I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [377] Abducted

"Miss Lin, what are your plans next?"

After Zhang Ping finished eating, he took out two drinks from Dream City, handed one to Lin Renmei and asked.

Although Lin Renmei did commit murder, she was only nine years old when she accidentally killed her father, and she did not know that she had awakened, so it was a non-subjective fault that caused the death of others.

She was still a minor at that time, and the victim was her father, so the crime would definitely not lead to death.

Lin Renmei is now 29 years old.

In other words, she has been in prison for 20 years.

Zhang Ping remembers that those who cause death due to negligence are generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

Therefore, in Lin Renmei's case, she should have been released after serving her sentence long ago.

Lin Renmei drank up the drink, then looked at Zhang Ping blankly and asked, "What are your plans?"

"Now the Pearl City has been taken over by the rescue team. As the captain, I have the power to correct unjust and wrongful convictions. You have performed well in prison and have served 20 years. You just acted bravely to save Theron and the others. I think you deserve to serve your sentence. Release, so... you are free!" Zhang Ping put down his drink and looked at Lin Renmei with a smile.

Lin Renmei was not happy. Instead, she was stunned. After a while, she was at a loss and said: "But I have killed many people, and I may hurt other people when I get out."

"You didn't mean to kill them, did you?" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Lin Renmei lowered her head and said, "I can't go out, I don't want to hurt everyone."

"Well, you follow me for a while. If you really can't control your own power, I'll find a way." Zhang Ping thought for a while and said.

Lin Renmei worried: "What if I accidentally kill you?"

"If you can do it, just try it!" Zhang Ping smiled confidently.

While eating, he thought of a way to deal with Lin Renmei.

Although Lin Renmei is very strong, she is not an infinite-level ability user after all. As long as she is not hit by her attacks, it will be useless no matter how strong she is.

She is like the Hulk with real injuries. Her advantages are very obvious, but her shortcomings are also very prominent.

"Don't you want to see the outside world? Don't want to make more friends?" Zhang Ping looked at Lin Renmei and said sincerely.

He sympathized with Lin Renmei's experience. After all, Lin Renmei had no control over the ability she awakened, and she had already paid the price for her mistakes.

In addition, Lin Renmei is destined to become stronger and stronger.

She has no life limit. Sooner or later, she will grow to unimaginable heights. If she tries to guide her then, it will be too late.

"Try it!" Zhang Ping

Looking at Lin Renmei, she said seriously.

Lin Renmei held her hands together and twisted her fingers in a tangled manner. She really wanted to see what the outside world was like, and she also wanted to make more friends. But she was worried that she would hurt others and had no confidence in herself.


Fat Cat woke up at this time and found himself lying on Zhang Ping's lap, and immediately got up slowly.

"Your power is very dangerous, but you can also use it to protect the things you want to protect. Didn't you successfully protect Little Theron, Fat Cat, and Dahuang?" Zhang Ping continued to persuade.

Lin Renmei said embarrassedly: "I didn't find them at that time, I was just... just hungry."

"Then give it a try. Power is like a knife. You can use it to hurt others, but you can also use it to protect your friends!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Lin Renmei looked at Zhang Ping, and there seemed to be a warm current flowing in her heart.

The people she comes into contact with on a daily basis are either extremely afraid of her or full of malice towards her. The prison guards were very careful with her, and the prisoners didn't have a good look on her. Even if they didn't dare to speak dirty words to her, they would occasionally look at her with dirty eyes.

Zhang Ping was the only person who was really friendly to her since she was imprisoned. Even Uncle Wang, who delivered meals, was only friendly on the surface, but in fact he kept a distance from her.


Lin Renmei looked at Zhang Ping and nodded gently at the end.

She wants to go out.

She wants to see the world.

She wants to have real friends.

Outside the cell.

Lin Tiefeng stood in the shadow of the alley.

When he saw Zhang Ping holding Fat Cat and little Theron walking in front, with Lin Renmei following behind, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​kidnapping Theron.

In his current state, he has no chance of winning against Zhang Ping.

Moreover, in addition to Zhang Ping, there is now another woman with unknown origins and unknown abilities.

Liu Tiefeng watched Zhang Ping and Lin Renmei disappear at the end of the alley, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to go to the patrol team to check the details of the woman first. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!

The patrol headquarters has been taken over by members of the rescue team.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the headquarters was still brightly lit and members of the rescue team were still busy.

Covered with a light gray film, Liu Tiefeng swaggered into the headquarters. He came to the archives room with ease and used his telekinesis to open the prisoner's file. It only took ten minutes to find Lin Renmei's information.

"Lin Renmei, female, imprisoned for murder at the age of 9..."

Liu Tiefeng frowned as he looked at it. This file was too ordinary. Lin Renmei could not be seen at all.

There's something special about it.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to use the identification technique when he saw Lin Renmei for the first time, but when he saw Lin Renmei again, Zhang Ping was by Lin Renmei's side.

He was worried that Zhang Ping had the ability to counter-identify and that once he used his ability, Zhang Ping would discover it, but he never dared to use it.

"Could it be that... Lin Renmei in this world is also an infinite ability user?"

Liu Tiefeng put the file back to its original place, feeling a little irritated.

It was difficult to deal with Zhang Ping alone, and now there was another Lin Renmei who even he felt was dangerous.

Maybe, he should ask the organization for reinforcements!

Although asking the organization for help would make him lose face, it was better than making mistakes in the mission. After all, the organization he belonged to had strict iron rules, and failure to complete the mission would be fatal!

After making up his mind, Liu Tiefeng decisively left the patrol team headquarters.

However, before he walked far, a voice suddenly came from a dark alley, "Sit down, don't move, don't use your ability."

For some reason, Liu Tiefeng sat down.

When he reacted, he found that many wild dogs with scarlet eyes had appeared around him, and these wild dogs slowly surrounded him.

Dog King!

Liu Tiefeng reacted in an instant and immediately saw a masked man in tattered clothes walking out of the alley.

In some parallel worlds, there is a wanted criminal named "Dog King". His ability is to control all canines. With his ability, Dog King is not only the most terrible intelligence dealer in the underground world, but also a cold-blooded killer who kills without blinking an eye.

Although Liu Tiefeng was originally a human, his current body is that of a dog. There is no doubt that he is restrained by the ability of Dog King.

"Hehehe, it is indeed a good dog!"

The Dog King slowly walked in front of Liu Tiefeng, reached out and touched Liu Tiefeng's dog head, and said with satisfaction.

"I will kill you!"

Liu Tiefeng was furious, but his body could not move, and his ability could not be used.

"Be good, I will take you home!"

The Dog King did not know Liu Tiefeng's psychological activities. He slowly used his ability to condense a dog circle and said with a smile.

In fact, this is not a coincidence.

When Liu Tiefeng was chasing Xiao Selon and the others, the Dog King had already found Liu Tiefeng, but Liu Tiefeng's speed was too fast and he lost him.

However, he did not give up, but controlled the family dogs in the city to search secretly, which led to the encounter tonight.

So Liu Tiefeng's current experience was not accidental, but inevitable.

So, on the night when Zhang Ping kidnapped Lin Renmei, Liu Tiefeng was also kidnapped by the Dog King...

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