I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [376] Lin Renmei’s past

What the hell kind of attribute is this?

Just looking at abilities, Lin Renmei is at most a city-protecting level ability user.


Why do such exaggerated attributes as infinite potential and infinite lifespan exist?

These two incredible attributes directly boosted Lin Renmena's ability to stretch her hips to an unimaginable height.

This unscientific!

Zhang Ping wiped his eyes and looked at Lin Renmei's attributes, then wiped his eyes again and looked again...

He took a deep breath, turned off his attributes, and then looked at Lin Renmei in the prison. He suddenly felt like he was facing a vicious beast. If Lin Renmei punched him, could he withstand it?

have no idea.

Don't want to try either.

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva and then said: "Little Theron, Fat Cat, Gouzi, wake up quickly!"

But Little Theron and the others had been playing around all afternoon, and now they were sleeping soundly. When they heard his voice, they just changed their positions, and then continued to sleep.

Instead, Lin Renmei opened her eyes at this time and was looking at him curiously.

"Uh... hello!" Zhang Ping greeted Lin Renmei after being stunned for a moment.

Lin Renmei said weakly: "Hello...hello."

As she spoke, another loud gurgling sound came from her stomach.

"Can I come in?" Zhang Ping asked at this time.

Lin Renmei's mind was already confused by that sound. She blushed dizzy and said: "Please... please come in."

She won't feel shy when her stomach rumbles in front of small animals, but it's different when in front of people.

When she came back to her senses, she couldn't help feeling a little regretful. Why had she agreed out of nowhere?

What if my stomach starts to ring again later?

But Zhang Ping had already walked into the cell. He sat cross-legged on the ground, picked up the fat cat and put it on his lap. He smiled and said: "They are all my little friends. Thank you for protecting them."

From the information collected on the road, he could confirm that something was chasing Little Theron and the others. Fortunately, Little Theron and the others escaped by running to Lin Renmei.

"It's me who should say thank you." Lin Renmei whispered.

If Theron hadn't invited her to eat, she might not even be able to maintain her sanity now. She didn't know how embarrassing she would be when she saw Zhang Ping.

"Why... why did you come in?" Zhang Ping looked around and saw many prisoners looking at him eagerly.

On this side, he asked curiously.

Lin Renmei's expression was visibly depressed, her eyes were slightly red, and her exposed fists were clenched little by little.

"If you don't want to answer, you don't have to say anything." Zhang Ping said quickly when he saw this.

Lin Renmei shook her head and said sadly: "I accidentally killed my father. I was so happy when he came back from work that day, and then... then I wanted to hug him. I ran over happily, and my father was also happy. He squatted down and opened his hands. When I hugged him, he suddenly... suddenly turned into a layer of red mist, woo hoo... woo woo..."


This was not the sound of Lin Renmei's stomach rumbling, but the sound of Zhang Ping silently swallowing his saliva.

He had already imagined the scene. The little girl crashed into her father, knocking him out and turning him into a mist of blood.


Zhang Ping took a deep breath and whispered: "Sorry, I shouldn't ask you this question."

"It's not your fault. I was detained here by the patrol team until now." Lin Renmei shook her head and said with sobs.

In fact, Lin Renmei didn't know some small details, that is, after she hit her father, the shock wave directly destroyed the house, and then wiped out the entire community where she lived.

But at that time, she had no extra energy to discover these details, and she was completely immersed in the disappearance of her father.

"Do you want to go back to being a normal person?" Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked.

Lin Renmei immediately nodded to express her thoughts. In fact, she also knew that she was very abnormal. Her strength was a bit exaggerated, and she might hurt the people she cared about if she was not careful.

"I can try to help you take out your abilities so that you can leave here, but this requires your consent." Zhang Ping said seriously.

Lin Renmei wiped the tears on her cheeks, calmed down her emotions, nodded and said, "I agree."

"Okay, then the contract is concluded!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He stretched out his hand, which was immediately covered with a layer of energy. When he tried to take out Lin Renmei's ability, he found that he could not reach into Lin Renmei's abdomen.


Zhang Ping silently increased his strength, but he felt as if there was an unshakable mountain in front of him. No matter how much strength he exerted, it had no effect at all.


This time it was Lin Renmei's hungry sound.

Lin Renmei immediately lowered her head and her face turned red again.


"Sorry, I can't seem to help you recover." Zhang Ping finally gave up helplessly.

This is probably related to Lin Renmei's advanced skills. His strength is too different from Lin Renmei's. Even if Lin Renmei agrees, it will be useless. He cannot pose any threat to Lin Renmei.

"It's okay, thank you for being willing to help me." Lin Renmei lowered her head and said with a flushed face.

Although she was imprisoned here when she was very young, she is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything. Instead, she understands more because of the prisoners around her.

The quality of these prisoners was generally low, and they often spoke foul language. Under the influence of her ears and eyes, she actually knew a lot of obscene knowledge.

Especially when she was sixteen, a prison guard had evil thoughts about her. As a result, she pretended to fall accidentally, and her head hit the ground gently, trying to use as little force as possible. The prison guard who had evil thoughts and several nearby cells were blown up by the aftermath.

From then on, no one dared to have bad thoughts about her.

"Let's eat first."

Zhang Ping scratched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

The main reason was that Lin Renmei's ability was too exaggerated. He didn't know how to arrange Lin Renmei. It was not a good idea to keep her here, but it felt too dangerous to let her go.

He silently took out a small table from the Dream City and put all kinds of food on it.

"Those chains are actually useless to you, right? Let's untie them!" Zhang Ping looked at Lin Renmei and suggested.

Lin Renmei said distressedly: "I dare not use force, what if the force is too strong."

In an instant, Zhang Ping automatically imagined the terrifying scene of the chains exploding.

He nodded immediately and said, "Well, let me help you."

As he spoke, a ball of golden energy appeared on his palm, and the energy came into contact with the chain, and swallowed the chain in an instant.

Then the two of them ate and talked, and Zhang Ping told Lin Renmei about the current situation in Mingzhu City. Only then did Lin Renmei know why the prison guards had not appeared during this period.

This cell belongs to one of the prisons under the jurisdiction of the patrol team, and the prison guards are also members of the patrol team.

They all need to report to the patrol team headquarters before going to work. If they meet the Tianchang Fox, they will naturally die. The prisoners in the cell are smelly and disgusting, and the Tianchang Fox has no appetite to eat them.

So, they were forgotten in the cell, and many prisoners starved to death.

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