I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [381] Chen Weihua’s suggestions

After the two entered the house, Chen Weihua pulled Zhang Ping to sit on the sofa.

She looked at Zhang Ping and asked, "Are you injured, so you are hiding for treatment? Do you need me to help you arrange a safe house?"

"Sister Weihua, actually I came here this time mainly because I hope you can help me." Zhang Ping calmly tried to break away from Chen Weihua's hand, but he couldn't pull it out. He had to look at Chen Weihua and talk about the business first.

Chen Weihua frowned and said: "Help you? What do you want to do? The atmosphere in the city is a bit weird during this time. Is it related to what you are doing now?"

"The atmosphere in the city? No, it's not. What I'm doing now is more important and meaningful than a city." Zhang Ping was stunned, then shook his head.

Then, he told Chen Weihua how he discovered the parallel world and why he established the rescue team.

He looked at Chen Weihua and said seriously: "Sister Weihua, now the rescue team has successfully controlled two parallel worlds, but there are no qualified management talents in our organization. It can even be said to be quite chaotic. It is completely a grassroots team, so I I hope Sister Weihua can help me organize the rescue team."

"Zhang Ping...are you telling the truth? Why do I feel like you are joking?" Chen Weihua looked at Zhang Ping and asked in disbelief.

We can't blame her for her poor ability to accept things. The main reason is that the news revealed by Zhang Ping was too exaggerated.

It's so ridiculous.

Chen Weihua's feeling now is probably like hearing someone say that she was an ape from the Stone Age, who was tricked by the Yankees into building a railway, encountered an alien spacecraft when escaping, and ended up participating in a dimensional war. When she got old, she returned to modern times and became a A rag picker...

"Sister Weihua, do you think I'm joking?" Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua seriously.

Chen Weihua rubbed her temples and asked, "You mean, you came to me because the person in the other world recommended me?"

"Well, originally I didn't want to involve Sister Weihua in these troubles, but now I really can't find anyone who can help me." Zhang Ping nodded.

Chen Weihua thought for a while and said, "Then can I meet the other me?"

"Okay!" Zhang Ping agreed immediately.

Then he opened the mysterious sewer in front of Chen Weihua, and the two entered the sewer. After a few minutes, they came to the fat version of Chen Weihua.

Chen Weihua looked at the ball in front of her

The body couldn't believe it: "This...is this another me?"

"Hello, you should be able to feel...I am you!" The fat version of Chen Weihua looked at the thin version of Chen Weihua and said with a smile.

Chen Weihua took a deep breath and asked, "Why are you so... plump?"

She could indeed sense something similar to telepathy, so she knew that the fat version of Chen Weihua in front of her was indeed another version of herself. When the two of them stood together, they had a magical feeling that they could understand each other's thoughts.

"Oh, it might be an endocrine disorder." The fat version of Chen Weihua said helplessly.

Then the two of them explained the current situation of the rescue team directly, leaving Zhang Ping with no room to interrupt.

After the two of them finished their exchange, Chen Weihua looked at Zhang Ping and said seriously: "I can join the rescue team, but Zhang Ping, I only have one request. If you agree, I can eat the contract gem. If you don't agree, then treat me as if I didn't came."

"Sister Weihua, please tell me." Zhang Ping did not agree.

Chen Weihua said seriously: "I hope you can save me in other worlds, especially the one who is asking for help. If you find that world, please save her no matter what!"

"Yes, there is no problem with this request. Our rescue team exists for rescue. Even if you don't say it, as long as I find that world, I will definitely save her!" Zhang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and immediately agreed.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "The newcomer Chen Weihua reports!"

"Welcome." Zhang Ping smiled immediately.

Then Chen Weihua raised her hand and said with a smile: "Bring the contract gem!"


Zhang Ping immediately condensed a contract gem.

After Chen Weihua swallowed the contract gem, Zhang Ping took Chen Weihua to visit the headquarters of the rescue team, and then gave Chen Weihua all the current files of the rescue team.

"After I finish reading these materials, I will talk to you in detail tomorrow." Chen Weihua said to Zhang Ping while holding various files.

She had obviously entered the state, and Zhang Ping nodded and stopped disturbing her.

Back in his room, Zhang Ping lay comfortably on the bed, feeling relieved at last.

All beginnings are hard.

Although I don’t know how much achievements Chen Weihua can make, at least the rescue team is no longer a group of reckless people, and there is finally such a person

Can act as a strategist.

Zhang Ping can't wait to see what Chen Weihua can do.

the next day.

When Zhang Ping saw Chen Weihua again, Chen Weihua said directly: "The structure of the rescue team is too simple and crude. Although you have borrowed the structure of the cleaning team, there will be no major problems in the short term, but over time, I am afraid that it will become a mess internally. , I think it is necessary to hold a meeting to readjust the structure of the rescue team.”

"Will it be troublesome?" Zhang Ping asked.

Chen Weihua rolled her eyes and said angrily: "The trouble now is just a small trouble, which is better than becoming a big trouble in the future. If you really think it's too troublesome, then I can resign."

"Wait a minute, I'll call them back for a meeting!" Zhang Ping responded immediately.

Half an hour later.

Everyone was sitting in the conference room of the rescue team headquarters.

Zhang Ping introduced: "Let's get to know each other. This is the first member of the rescue team's think tank, Chen Weihua!"

"Okay, let's not rush to set up a think tank. Let me talk about the problem first." Chen Weihua didn't give everyone a chance to applaud, and she spoke directly with the information.

She glanced at everyone and said calmly: "You should know the situation in World No. 3, right? After Situ Shibai died in battle, the cleaning team existed in name only, almost the same as paralysis. This is a problem for the cleaning team and the rescue team. Everyone relies too much on Zhang Ping's ability. Once Zhang Ping is lost, the rescue team will no longer exist. This is too much of a joke for an organization that can span several worlds."

"We don't rely on Zhang Ping, and we can't even cross the world. What can we do?" Zhang Shouzhong complained.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "This is just your foolish opinion."

As she said that, she took out a file showing Long Fubo's information.

She looked at everyone and asked back, "What do you think of first when you see this information?"

"Long Fubo, isn't he Zhang Ping's summoned beast? You want to say that he can copy Zhang Ping's gems, we all know this, but his copying is limited to a certain number of times." Cheng Xuejie asked in confusion.

Chen Weihua smiled and said, "The Dragon Fubo of one world does have this problem, but what if there are Dragon Fubo of two worlds, Dragon Fubo of three worlds, and they can copy each other?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Chen Weihua's method was feasible!

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