I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [374] Noisy


Zhang Ping was dragged by Cheng Xuejie to work as a coolie, and by the way he met with several captains of the investigation team who were still in the city.

In the city lord's mansion, Fat Cat and Little Theron were lying on White Tiger's body. After a good sleep, they were very energetic and a little restless.

The fat cat looked at the little Theron, and gave a tentative meow. The little Theron glanced at the fat cat, and then took out a gem from the belly of his dimension.

In fact, little Theron's strength has improved a lot, and the space in the belly of the dimension has also been greatly expanded. There is now a lot of food and equipment in it for emergencies.

Part of the food was saved by it itself, and some were given to it by Cheng Xuejie. The equipment all came from Zhang Ping, mainly some special equipment that Zhang Ping could not use, so it was given to it to protect itself.

Little Theron threw the gem against the wall, and the next moment a sewer manhole cover appeared on the wall.

Then the manhole cover opened, and little Theron walked to the edge of the manhole cover and called out, and a Chinese pastoral dog quickly appeared.

"Big sister!"

Dahuang, who has the ability of 'Beast Friend', shouted obediently.

Then Dahuang looked at Fat Cat. Fat Cat raised his head proudly and looked at Dahuang with contempt. Their eyes met.

At this moment, Dahuang suddenly understood and understood that his status had declined again.

It wagged its tail and said ingratiatingly: "Hello!"


The fat cat ignored Rhubarb at all and barked at Theron.

Does it mean you have to take this stupid dog with you when you go out for fun?

Theron glanced at Fat Cat domineeringly, then turned and walked out of the house. Dahuang quickly followed. Fat Cat hesitated for a moment, but then decided that it was pointless to stay, so he had to follow behind, but deliberately kept a distance from Dahuang.

They left the city lord's mansion and just wandered around at first.

Suddenly Dahuang smelled a scent and immediately shouted to Theron: "Sister, it smells so good over there, it smells like barbecue."

"What's so delicious about barbecue?" Fat Cat said disdainfully.

Theron is also not interested in barbecue, he just wants to go out for a walk and go home after the walk.

However, Rhubarb was already overwhelmed by the scent and immediately ran into the forest. Theron and Fat Cat had no choice but to follow.

In fact, the woods in their eyes are just a small green belt in Pearl City. Because they are often maintained by patrol teams, there are no dangerous alien beasts in the woods.

The three little ones were walking through the forest, and soon they saw smoke. They quickened their pace, and after passing through a leafy shrub, they immediately saw a dog sitting in the open ground grilling meat.

When they found the dog, the dog also found them. Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little tense for a moment.


Dahuang was a little frightened for a moment.

Because of the ability of 'Beast Friend', it actually has the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

It will naturally be closer to friendly objects, but will avoid ruthless objects.

At this moment, its legs were a little weak.


Fat cats also have a strong ability to distinguish and are aware of danger in an instant.

It turned around and ran away, with Big Yellow following closely behind. Little Theron was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran back.

"That direction..."

Liu Tiefeng looked at the direction in which the three little ones were escaping, and squinted his eyes the next moment.

He directly activated his telekinesis, and at the same time a wave was generated on the ground, quickly sweeping towards the three little ones.


The fat cat was running when it suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura coming from behind. It immediately activated its power with a 'meow' sound, and many small stars appeared around it.

These small stars formed an orbit, and their speed suddenly increased in the orbit of the stars. At the same time, they gradually broke away from the ground and started running in mid-air.


Liu Tiefeng didn't expect Fat Cat to have this skill, and all his abilities were in vain.

Then he reacted very quickly, immediately threw the barbecue aside, quickly flew up from the ground, and chased directly towards the three little ones.

The two sides moved at high speed in the air, moving from the center of the city to the east of the city in an instant.

"Little one, don't even think about running away!"

Liu Tiefeng roared and controlled the air to form a big hand that shot towards the stars.

With this shot, the orbit of the stars suddenly deviated from its original trajectory. The three little ones fell to the ground along the orbit and had to flee quickly in the alley.

Liu Tiefeng landed boldly, making a big hole in the ground. Then he moved his nose and chased the three little ones again.

In the alley, Fat Cat and Little Theron shuttled quickly among the crowd. Liu Tiefeng followed closely. Because he was worried that Zhang Ping would discover his form, he did not kill people in a big way. Instead, he was like the three little ones. Pedestrians passed under their legs, causing countless passers-by to scream.


Sister, I’m almost out of strength! "Dahuang ran and shouted suddenly.

Theron immediately took out a large number of nanorobots from the belly of the dimension. These nanorobots formed three skateboards, carrying three small ones and continuing to escape.

"Space ability?"

When Liu Tiefeng saw this scene, he suddenly showed greed.

As long as he eats that strange alienated beast, he can gain spatial abilities!

Spatial ability has always been one of the rarest abilities.

Although Liu Tiefeng now has three spatial abilities, none of them are storage abilities. Theron's ability is exactly what he needs.

With this discovery, he was even more unwilling to give up.

The two sides ran away and chased each other, running from one alley to another in the blink of an eye.

It just so happened that there were very few pedestrians in this alley, so Liu Tiefeng immediately walked quickly, constantly shortening the distance between them.

"It's catching up with us!" Da Huang screamed in fear when he smelled Liu Tiefeng.

The fat cat smelled a strange smell at this time, and instinctively felt some kind of life. It immediately shouted: "Follow me!"

It immediately changed direction and ran into a dark door in a blink of an eye.

Theron and Da Huang followed immediately.

Inside the door was a passage leading to the underground. Because no one had come for several days, the passage was covered with a layer of light dust.

The three little ones quickly passed through the passage and then saw countless cells. The prisoners in the cells were dying, and some prisoners had even starved to death, emitting a rotten stench.

The fat cat ignored these prisoners. It quickly ran to the last cell and got in through the gap.

In the cell, a woman was tied up with a lot of iron chains.

The woman's skin was abnormally pale, and her four or five-meter-long hair was spread messily throughout the cell. The long hair covered her left eye, leaving only the right eye exposed.

She closed her eyes and seemed to be sleeping.

The three little ones came in without disturbing her. Fat Cat covered himself with the woman's hair. When Sharon and Da Huang saw it, they immediately followed suit and hid themselves in the hair.

After the three little ones hid, Liu Tiefeng quickly chased them and finally stopped in the corridor of the cell.

He looked at the cells around him and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

This cell has only one exit. The three alien beasts are seeking their own death. Now he just needs to catch them in the jar. They can't escape from his palm.

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