I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [388] Die with understanding

"Situ Shibai got into a fight with an unknown strong man?"

When the poisonous insect returned to Zhao Yanlong, Zhao Yanlong's eyes suddenly widened and he said in surprise.

He immediately put aside the poisonous insects he was cultivating, quickly took out the gems, opened the mysterious sewer, and reported back to the headquarters.

This news can definitely be exchanged for merit!

Situ Shibai frowned, watching Zhu Chengmian's battered body recover in the blink of an eye.

He didn't understand Zhu Chengmian's ability, and even doubted whether it was Zhu Chengmian's ability. Moreover, although Zhu Chengmian never took action, it gave him a great sense of danger.

It's very dangerous, don't get close!

Situ Shibai's sixth sense, danger prediction, future prediction and other abilities all reminded him that he would die if he was careless.

This is like Iai Slash, when is it most dangerous?

Of course, when the knife is still unsheathed.

Situ Shibai thought for a while and simply split into ten clones. Each clone quickly condensed different elemental balls above its head.


With a low cry, ten different elemental balls blasted towards Zhu Chengmian, but Zhu Chengmian remained motionless, still being attacked by the attack.

His body was destroyed by a series of elements such as fire, ice, wind, light energy, dark energy, thunder and lightning, but the destroyed body was soon reborn again.

When the explosion ended, he still stood in place intact, looking at Situ Shibai with a smile.

"It seems that normal attacks have no effect on you." Situ Shibai said lightly.

Although he did not understand what kind of ability Zhu Chengmian used, he knew that pure physical or elemental attacks would probably not be able to destroy Zhu Chengmian's body or damage Zhu Chengmian's roots.

Next, we can only try each ability one by one.

Situ Shibai didn't know why Zhu Chengmian didn't take action, but since Zhu Chengmian didn't take action, he would do it.

On the other side, Zhang Ping changed his appearance and appeared on the wall of Pearl City. He looked at the place where Situ Shibai and Zhu Chengmian were fighting. The mutant eye energy immediately extended from his eyes, projecting the distant scene in front of Zhang Ping's eyes.

"Who is that man?" Zhang Ping saw Zhu Chengmian, but did not know Zhu Chengmian's identity.

However, he had a vague feeling of familiarity with Zhu Chengmian, and after going through it in his head, he found the familiar person, Zhu Chongba.

Zhu Chengmian and Zhu Chongba are 70% similar, especially their temperaments. They are both like eagles and wolves.


"The Zhu family?"

Zhang Ping murmured, and then the wind whisperer also started to play its role. He also listened to the conversation between Situ Shibai and Zhu Chengmian. Basically, he seemed to be watching a live broadcast.

The battle continues.

In fact, it can't be called a battle, because Zhu Chengmian didn't take any action from beginning to end, it was Situ Shibai who was attacking.

The problem is that Zhu Chengmian was not injured. Although he was injured by various strange attacks again and again, he recovered quickly every time. On the contrary, Situ Shibai's face became worse and worse, and the feeling of danger became stronger and stronger.

Finally, at the end of the series of attacks, he retreated sharply and quickly distanced himself from Zhu Chengmian.

Zhu Chengmian smiled and said: "Why are you running away? Are you scared? Aren't you the Situ Shibai who is frightened by everyone? Are you afraid of me, a little devil who is less than a hundred years old?"


Zhang Ping almost laughed out loud. He was a little kid who was less than a hundred years old. Fortunately, he could say it out loud.

However, Situ Shibai did not laugh. He faced Zhu Chengmian and said coldly: "Now you give me a very dangerous feeling. It seems that you have indeed prepared a trump card against me. I can't be too cautious!"

"Hahahahaha, you are worthy of Situ Shibai. Back then, he even sold his wife for himself." Zhu Chengmian suddenly laughed.

The ground where he was was cracking open little by little, and countless pink branches slowly came out of the ground. These branches were intertwined with each other, forming a dragnet.

Just as Situ Shibai was about to say something, he suddenly felt that the scene in front of him suddenly blurred, but he did not grasp the change at that moment. When he reacted, nine flying knives were shot from the direction of Zhu Chengmian.


His pupils immediately shrank violently, and he changed his body structure while retreating, trying to avoid the flying knives as much as possible.

Each of these flying knives made his hair stand on end, as if he would die if he touched them.

In fact, this feeling was not unique to Situ Shibai. Even Zhang Ping, who was watching the show in the distance, felt extremely horrified. Every flying knife had a fatal power, and whoever was hit would die!

Is it a fatal ability?

At this moment, Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping thought of going together.

However, compared to Zhang Ping's leisurely attitude, Situ Shibai was not as relaxed as the target of the flying knife. Even if he tried his best to dodge, a flying knife still flew from the void. Its trajectory was so graceful, but it was So deadly.

Situ Shibai closed one eye and opened the other, watching the flying knife flying towards him little by little. Finally, his eyes glowed slightly, and the flying knife

It was suddenly twisted by gravity and finally fell to the ground.


Just when Situ Shibai breathed a sigh of relief, a flying knife was inserted into his chest.

He opened his eyes in disbelief and slowly lowered his head to look at his chest. The flying knife was inserted into his flesh and blood without any fancy, and he was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I threw ten flying knives!" Zhu Chengmian said with a smile.

Situ Shibai looked up at Zhu Chengmian and realized that he actually had a lot of ways to avoid the flying knives, but he didn't seem to have considered those abilities. He just used the dumbest way to resist the flying knives, and accidentally missed a flying knife.

This is definitely affected by some ability.

"Tianchang Fox?"

Situ Shibai moved his mouth, endured the injury, and asked.

"Prince Yue, remember that you are also one of the enemies who killed his father. Without your interference, Zhang Ping can't grow up." Zhu Chengmian said with a smile.

Although Situ Shibai didn't die immediately, he was not far from death. He didn't die now because he had super powers to hold on.

Situ Shibai knelt down weakly, looked up at Zhu Chengmian, and said calmly: "Can you let me die with understanding? What is that flying knife?"

"Okay, I'll let you die with understanding!"

Zhu Chengmian was in a good mood at this moment, so he smiled and took off a ring on his finger.

Almost at the same time, Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping used the identification technique on Zhu Chengmian:

[Name: Zhu Chengmian]

[Race: Human]

[Power: Beastmaster Zhu Family]

[Potential: ????]

[Lifespan: 1085090]

[Level: Top Awakener]

[Level: 37]


[Harming others and benefiting oneself: Consume one's own lifespan or luck to inflict damage or curse on the enemy. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Misfortune: Sacrifice the direct blood relatives of the offspring to make the target inevitably step into the trap. ]

[Advanced-Destroy both: Consume a certain amount of one's own lifespan to create a fatal flying knife. When the flying knife hits the target, it will reduce the target's lifespan by the same amount. ]

[Top-Harming others and benefiting oneself: After killing the target personally, the target's lifespan, luck, blood, and mental strength will be randomly extracted to replenish oneself. ]

So that's it!

After Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping looked at the attributes, they understood what those flying knives were about.

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