I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [383] Zhang Ping's Mission

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

Zhang Ping returned to his room and had a good sleep.

He does not need to worry about the reorganization of the rescue team. Chen Weihua and others will take care of it. Enemies such as the Zhu family and Tian Changhu, etc., will also be responsible for the Zhiluo team. The management of Pearl City in the parallel world will also be handled by the aftermath team.

In addition to providing the contract gems, he now has only one remaining task, which is to search for more worlds and provide coordinates to the rescue team.

In fact, Chen Weihua believes that this aspect of work should also be completed by the rescue team, but so far only Zhang Ping can find other parallel worlds, so this task can only be undertaken by Zhang Ping first. After finding relevant talents, Zhang Ping will completely Liberated.

Of course, Chen Weihua’s purpose was not to isolate Zhang Ping.

She didn't really think Zhang Ping was unimportant, on the contrary, she thought Zhang Ping was the most important.

Precisely because Zhang Ping is so important, Zhang Ping's time cannot be wasted on these trivial matters. Whether it is saving Pearl City, investigating the beast-controlling Zhu family, or killing the Tianchang Fox, they are just trivial matters in Chen Weihua's eyes, and with the With the discovery of parallel worlds, there will be no end to such trivial matters.

Zhang Ping must get rid of these trivial matters and focus on his own strength.

She believes that the stronger Zhang Ping is, the stronger the rescue team will be.

Zhang Ping is like an arrow. The direction he is heading is the direction the rescue team is heading. Only the stronger the arrow is, the more indestructible it will be!

the next day.

Zhang Ping got up, and as soon as he walked outside the house, he saw Lin Renmei, wearing the uniform of the rescue team, following behind Chen Weihua, along with Cheng Xuejie. The three of them were talking and laughing as they walked towards the canteen.

"It's so fast." Zhang Ping was a little surprised.

He was still thinking yesterday about how to get Lin Renmei to join the rescue team. When he woke up, Chen Weihua had already accomplished what he wanted to do.

At this moment, Zhang Ping had to admit that it was really great to invite Chen Weihua to join the rescue team.

Zhang Ping took two quick steps and said with a smile: "Good morning, three beauties!"

"Good morning, Captain!" Chen Weihua smiled.

Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie also said, "Good morning."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ping asked curiously.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "We are discussing the issue of biological force fields. Meimei is very strong, but her weaknesses are also obvious. I am afraid it is still a bit too dangerous to encounter a prepared infinite-level ability user."

"Well, if the infinite-level ability user doesn't react immediately, Renmei can indeed kill her in person, but if she is prepared, it's hard to say." Zhang Ping nodded.

Even though Lin Renmei is very powerful, in fact, her spatial abilities can still kill her.

For example, if you open a space crack and close it when Lin Renmei falls into the space crack, you can still cut her in half using the power of the universe.

Unless she has the power to blow up space with one punch, this type of ability is still a big threat to her.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "So next, I plan to recruit a few medical-related ability users to find ways to cooperate with Xuejie to see if I can develop a method to activate other people's biological force fields."

"Let's just add another group, the medical research group, which can be called the medical research group for short." Zhang Ping thought for a while and said directly.

Chen Weihua hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "It's not impossible."

"Is there any problem?" Zhang Ping asked curiously when he saw Chen Weihua frowning.

Chen Weihua explained: "Actually, I considered forming another physician group, but then I realized one thing, that is, there are many hospitals in the city we manage. For example, the Mingzhu Hospital where I used to work, the medical conditions are actually quite good. Yes, if a member of the rescue team is injured or sick, they can just go to the hospital. There is no need to form a special team. "

"That's right." Zhang Ping patted his head and found that this was indeed the case.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "But Zhang Ping just mentioned it, I thought about it carefully and found that the rescue team does need a medical research team. Medical care is only secondary, research is the focus. Xuejie's abilities must not be studied by the outside world. , can only be researched by members within the rescue team, and in the future our team members will have more and more abilities. We can also help research and even guide the team members in developing abilities. In addition, there are some special equipment that we can also research. We even try to replicate it, so there is a real need for the medical research group to exist.”

"Yes, we must have

Only by continuous learning and research of our own research team will the rescue team's foundation become deeper and deeper. "Cheng Xuejie agreed.

While talking, everyone came to the cafeteria. In the past, the new members took turns preparing meals in the cafeteria. Now the cafeteria has been taken over by the Green Forest Guys. Except for the chef, who is a recruited member, the handymen are all the Green Forest Guys.

"Sister Weihua, what do you think I should do now?" Zhang Ping prepared the meal and sat across from Chen Weihua and asked.

Suddenly he needed help from others to do something, and he didn't know what to do.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "You can train yourself according to your own ideas, and you can also collect as many abilities as possible. This will be of great help to the rescue team. Even in the future, the members of the rescue team will rely on the abilities you have collected. , it is not necessary to become an awakened person with nearly infinite abilities.”

"Well, it's just a good idea to train yourself while collecting abilities. I understand." Zhang Ping nodded.

He had done this before, so he felt confident.

after breakfast.

Chen Weihua still needed to recruit people, and Cheng Xuejie and Lin Renmei needed to return to the parallel world, so they said goodbye to Zhang Ping.

"Alienated beasts can also be considered part of the strength. When I encounter an alienated beast with good abilities and a weak body, I can directly seize the ability. When I encounter an alienated beast with good abilities and a strong body, I can completely control it and then assign it to the team members, whether as a War beasts and mounts are both good choices." Zhang Ping stood at the door of the cafeteria and thought about it, then decided to go to World No. 3 to catch the alienated beasts.

Although he rarely uses summoned beasts now, Black Turtle and Ah Da are not useless.

Occasionally he would still go out on a black turtle, and the black turtle was usually kept in the lake where Su Qingbo lived, and it was considered a treasure of the rescue team.

Currently, the rescue team headquarters has Su Qingbo, Ye Changchun, Xuangui, and Ada as security guards. Occasionally, small animals follow the rescue team members into the headquarters, and they are responsible for handling them.

Some time ago, Ah Da swallowed a mouse with the ability to become invisible. Only Zhang Ping knew about this, and the others did not realize that an alienated beast had sneaked in.

Therefore, there are many benefits to taming a large number of alienated beasts. Even if they are not assigned to team members, they can also serve as security guards for the headquarters.

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