I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [378] Test

A night of silence.

The next day, Zhang Pingchen ran back and saw Lin Renmei sitting carefully in the temporary living room.

"Miss Lin, good morning!"

Zhang Ping sat down with a smile and greeted Lin Renmei.

I have to say that Lin Renmei lives up to her name, she is truly a beauty.

Last night, after Cheng Xuejie helped to wash up, Lin Renmei actually looked very good. Now Lin Renmei was wearing a white sleeveless short shirt on her upper body and a black long skirt on her lower body. After her originally too long hair was cut short, her silky hair hung down on her waist. She is completely the black and straight lady.

However, because she is used to having one eye covered by long hair, she still has one eye covered by long hair, leaving only one eye exposed.

"Captain Zhang, good morning!" Lin Renmei raised her head and glanced at Zhang Ping shyly, then whispered in response.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "You can just call me Zhang Ping, Captain Zhang...it sounds weird."

He then picked up an apple and opened the Clean World Projection. The apple suddenly became extremely clean. He took a bite of the apple and said seriously while eating it: "You can treat this place as your own home. You don't have to be so restrained. In fact, our rescue team I just took over here, look how rude I am."

"Yes." Lin Renmei nodded to show that she knew, but she was still very careful not to move.

After she came out, she was very careful in every move she made, for fear that she would use too much force.

Seeing that she was still very nervous, Zhang Ping could only helplessly finish the apple in a few bites, then stood up and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to test your current strength."

"I also need to go!"

Zhang Shouzhong happened to come out of the room and immediately came forward after hearing this.

He had seen Lin Renmei's attributes shared by Zhang Ping, so he was also curious about Lin Renmei's maximum power now.

"OK, let's go!"

Zhang Ping immediately opened the mysterious sewer.

The three people passed through the sewer and came to World No. 1.

Lin Renmei looked at the dark land and said uneasily: "Captain Zhang...Zhang Ping, what kind of place is this? It feels so depressing, more terrifying than a prison cell."

"A parallel world without people, no matter how much damage you cause here, you will be fine." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Lin Renmei said worriedly: "But I'm afraid I will hurt you."

"Yes, the effect of force

It's relative. What if the reaction force blows us up? "Zhang Shouzhong reacted and pushed Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and said, "Miss Lin, please stretch out your hand and I will do an experiment."

Since the identification technique can work on Lin Renmei, it means that some abilities that are harmless to Lin Renmei can actually have an effect on Lin Renmei.

When Lin Renmei stretched out her hand, Zhang Ping's body immediately turned into blood and quickly penetrated into Lin Renmei's body.

"Okay, now the problem is solved. Fatty, you go back first. I will record the scene and share it with you later." Zhang Ping said to Zhang Shouzhong by dividing the blood.

Zhang Shouzhong said helplessly: "Okay, that's all we have now."

He returned to the mysterious sewer, directly covered the manhole cover, and then waited for news in the sewer.

Seeing the passage disappear, Lin Renmei said uneasily: "Zhang Ping, are you there?"

"I'm here, you can go all out now!" Zhang Ping replied.

Lin Renmei worried: "Is it really possible? What if there is someone here?"

"Look around, does it look like there are people?" Zhang Ping asked rhetorically.

He has stayed in World No. 1 for a long time, and he can be sure that there are absolutely no humans in this world, at least in this area.

"Then I'll start." Lin Renmei also wanted to know how strong she was. Seeing Zhang Ping's certainty, she nodded.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Let's get started."

Then, Lin Renmei took a deep breath. She usually breathed carefully and didn't dare to take a breath. This time she breathed in the surrounding air directly into her lungs, creating a large area of ​​​​vacuum.

Then she raised her hand and punched forward, with her as the center, as if the sun was rising from her fist, and the originally dark world became extremely bright.

Dozens of kilometers away, a wild boar-shaped alien beast covered in steel was devouring steel.

Suddenly it felt something, and slowly raised its head and looked into the distance. It could vaguely see a sun slowly rising, then the brightness of the light decreased, and gradually formed a huge mushroom cloud.


A shock wave swept across, and the wild boar was instantly wiped out.

At the same time, countless mountain peaks were flattened, and a huge abyss formed on the ground.

When the mushroom cloud exploded, the second shock wave came again, and the surrounding ground was

Sweeping across the surface, countless alienated beasts were directly turned into ashes.

After about an hour, the aftermath of Lin Renmei's punch gradually subsided.

There was a burning smell in the air, and the ground was covered with hot magma. Lin Renmei stood there, a little at a loss.

She was frightened by her punch. The scene just now was so terrifying that she didn't even dare to move.

"It's unscientific, this is too exaggerated."

Zhang Ping looked at the completely changed environment around him and was equally shocked.

Although the effect of this punch could be achieved by Mao Longzun, the problem was that Lin Renmei did not actually use his full strength. Zhang Ping monitored Lin Renmei's physical condition and naturally knew that Lin Renmei still gave in.

She actually just punched a little more seriously.

"Zhang Ping, why don't I go back to prison." Lin Renmei said a little timidly.

She was really afraid that she would accidentally throw this punch in Mingzhu City.

"You can't stay in jail forever. Now is the best opportunity for you to understand your own strength. Don't give up so quickly. Try running at full speed now!" Zhang Ping calmed down and said seriously.

Lin Renmei hesitated for a moment, but decided to trust Zhang Ping.

She gritted her teeth and immediately ran. At first, she ran lightly, but as Zhang Ping shouted to speed up, her speed began to get faster and faster.

Zhang Ping was already numb.

Originally, he was still confident that even if he couldn't beat Lin Renmei, he could avoid Lin Renmei's attack.

But now, feeling Lin Renmei's exaggerated speed, he felt that he might not be able to avoid it.

At the same time, he was very confused, why there was such an outlier as Lin Renmei.

Unlimited potential, unlimited lifespan.

This is exaggerated.

Zhang Ping felt that he should form a think tank, because at this time, he really felt that his IQ was not enough.

Half an hour later.

Lin Renmei stopped, and there was nothingness behind her.

All matter had been destroyed by her, leaving only chaotic energy. Even in the slightly farther areas, the energy driven by her running formed all kinds of unimaginable horrific environments.

Zhang Ping estimated that even he would find it difficult to survive in those environments for a long time.

And that was just the aftermath caused by Lin Renmei.

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