I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [380] One Bird in Hand

It only took Zhang Ping one minute to break through the various traps arranged by Huang Huanzhen.

Although Huang Huanzhen later gave up on opening more traps, some of the traps were automatically triggered. When Zhang Ping passed by, all the traps were automatically triggered, which brought Zhang Ping great fun.

These traps reminded Zhang Ping of the joy he had playing Temple Escape in his previous life, and he almost forgot what he came for.

When he came to the door happily, he raised his hand to knock on the door, and the door opened automatically.

"Does this mean you're welcome to come in?"

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but laugh.

Apparently Huang Huanzhen had discovered that he was visiting and opened the door to welcome him.

"I'm in!"

Zhang Ping shouted before stepping through the door.

However, there were no traps in the house, instead it was an ordinary living room.

An old man was sitting in the living room, looking at Zhang Ping who walked in with an unhappy look on his face.

Zhang Ping walked to the old man and sat down in front of him. He smiled and said, "I am Zhang Ping from the rescue team. Please forgive me for taking the liberty of visiting!"

"Don't waste our lives by talking nonsense, just say what you have to say." Huang Huanzhen said with a stinky face.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Then I'll be honest, I hope Mr. Huang can join our rescue team. Our rescue team currently has many problems and is in urgent need of one or more think tanks to help make suggestions. It would be better if you have research talent. I can set up a research institute at the headquarters of the rescue team..."

"Stop, stop, stop, I won't join any organization, our conversation can end here, don't leave!" Huang Huanzhen said disappointedly.

Zhang Ping wanted to say more, but Huang Huanzhen had already turned and left.

In fact, Zhang Ping knew when he saw Huang Huanzhen that the Huang Huanzhen in front of him was just a puppet that was very similar to a human being. Maybe it was because he was not the real body that Huang Huanzhen dared to turn his back to him.

The problem is that turning your back to the guest is an extremely firm rejection in itself.

It doesn't matter whether Huang Huanzhen is the real person or not. What matters is Huang Huanzhen's attitude.


Zhang Ping stood up and looked at Huang Huanzhen's back, and finally sighed helplessly.

As expected, Zhang Shouzhong and the others were right. It was a bit difficult to recruit such highly intelligent awakened people.

But Zhang Ping also had some doubts in his heart. No matter how he looked at this old man, he was just a weird old man with a bad temper and a tough temper. How could he have a high IQ?

"Mr. Huang, your granddaughter Huang Zhenru is missing. Do you have any clues?" Zhang Ping thought.

After thinking about it, he looked at Huang Huanzhen's back and shouted.

Huang Huanzhen said calmly: "I don't know. She is an adult and has her own life. She can be responsible for herself. If you ask this bad old man like me, I am afraid you are asking the wrong person."

"Are you not worried about her at all?" Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and asked.

Huang Huanzhen didn't even look back, and said very coldly: "Why should I worry about her? Stop wasting time, I will not join any organization!"


Zhang Ping saw that it was impossible for Huang Huan to be recruited.

He left Huang Huanzhen's manor, thought about it and decided to talk to Chen Weihua.

A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand.

For high-IQ characters, I am afraid that only by recruiting high-IQ characters can you have a chance to convince the other party.

It may be difficult to convince others, but Zhang Ping is still somewhat confident about Chen Weihua's words. The main reason is that Chen Weihua himself is the type of person who hates evil and hates evil. Generally, such people should still have justice in their hearts. Maybe the other party will agree with the philosophy of the rescue team. uncertain.

Of course, the real reason is that there is a Chen Weihua in the rescue team who is eating and drinking for free.

Zhang Ping returned to the city lord's palace and opened the mysterious sewer. When he found Chen Weihua, Chen Weihua had become a fat ball.

Not metaphorically, but literally fat into a ball.

Zhang Ping looked at the sphere in front of him in shock and stammered: "You...are you Chen Weihua?"

"Zhang Ping, you finally remembered me." Chen Weihua sat on a chair and said angrily while eating snacks.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "Why have you become so fat?"

"It's not because of you that I hear people shouting for help every day. Do you know how much pain I have? I can't sleep when I'm in pain. Insomnia leads to endocrine disorders. As a result, I gain weight even when I drink water." Chen Weihua said angrily.

Zhang Ping blinked, and in an instant, a piece of information popped up in front of his eyes. It showed the memo Su Jingyao gave him a week ago. Sure enough, Chen Weihua's questions were recorded in it.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot to read the memo. Are you feeling better now?" Zhang Ping apologized quickly after reading the record.

Chen Weihua sighed, shook her head and said: "No, I still hear my own voice often. She is asking for help. She is very scared. I can feel her presence, but I can't save her."

"I remember this. In fact, I came here this time to ask you something. If it comes true,

It may also be helpful to your current situation. "Zhang Ping said seriously.

Chen Weihua asked: "What's the matter?"

"I want to set up a separate think tank in the rescue team. We need to recruit a large number of people with high IQ awakenings. I hope you can come and help." Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua and said.

Chen Weihua stood up with difficulty and frowned: "Xiao Zhang and Xue Jie have also considered this matter. They also found that the rescue team is a bit busy to rule a world. Many decision-making issues require repeated wrangling. They also thought about establishing a A secretarial group similar to a think tank, but it’s really hard to recruit talents in this area.”

"That's why I need your help!" Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua and said.

Chen Weihua shook her head and said, "I'm afraid I can't. With my current physical condition, my ability has been greatly reduced. I suggest you go find the Chen Weihua in your original world. Don't you know her?"

"How do you know?" Zhang Ping was surprised.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "Maybe it's telepathy. Although I am always harassed by that voice here, I can occasionally sense the me in your worlds."

"Then I'll try it!" Zhang Ping nodded.

He said goodbye to Chen Weihua and returned directly to World Zero. However, when he entered Pearl City, he still changed his face to avoid being recognized by the cleaning team.

Now most people in World Zero think he is dead, so Zhang Ping doesn't want anyone to find out that he is not dead yet.

Zhang Ping left a blood in Chen Weihua's body. After entering the city, he sensed it a little, then followed the sense to shuttle through the streets, and finally came to a single-family villa.

This villa is very close to the hospital, obviously Chen Weihua's home.

Zhang Ping went forward and knocked on the door. After a while, Chen Weihua's voice came from the door: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

"Sister Weihua, long time no see!" Zhang Ping smiled slightly and controlled the blood to transmit the voice.

Inside the house, Chen Weihua was slightly stunned, and then immediately opened the door and gave Zhang Ping a big hug. She said excitedly: "I know you are not dead. The blood you left in my body is still warm. How could you die?"

If it weren't for Zhang Ping, she might have died in the hands of Tianchang Fox, so when she learned the news of Zhang Ping's death, she couldn't believe it for a long time.

"Sister Weihua, this is not a place to talk, let's go in first." Zhang Ping pushed Chen Weihua away a little embarrassedly, and then smiled embarrassedly.

Chen Weihua has a great figure, and it is too foul to hit people with the ball.

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