell is more developed than before, and this effect can be carried over to the next competition.

However, every time he takes over the house, he needs a long buffer time before he can take over the next house, so... he needs to be a dog for a while.

This time he was defeated, but not defeated.

The battle between superpowers is a competition of ability, mind, and timing.

No matter how capable you are, it will still be useless if you fail to seize the opportunity.

This is like a person holding a large amount of money to buy stocks. Only when he buys the right stocks at the right time can he make money, otherwise he will only lose money.

Although Liu Tiefeng still had the strength to fight just now, most of his body was destroyed. If he continued to fight, he would only expose more of his abilities, but the result would not change much, so it was better to stop fighting.

This is similar to buying a stock and then cutting it off to survive.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Liu Tiefeng ran away so simply.

City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Ping lay on Cure White Tiger's body, holding little Theron in his right hand and the fat cat in his left hand, with a lazy look on his face.

Mainly because of the fight with Liu Tiefeng, he was under a lot of pressure and even felt that he could not face Liu Tiefeng in the original world.

"Sure enough... I am just a time traveler without a golden finger. It's so miserable. Didn't we say that every time traveler has a golden finger? System? Grandpa? If you have one, come out!" Zhang Ping sucked the cat. while shouting into the air.

In the past, he thought that the infinite level ability was his golden finger, but later he learned that Situ Shibai was also an infinite level ability user. But at that time, he felt okay, after all, he was the only infinite level ability user.

Who knew that now I would encounter a new infinite level ability user.

If you think about it more carefully, there is Situ Shibai in every parallel world, and even other people may become infinite-level ability users. If you calculate it like this, wouldn't infinite-level ability users be ruined?

All right.

In fact, it’s not a bad street.

After all, there are only one or two infinite level ability users in each world.

If one does not leave the original world, infinite level ability users are still very rare.


The goal of the rescue team is to rescue the universe.

Zhang Ping is destined to face more infinite-level ability users. When he thinks that his future enemies will be people like Situ Shibai and Liu Tiefeng, he feels numb and stressed.

As a last resort, he had to summon the healing white tiger and suck the cat first.

"Cat, are you fat again?"

Zhang Ping touched Fat Cat's belly and looked at Fat Cat's fat face with some suspicion.

Fat Cat, on the other hand, looked helpless and let Zhang Ping touch his belly, dismissing Zhang Ping's suspicions.

It has lost its freedom. Shouldn't it be allowed to eat more?

Zhang Ping looked at the fat cat's belly and said lazily: "I heard that cats and dogs can live longer after being castrated..."


The fat cat licked the white tiger, yes

Yu Zhangping's words were dismissed with disdain.

If you are castrated, castrate it. The boat will naturally straighten up when it reaches the bridge!



The fat cat reacted belatedly and quickly broke away from Zhang Ping's hand. It ran to the side of the healing white tiger, roared at Zhang Ping, and then ran out of the room to find the young lady for comfort.


Zhang Ping couldn't help but laugh softly when he saw that the prank was working.

During this period, he had developed a certain resistance to the cure of the white tiger, so he would not rely too much on it. After he felt better, he let Little Theron continue to lie on the white tiger, while he stood up and walked to the balcony of the room, looking towards the Pearl City.

Viewed from the perspective of the City Lord's Mansion, the Pearl City is very beautiful, with all kinds of strange-shaped buildings that extremely show off their individuality. Countless pedestrians come and go, showing a sense of comfort among the laughter and laughter.

After just standing for a while, Zhang Ping felt completely comfortable.

He used his mind to pull out a chair, and after sitting down on the balcony, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of him.

Every scene between him and Liu Tiefeng from meeting to fighting was slowly played on the screen.

He is not a god, so naturally he cannot do everything perfectly.

There are even many times when what he does has good intentions, but often backfires.

In this case, the information control derived from the mutation of the identification technique comes into play. He can easily watch everything he encountered before, and then reflect on whether he has done anything wrong and whether it is possible to do better.

At the same time, you can also find more clues by looking back.

After watching the battle again from beginning to end, and even analyzing it from different angles, Zhang Ping noticed one thing, that is, Liu Tiefeng seemed to want to capture him alive at first.

And the other party cares about his origins!

This is not right.

Suppose two infinite-level ability users with the ability to travel through the world meet. Even if they are hostile, will they care about each other's origins?

I will definitely care if I care, but I will never particularly care.

This is equivalent to the lone ranger in ancient times. If he encounters a conflict on the road, he will just kill him. Who cares about the identity of the person he kills? He will just run away after killing him. Who knows?

But Liu Tiefeng was different. He was the type who wanted to investigate clearly.

has a problem!

There is definitely something wrong with Liu Tiefeng.

After watching the replay, Zhang Ping touched his chin and had a vague guess in his mind. Liu Tiefeng may not be alone. What if the other party also has an organization?

He can set up a rescue team, and Liu Tiefeng can also set up other organizations.

Maybe the other party is ambitious and ready to dominate all parallel worlds?

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