I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [036] This Knife

Under the moonlit night, it becomes even more peaceful.

A gust of wind blew, and the trees planted by the Su family outside the door rustled.

Zeng Xiaofan was wearing night clothes and a peach blossom mask on his face. He jumped to the top of an old tree with a slight jump. He looked down at the Su family's house in front of him, and the ugly face under the mask couldn't help but reveal an evil smile.

Some time ago, the turmoil in Pearl City was treacherous, and he had to restrain himself a little to avoid being inexplicably involved in the turmoil. However, in the past few days, the situation seemed to have improved, and he could not hold back the burning evil desires in his heart, and prepared to attack the Su family. The young lady started.

"I've heard long ago that Miss Su's figure is plump, her skin is as white as cream, and she's stunningly beautiful. I'm going to give it a try tonight to see if she's as smooth as everyone says." Zeng Xiaofan licked his lips, and then gently He jumped and landed right in the courtyard without making any sound.

He closed his eyes, raised his head and sniffed the smell in the air, and then showed excitement. He had caught the smell of Miss Su's family, and it was indeed very fragrant and moist.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt palpitation and palpitations, his hands and feet became weak, and his symptoms became more and more serious.

"what happened?"

Zeng Xiaofan was shocked and doubtful, so he quickly took out three pills and swallowed them.

These pills are the best treasures, integrating detoxification and purification. In the past, he stole fragrance and jade. No matter what traps the master had, these three pills could ensure his success and escape easily.

However, after taking three pills, his condition did not improve. Instead, he became more and more frightened.

This feeling of fear came from nowhere, as if a devil's hand was grabbing his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"No, is it a barrier? Can the Su family afford a barrier?"

Zeng Xiaofan immediately realized that the situation was not good, and quickly thought about quitting.

In Pearl City, enchantment masters are definitely the rarest high-end talents, and most of them are absorbed by the three majors. Being able to hire enchantment masters to install enchantments in residences is definitely a symbol of wealth and power.

Although Zeng Xiaofan is conceited, he also knows that persimmons need to be picked on the soft side.

Originally, he thought that the Su family was just a small and medium-sized family selling potions, but now it seems that the Su family may have other hidden powers.

"It's not a good place to stay here for long. Evacuate immediately!"

He looked at the dark house in front of him, as if there was a scourge hidden inside, and couldn't help but think to himself.

But as soon as he turned around, everything in front of him turned into black and white.

At the same time, he saw billowing black fog rolling on the ground.

At this moment, his eyes widened and he couldn't help but swallowed hard, then slowly raised his head and looked up.

He was wearing a black cloak, holding a gray lantern in his left hand, and a huge scythe in his right hand. Looking up, he saw an ever-changing skull face under the hood.

Just one look made the hairs all over his body stand up, and a cold air shot up from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

Zeng Xiaofan collapsed on the ground, holding his hands on the ground to prevent him from falling completely, but golden liquid gradually flowed out from his crotch, and a disgusting smell of urea filled the air.

"Zeng Xiaofan, nicknamed Shorty Teddy, is 1.5 meters tall. He looks wretched and despicable. He is not liked by women. He has gradually become twisted and perverted. In the past ten years, he has harmed hundreds of women and murdered sixty-five times. Am I wrong? "Zhang Ping looked down at the disgusting flower-picking thief in front of him and asked coldly.

He heard Zeng Xiaofan talking to himself through the wind whisperer this morning when he was visiting the Su family, and he made a note of it in his mind.

But at the beginning, he didn't know that Zeng Xiaofan was short-legged Teddy. He just thought that there was an awakened person who was so bold that he was planning to attack the young lady of the Su family.

Extend your claws.

He came here specifically to cut off this man's dog claws.

But after arriving, he felt that something was wrong when he saw Zeng Xiaofan skillfully climbing over the wall and entering the house.

This doesn't sound like a newbie, but like a veteran.

So, he silently used appraisal on Zeng Xiaofan.

After obtaining Zeng Xiaofan's basic information, he used appraisal on Zeng Xiaofan's equipment just to be on the safe side.

And when he was appraising Zeng Xiaofan's peach blossom mask, he saw countless scenes that made him furious.

Hence the scene of him standing behind Zeng Xiaofan.

The autumn wind is bleak.

Pieces of fallen leaves floated from outside the wall into the wall, and finally fell gently at Zeng Xiaofan's feet.

He moved back bit by bit. His walnut-sized brain was completely frightened by the face of death. Coupled with the effect of the Dread Scythe, he couldn't even muster the courage to resist.

Zhang Ping is angry but calm. He has seen too many tragic scenes during this period and has developed a certain resistance to tragedy. Even if he is angry, he can still think calmly and not act impulsively.

"This knife is to commemorate the girl who would rather die than surrender."

Zhang Ping waved his hand gently, and the fear sickle instantly passed through Zeng Xiaofan's ankle.

In pain, Zeng Xiaofan moved back much faster.

"This knife is to commemorate the girl who was forced into the water by you and still tried to convey your true identity to the world!"

Zhang Ping slashed off Zeng Xiaofan's knee with the Dread Scythe. Zeng Xiaofan immediately let out a wail, turned his body over, and crawled forward crazily with his back to Zhang Ping.

