I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [387] Zhu Chengmian VS Situ Shibai

Zhang Ping did not object to Chen Weihua's approach.

Although he could easily take abilities from the alien beasts, other people only had one ability in their entire lives. The ability gems he provided could be said to be the most precious treasures in any awakened circle.

If they were thrown into Mingzhu City, it would definitely cause a bloody storm.

"It would be best to classify abilities into different levels. Different levels of abilities require different merits." Liu Sishan saw Zhang Ping agreed and suggested after thinking about it.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Don't worry. After the rules of the game are formulated, I will let everyone see them first. After everyone agrees, we will start to implement them."

After lunch, everyone had their own things to do, so they dispersed at the entrance of the cafeteria.

Of the three ghost foxes, one was taken away by Liu Sishan as a reward for the first place in the new training group, and the other two were temporarily taken care of by the logistics team. After the merit system was promulgated, whoever had enough merits could directly exchange them.

For the next month, Zhang Ping trained his abilities in the wild, while capturing alien beasts as battle pets and extracting the abilities of alien beasts as the foundation of the rescue team.

Before he knew it, he had hundreds of ability gems and more than 30 battle pets.

Chen Weihua also formulated the merit system and started to implement it after Zhang Ping and others agreed. However, it is not easy to get merit.

Daily missions only give one merit, and participating in battles without killing enemies only gives two merits. Killing enemies gives merits based on the strength of the enemy. There are also a lot of messy merit calculation methods, but they have nothing to do with Zhang Ping.

As the top leader of the rescue team, Zhang Ping automatically gets 100 merits every day.

Moreover, each ability gem and battle pet belongs to him, so when the team members exchange merits for ability gems and battle pets, those merits also belong to him.

He can use these merits to issue tasks or reward team members.

At the same time, obtaining merits is also a kind of constraint.

It requires Zhang Ping himself to act within the rules of the game.

In the future, merits will definitely have more uses, but for now, the role of merits is only to exchange rare items or issue tasks.

The future is promising.

At least after Chen Weihua arrived, the rescue team expanded at a visible speed.

Compared with the rescue team a month ago, the rescue team now is like the rising sun, full of vigor and vitality.

World Zero.

Situ Shibai always felt that something was wrong with Mingzhu City during this period.

First of all, Zhang Ping disappeared. It has been more than half a year. If Zhang Ping was faking his death, he should have reappeared.

Moreover, some time ago, Liu Sishan, Zhang Shouzhong and others submitted their resignation letters one after another, and then disappeared without waiting for his consent. He went to Guilou to check, but did not find any clues.

He suspected that Zhang Ping had kidnapped Liu Sishan and others, but there was no evidence, and many people believed that Zhang Ping was dead, so he had no way to arrest Zhang Ping.

In fact, many people in Mingzhu City remembered Zhang Ping's kindness, especially those residents whose family members were killed by Tianchang Fox, who regarded Zhang Ping as a great benefactor.

If Zhang Ping was wanted now, it is estimated that Jin Bo, the city lord, would be sprayed to death by the surging public opinion.

In addition to this matter, Situ Shibai has another worry, that is, the activities of the Beastmaster Zhu family are becoming more and more frequent. This feeling is like an old dog in the sunset suddenly rejuvenated and turned into a wolf ten times a night.

As soon as the investigation team was allowed to leave Mingzhu City, three teams were attacked. Even Bai Yating was seriously injured and almost died on the road. In the end, Bai Yating saved a trick and barely escaped back to the city.

Mingzhu City is now in a state of no entry or exit. Anyone who goes out may be attacked by the Beastmaster Zhu family. Unfortunately, every sneak attack by the Beastmaster Zhu family is untraceable. When Situ Shibai arrives, it is too late.

This gives Situ Shibai a feeling that the Beastmaster Zhu family is targeting him.

The other party wants him to go out of the city to fight!


The Beastmaster Zhu family is actually inviting him to fight!

So, Situ Shibai came.

He walked out of the city slowly at dawn and finally came to a yellow stone land dozens of kilometers away from Mingzhu City.

Sure enough, when the sun rose to the mountainside, Zhu Chengmian slowly walked from a distance and finally stopped in front of Situ Shibai.

Neither of them was in a hurry to speak, but looked at each other calmly.

After a while, Situ Shibai sighed and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Zhu Taihao to be cautious all his life, but he finally fell into trouble with his own son."

"Do you know? The sentence I heard most in my life is 'Don't reveal your identity in the city, otherwise Situ Laogou will twist your head off'. I... have always lived under your shadow, and have always lived very uncomfortable, as if someone was pressing on my chest, so that I dare not even breathe." Zhu Chengmian looked at Situ Shibai and said lightly.

Situ Shibai immediately laughed and said: "It's not that I want to kill you, but you... deserve to die."

"What about Zhang Ping? He deserves to die too? Didn't you also watch him die without saving him?" Zhu Chengmian sneered.

Situ Shibai frowned and said, "Zhang Ping is not dead at all!"

"Hahahaha, he said so, and you said so too, you are both so hypocritical that it makes me sick." Zhu Chengmian laughed wildly, his eyes turned red, and murderous aura filled him

Situ Shibai said coldly, "Since you dare to challenge me to a fight, you must be very sure of it. Let's see for sure."

In fact, he was not sure whether Zhang Ping was dead or not.

After all, he had actually seen Zhang Ping's corpse, and it was definitely Zhang Ping's corpse.

He even suspected that it was because of his failure to save him that Liu Sishan and the others resigned and left, and they were cold to him.

But he couldn't say it, and couldn't admit that he had thought about this possibility, because his heart would be in turmoil if he thought about it, and he was afraid that his heart would admit that he was sorry for Zhang Ping first.

"Well, I've said everything I wanted to say, so let's do it!" Zhu Chengmian nodded.

The next moment, a beam of light instantly passed through his forehead, but he didn't fall down, and his wound healed in an instant.

What a fast attack!

Zhu Chengmian reacted belatedly and couldn't help but show a look of amazement.

The beam of light from Situ Shibai just now definitely reached the standard speed of light, and no one could react at this distance.

Without waiting for Zhu Chengmian to continue to exclaim, Situ Shibai narrowed his eyes slightly, and more beams of light fell quickly, shooting Zhu Chengmian into a sieve in an instant.

In the distance, a poisonous insect slowly flew up and quickly flew towards the direction of Mingzhu City.

In a private house in Mingzhu City, Zhao Yanlong is training new poisonous insects.

He currently has two identities, one is Zhang Ping's guard, but because Zhang Ping does not need his protection, unless Zhang Ping recruits him, he can do other things.

A month ago, he took a long-term mission to monitor Mingzhu City, so he has been staying in World Zero.

At present, except for Zhang Ping, most members of the rescue team want more merits.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu are no exception.

They also have their own abilities and battle pets, which require merits to exchange.

Earning merits is not shameful!

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