I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [382] Standards of the Strong

"This method is indeed worth a try. If we look back, we should still be able to find two Long Fubo. If they are the same as Long Fubo in World Zero, then Zhang Ping will control them and specialize in making contract gems in the future! "Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile.

Chen Weihua put down Long Fubo's information and continued: "Zhou Qingbai is also very important. Although his summoned beasts are not strong individually, they can be used as cleaners. One Zhou Qingbai is enough to reduce the manual pressure of the 30-person rescue team. , Zhang Ping, why are you leaving it alone?”


Zhang Ping couldn't explain the reason for a while.

"Also, our rescue team lacks high-end combat capabilities. Zhang Ping alone will definitely not be able to do it. I suggest that we try to recruit more strong people from other worlds." Chen Weihua continued.

Zhang Ping thought of Lin Renmei and immediately raised his hand and said: "I have a candidate!"

As he spoke, he sent Lin Renmei's attributes to everyone. Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie had already seen them, so they were relatively calm. However, Liu Sishan, Su Jingyao, and Chen Weihua were not. They all took a breath after reading Lin Renmei's attributes, all exposed An expression of disbelief.

Chen Weihua looked at Zhang Ping and asked, "Zhang Ping, is this attribute real?"

"Really, she is now living in the city lord's palace in the world we just occupied." Zhang Ping nodded.

Zhang Shouzhong joked: "To be honest, Miss Lin is very beautiful, but I am really afraid that she will blow me to death with just one sneeze."

"Coward, she is actually pretty and nice. I think she can be recruited." Cheng Xuejie said with disdain, and then explained to the others.

Chen Weihua continued: "Okay, those who recruit strong people should come here first. Next is the structure of the rescue team. The structure of the cleanup team seems reasonable, but in fact there is a major premise, that is, there is a leader who can suppress everything. Zhang Ping is indeed very strong, but it’s okay to suppress one world, but what about three?”

"If the time is staggered, it may be possible, but if problems occur in multiple worlds at the same time, it will be difficult to say." Zhang Ping said thoughtfully.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "That's the problem. The structure of the cleaning team itself is to deal with the situation and establishment of Pearl City. Compared with countless worlds, Pearl City is just a very small puddle. The cleaning team

Even if the team is doubled in size, there will be no major problems, but the rescue team is different. There will only be more and more worlds that the rescue team needs to control, so the current structure is not suitable, very unsuitable. "

"What should we do?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Chen Weihua replied: "It's very simple. You all know adventurers, right?"

"Wait, you want to use the adventurer's tactics?" Liu Sishan frowned.

Chen Weihua shook his head and said: "The adventurers' method is indeed too loose. If you continue to use it, there will be problems. Moreover, once a world is controlled, the loose organizational structure will obviously bring more problems. So my idea is that the rescue team is divided into There are two parts, one is dedicated to rescue and the other is responsible for the aftermath.”

"How to distinguish between rescue and aftermath?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Chen Weihua replied: "For the rescue part, we can use a system similar to that of adventurers, assigning tasks according to different levels, while for the aftermath part, we can operate according to the method of a cleanup team."

For example, the situation in the rescue team is very chaotic now.

Zhang Shouzhong and others led a team to rescue the Pearl City in a parallel world. After the rescue, the team members now have to take over the city. The tasks of the patrol team are all on the rescue team combatants. This is undoubtedly a huge waste.

"It's okay to separate." Zhang Shouzhong finally nodded in agreement, thinking of his men sleeping in the patrol headquarters.

Chen Weihua continued to explain.

In her opinion, the rescue team cannot only rely on Zhang Ping, but must even completely liberate Zhang Ping, so that the rescue team can continue to operate even if Zhang Ping is not needed.

She divided the rescue team into rescue team, aftermath team, new training team, strategy team, and logistics team.

The rescue team is actually the main body of the rescue team. It is responsible for finding and saving those worlds that need to be saved. It is the mainstay on the front line of the battle.

The aftermath team takes over from the rescue team and is responsible for managing the world after the rescue. It also needs to provide funds and resources for the entire organization.

The new training group is responsible for recruiting new people, training new people, and finally assigning new people to different groups according to their qualifications.

The Intelligence Team, composed of people with high IQ awakenings, controls the general direction of the rescue team without making any mistakes, and at the same time makes suggestions for the organization to eliminate all potential threats in advance.

For example, the current targets they need to target include the Zhu family, Tian Changhu, Li Aoxue forces, etc. All of them can be thought of by the strategy team, and then the rescue team can be responsible for annihilating them.

The logistics team is responsible for the supply operation, equipment maintenance, and food processing of the rescue team. Even those who are not awakened can join this team.

Chen Weihua finished speaking in one breath, then looked at everyone and asked, "If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

"What about...me? What is my mission?" Zhang Ping weakly raised his hand and asked.

Chen Weihua couldn't help but laugh: "The captain only has two tasks, one is to become strong enough, and the other is... the mascot!"

"Hahahaha, I agree with Zhang Ping as the mascot!" Zhang Shouzhong was the first to laugh.

Seeing Zhang Ping's confused face, Chen Weihua couldn't help but laugh and said, "That's just a long-term goal. If the rescue team really wants to develop forever, then Zhang Ping's role must become smaller and smaller. An organization centered on one person is doomed to be unsustainable. So I hope that sooner or later, the rescue team can operate normally and well without Zhang Ping, but I'm afraid that Zhang Ping is still indispensable at present, after all, Zhang Ping is the only strong man in the rescue team."

"Actually, I'm also very strong. After all, I'm also a top awakener!" Zhang Shouzhong said unconvinced.

Chen Weihua asked back, "Then can you beat Situ Shibai?"

"Uh... I can't beat him." Zhang Shouzhong's tone suddenly weakened.

Chen Weihua said seriously, "Every parallel world has a strong man like Situ Shibai, so our strong standard can only be compared with this. Only those who can beat Situ Shibai are considered strong!"

"This standard is too high." Cheng Xuejie sighed.

She has been training and getting stronger during this period, but when she thought of using Situ Shibai as an imaginary enemy, she was left with despair.

Situ Shibai suppressed Mingzhu City for more than 200 years. For most awakened people, that is an insurmountable mountain.

Chen Weihua smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that I set the standard too high, but the enemy is at this level. We can't just run to the enemy and say that they can't be that strong and must become weaker for us to kill, right?"

Everyone was speechless. The enemy was so strong that they really had no other choice but to become stronger.

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