"This knife is to commemorate the mother who fed the dogs and protected her daughter with her life."

Zhang Ping's voice was hollow and sinister. He raised the knife and brought it down, just as the sickle passed under Zeng Xiaofan's crotch. Zeng Xiaofan immediately raised his head, but when he opened his mouth, no sound came out. His entire face was red from holding back, and there were big drops of blood. Sweat ran down his face.

In fact, Zeng Xiaofan wanted to beg for mercy, but Zhang Ping obviously had no desire to talk to him. He also wanted to resist and even kill Zhang Ping, but he couldn't muster the courage at all and didn't even dare to look at him.

"This knife is to commemorate the hero of the patrol."

The patrolman was drunk and lying on the roadside. He heard a woman's cry for help in the middle of the night. Following the sound, he rushed into a house and found that all the young and old in the house were killed.

He rushed into the room where the woman's cry for help came from, but was plotted by Zeng Xiaofan, and his knee was pierced by a trap.

But even so, the patrol member still fought desperately with Zeng Xiaofan, and even found an opportunity to let the woman escape from the house. He fought until his death without showing any signs of timidity.

Unfortunately, the woman was poisoned by Zeng Xiaofan and fell to the ground not far after escaping. In the end, she was poisoned by Zeng Xiaofan.

"This knife is in memory of that poor father."

In order to avenge his daughter, the father hid and observed in the streets of Pearl City every night. Finally one day he happened to meet Zeng Xiaofan. The two fought, but in the end they lost to Zeng Xiaofan.

So that night, Zeng Xiaofan took his father with his limbs broken back to the place where the crime had been committed...

"This knife is to commemorate the righteous detective."

"This knife is in memory of the unknown adventurer."

One stab after another, Zeng Xiaofan's height shrank from 1.5 meters to 1 meter. The ground was covered with blood marks and body parts left by his crawling.

He had no strength to run away anymore. He lay on the ground waiting for death, but the death knife never landed.

"I won't kill you. There are many medicines in this world. Your current injury may not be incurable."

"Well, as long as you can climb to the gate and get out through the gate, I will spare your life."

Zhang Ping stood beside Zeng Xiaofan, looking at Zeng Xiaofan who was already exhausted, and a hollow voice slowly sounded.

Death can be easy, but sometimes it can also be painful.

Zhang Ping didn't want Zeng Xiaofan to die too easily. He didn't deserve such an easy death.

Sure enough, the light of "hope" appeared in Zeng Xiaofan's eyes again. He didn't want to die yet. There were countless young and beautiful women waiting for him to kiss him. How could he die in a place like this?

He endured the severe pain and gritted his teeth and continued to crawl forward. Sure enough, this time the terrible god of death did not attack him again.


He can survive!

With a strong desire to survive, he slowly crawled towards the door. The road of just a few meters was so long that he even had the illusion that a century had passed.

Every time he crawled, the friction between the wound and the ground caused him excruciating pain. He was even afraid to move, but he had to move in order to survive.

Gradually, he got closer, and gradually he came to the door. When he was about to push the door open with his hands full of blood, he found that the door was bolted.

The door latch is about a meter off the ground.

The problem was that his legs were almost gone and he couldn't reach the latch.


He hammered hard at the door.

But this door is very thick. Even if he is a high-level awakener, he still cannot shake this door.

Zhang Ping's voice sounded faintly: "The wood used for this door was found by Su Cheng from outside the city. It is actually a mutated iron pear tree. The wood of this tree is seven times harder than fine iron. Although Su Cheng He knew that this door could not stop the awakened ones, nor could it stop the alienated beasts, but he tried his best to find the best materials, which carried his belief in protecting the whole family. "


Zeng Xiaofan listened to Zhang Ping's eerie voice, yelled in despair, and hammered the door crazily, leaving blood stains on the door.

"Zeng Xiaofan, you failed!"

"Then I hereby declare that your death has come!"

Zhang Ping held the sickle in both hands and slowly raised it, then said quietly.

At this time, Zeng Xiaofan turned around, stared at Zhang Ping with fear, hatred, and unwillingness, and shouted hysterically: "What qualifications do you have to sentence me to death? I am willing to surrender. Even if it is a trial, the city lord should judge me!"

Zhang Pingping was expressionless, raising and lowering the knife.

"I'm just playing tricks."

Zhang Ping waved lightly, and all the blood on the sickle spilled.

He turned around and took two steps back, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and sighed slightly. What's the point of killing people? Those who died can't be resurrected after all.

"That's right, touch the corpse!"

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Zeng Xiaofan had a lot of good things on him, so he turned around and walked to Zeng Xiaofan's body, squatted down, and took off each piece of equipment.

Finally, with a look of disgust on his face, he pinched Zeng Xiaofan's hair and pulled Zeng Xiaofan's head up, and then took off Zeng Xiaofan's mask with his other hand.

Under the mask is an ugly face, with a deer head and rat eyes, which is indeed vulgar.

Zhang Ping put away his mask, threw his head to the ground again, and then glanced at Su Zhai, hoping that the Su family would not be too scared tomorrow.

He had already helped the Su family to resolve the disaster, and it was only right that the Su family help him deal with the 'garbage'.

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