I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [375] Lin Renmei

Liu Tiefeng activated his ability instantly, and an earthen wall immediately formed at the exit of the cell.

This earthen wall blocks the exit tightly. Unless the other party has the ability to escape from the ground, it will be absolutely impossible to escape from the cell for a while.

It moved its nose and walked forward slowly.

At this time, the prisoners in the cell noticed Liu Tiefeng. One of the prisoners swallowed his saliva and immediately said to Liu Tiefeng: "Dog, come here, I have delicious food here!"

They had not eaten for several days and had no idea what was going on outside.

After the prison guards belonging to the patrol team disappeared, the workers responsible for delivering meals never appeared again. The surviving prisoners are all ruthless people.

Some survive by drinking urine and blood, and some even eat one of their own arms.

So now when they see Liu Tiefeng, everyone's eyes are red, and they want to devour Liu Tiefeng in one gulp.

"Dog? Do you dare to call me a dog?"

Liu Tiefeng looked at the prisoner and said gloomily. The next moment, a gun suddenly protruded from the ground under the prisoner's feet and inserted the prisoner into the cell.

He glanced coldly at the prisoners around him, snorted and continued walking forward.

When he came to the last cell, he couldn't help but sneer: "Come out, your smell can't be hidden at all, I know... you are in there."

"I'm so hungry. When will Uncle Wang come to deliver food?" The woman suddenly said in the cell.

However, she still closed her eyes and made no other movements after saying this, as if this sentence was just a dream talk.

Liu Tiefeng snorted coldly, and twisted the prison pillar directly with his telepathy. He slowly walked into the cell, and pulled away the hair around him with his telepathy. Fat Cat and Theron were immediately exposed to Liu Tiefeng.


The fat cat immediately hid behind the woman. Little Theron and Dahuang quickly followed suit and hid on the left and right sides of the woman.

"You think you're safe by hiding behind her? You're naive!" Seeing this, Liu Tiefeng smiled disdainfully.

He took a step forward and immediately grabbed the woman's neck with his telekinesis. He was mentally preparing to throw the woman out first, and then slowly cook three small ones.

Who knew that when his telekinesis fell on the woman's neck, he was completely unable to shake her, as if she were a mountain with infinite weight. No matter how much power he exerted, it would be of no use.

How can it be?

Liu Tiefeng's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Although his telekinesis is not particularly strong among infinite level ability users,

It is also enough to dominate among ordinary awakened people.

With his current mental power, he can easily lift five hundred tons of material after turning into telekinesis, but now he can't even lift a woman?

He immediately roared, controlled the ground to form two big hands and grabbed the woman's legs, trying to throw her out, but as soon as the two hands made of the ground exerted force, he collapsed first.

At this time, the woman was finally alarmed.

She opened her eyes drowsily and saw a dog standing in front of her, her eyes immediately filled with confusion.

Then, a gurgling sound came from her belly, and she looked at the dog with brighter and brighter eyes.

"not good!"

In an instant, Liu Tiefeng's premonition of crisis frantically warned him.

He instantly flew back, penetrated the wall and escaped.

"I'm so hungry. Am I going to starve to death?"

The woman said a little disappointed when she saw Liu Tiefeng suddenly disappearing through the wall.


Only then did the fat cat walk out from behind her.

"Cat? Can I eat you?" The woman's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the fat cat, and she asked drooling.

The fat cat quickly meowed again, and Theron walked out from behind the woman. He took out a plate from his dimensional belly, and then placed pieces of meat on the plate.


The woman suddenly said excitedly.

She hadn't eaten for a long time, and now she opened her mouth as if there was a black hole in her stomach that could suck anything in.

"Is this for me? Can I eat it?" However, she did not eat the meat immediately, but looked at Theron and asked.

After Theron nodded, she dug into the meat and ate a three-pound piece of cooked meat in the blink of an eye.

Then she looked at Little Theron with unfulfilled interest, but was too embarrassed to speak. Seeing this, Little Theron took out more than ten pieces of meat and put them on the plate. She thanked him and continued eating.

Little Theron didn't declare she was full until she had eaten a third of her food stash.

"Sister, I'm hungry too." Da Huang was wagging his tail at this time, sticking out his tongue and looking at Theron expectantly.

Theron suddenly screamed with dissatisfaction, jumped on Dahuang's head and beat it. If Dahuang hadn't just lost his mind and ran around, how could they have encountered Liu Tiefeng, a terrible monster.

Fortunately, the fat cat was reliable this time and found this woman with a big stomach, otherwise they would be in danger this time.

"I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it next time." Dahuang immediately

Begged for mercy.


After Zhang Ping finished his busy work, he returned to the city lord's palace and lay on the healing white tiger for a while.

After he felt his whole body refreshed, he realized that Theron and the others were gone. He looked at the Cure White Tiger and asked, "Where have they gone, little Theron?"

However, the Cure White Tiger licked his big claws leisurely, and then shook his head to express that he didn't know.

Zhang Ping sat up, and the remaining information around him was instantly collected. He frowned and said, "Did Little Theron call Dahuang out?"

Then he got up and followed the scent of the three little ones. He first circled the green belt, and then walked towards the east of the city.

"Fat Cat used his ability and seemed to be moving with Theron and Da Huang at high speed. There were indeed traces of other mutant beasts in the forest. Could it be that they were in danger?" Zhang Ping guessed as he walked.

A minute later, he came to the entrance of the cell and walked along the passage. Soon he saw the earth wall made by Liu Tiefeng.

His expression was slightly solemn. He used his telekinesis to break the earth wall and walked into the cell. The stench of the corpse immediately hit his nose. He quickly used his telekinesis to isolate the stench and continued to move forward.

When he came to the last cell, he saw Little Theron and the others lying on his hair and sleeping soundly, and a woman with chains tied to her body was also sleeping sweetly against the wall.

After he confirmed that Fat Cat and the others were not injured, he breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at the sleeping woman.

Safety first, identify first.

In a moment, the woman's attributes appeared in front of Zhang Ping.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Lin Renmei]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ∞]

[Lifespan: ∞]

[Level: Advanced Awakener]

[Level: 29]


[Unknown: With each breath, part of the potential can be converted into lifespan, and lifespan is consumed to permanently improve physical fitness. Each time this effect takes effect, the consumption will increase tenfold, and the improved physical fitness will also increase tenfold. ]

[Advanced skills]

[Intermediate-Exhausted: When attacked, if the attacker's power is less than yours, you will be immune to the damage and all special effects of the attack. ]

[Advanced-Supernatural: If the target's power is less than yours, the damage caused by each attack is real damage, which cannot be defended or immune. ]

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