I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [379] Huang Huanzhen

Three days later.

Zhang Ping was sitting at the desk in his room, playing with the pen in his hand out of boredom.

On the day Lin Renmei tested his strength, he made up his mind to recruit a think tank.

The problem is that when he came back and asked, both Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie said it was difficult.

Their rescue team had just been established not long ago, and its benefits were not even as good as those of the cleanup team and investigation team. Those awakened people with high IQs were really difficult to recruit.

Of course, welfare benefits are actually secondary.

The most important thing is that joining the rescue team requires swallowing contract gems.

Smart people think too much, how can they easily believe that Zhang Ping will not harm them.

The current situation is... Zhang Ping and the others can't trust each other if they don't swallow the contract gems, but if they ask to swallow the contract gems, the other side can't trust Zhang Ping and the others.

"Contact them one by one and see if you can convince them!"

Zhang Ping thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of a good way. Finally he gritted his teeth and decided to personally meet the highly intelligent people Zhang Shouzhong and the others said.

He threw away the pen in his hand and immediately got up and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Zhang Shouzhong carefully placed the tea cup in front of Lin Renmei and said with a smile: "Miss Lin, drink tea, be careful not to burn it!"

"Thank you." Lin Renmei said softly.

Cheng Xuejie, who was sitting next to Lin Renmei, rolled her eyes at Zhang Shouzhong and complained: "If you're afraid, just get out of here and don't be an eyesore here."

"Aren't you afraid?" Zhang Shouzhong retorted.

Cheng Xuejie hugged Lin Renmei's shoulders and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid, Renmei. Later I will find a way to help you awaken the biological force field. Your body is so powerful, and the biological force field must also be very strong. When the time comes, use the biological force field." If you restrain your own strength, you won’t be afraid of accidentally hurting others.”

"Is it really possible?" Lin Renmei's eyes lit up and she asked expectantly.

Cheng Xuejie nodded and said, "It must be possible!"

"Senior sister, remember to help me awaken the biological force field when the time comes." Zhang Ping walked down and said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie said angrily: "You have so many abilities, why do you still care about my little ability?"

"The biological force field is not a small ability. If it can really be awakened, with my current physique, I guess even if it's not as good as my senior sister, it shouldn't be too bad." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Then he walked out and said as he walked: "I'm going to see the people you mentioned, let's go."

"Bring me some meat buns from Aunt Wang's house when you come back." Zhang Shouzhong

He opened his mouth and said.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "I understand."

Outside, the sun is shining.

Zhang Ping walked out and looked at the sun, then said to himself: "The smartest person in Pearl City, I want to see how smart he is."

Although Pearl City attaches more importance to awakened people who can fight, there are also many awakened people related to intelligence.

For example, Chen Weihua, whom Zhang Ping knew, was one of them, but Chen Weihua was more interested in information collection, so she was not the awakened person with the highest IQ in Pearl City.

The awakened person with the highest IQ in Pearl City is named Huang Huanzhen.

Huang Huanzhen's ability is very simple, that is, brain power enhancement. Fifty percent of the potions in Pearl City were developed by him, and more than half of the remaining fifty percent of potions were improved by him. , not only the side effects are smaller, but the effect is also improved.

It is worth mentioning that Huang Zhenru, one of the four beauties of Pearl City, is his granddaughter.

At present, Huang Zhenru is still missing. Zhang Ping estimates that she is in danger and may have been eaten by Tianchang Fox.

Huang Huanzhen lives in the east of the city. His residence is a very large manor. However, there are no servants in the manor, only a large number of mechanical puppets responsible for security patrols.

Precisely because of the existence of these mechanical puppets, Huang Huanzhen was not killed by Tianchanghu. After all, Tianchanghu's ability could be concealed from others, but not from these mechanical puppets.

The information Zhang Ping got from Zhang Shouzhong was that these mechanical puppets refused anyone to visit. If anyone dared to break in, the first thing they would have to face was a large number of mechanical puppets.

Therefore, no matter whether it is a human or a Tianchang fox, there is no difference in the treatment for intruding into the manor, that is, they will be beaten.

"Is there anyone there? Can I come in?" Zhang Ping came to Huang Huanzhen's manor, looked at the dense woods inside and the green mechanical puppets patrolling around, and simply shouted loudly.

A mechanical puppet stepped forward and warned: "Warning, the front is private territory, please do not come any closer, otherwise you will be shot to death without mercy!"

"Robot, what if your master is dead?" Zhang Ping squatted down, looked at the mechanical puppet, and asked.

The mechanical puppet continued to warn: "Please leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will call the patrol team for support."

"Well, it seems you don't want to communicate with me."

Zhang Ping said helplessly, and the next moment he flew up lightly, directly crossing the wall and entering the manor.

"Warning, warning, you

Private property has been invaded! "The mechanical puppet immediately issued a sharp warning sound, and at the same time, the mechanical puppets that were patrolling around them stopped one after another, and all looked at Zhang Ping's side.

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Sorry, I want to see your master, bye!"

The next moment, his speed increased sharply, and he was running through the woods in the blink of an eye. Only then did the mechanical puppets start to chase after him, but with their speed, it was impossible to catch up with Zhang Ping.

However, this manor was full of mechanical puppets. Zhang Ping threw away some of the mechanical puppets, but there were more mechanical puppets waiting in place.

Inside the manor, Huang Huanzhen was mixing potions when he suddenly heard an explosion outside. He stopped what he was doing and frowned to look out the window.

The older he got, the more he hated dealing with other idiots.

He has lived alone at home for many years and has no contact with the outside world. He feels that the air in a world without idiots has become much fresher.

"You dare to break in, don't blame me for being rude."

Huang Huanzhen looked at Zhang Ping's agile movements, then took out a button and pressed it gently.

To be honest, he set up so many traps, and he was looking forward to someone daring to break in.


Zhang Ping had just landed when the ground suddenly exploded, and the terrifying explosion directly lifted him off.


Zhang Ping was a little surprised. There is such a thing in Mingzhu City?

However, he reacted quickly, and his telekinesis directly stabilized his body. After landing, he continued to run forward. Whether it was the poison arrows shot by the mechanical puppets or the artillery, the threat to him was too small.

Even if he stepped on a landmine, the landmine would not hurt him.

He was a little curious about what traps Huang Huanzhen had set up in front.

An old man living alone, who prepared so many things to prevent other people from invading, how socially phobic must he be?

"Even the Yin Lei can't hurt him?"

Huang Huanzhen saw it clearly. Zhang Ping stepped on the Yin Lei he prepared. After the Yin Lei exploded, it only threw Zhang Ping away, but Zhang Ping's clothes were not damaged at all.

This shows that his traps can't hurt Zhang Ping at all.

He thought about it and simply closed all the traps.

After all, for a character who can't be hurt by Yin Lei, other traps are not very useful.

He had a gloomy face, put his hands behind his back, and slowly walked into the secret room.

In the secret room, the mechanical puppets that looked similar to him slowly opened their eyes.

Now, he wanted to see what the other party wanted to do by breaking in?

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