I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [389] Zhu Chengmian’s Nemesis

To be on the safe side, Zhu Chengmian spent 100,000 lifespan on each flying knife.

Although Situ Shibai has an extremely long lifespan, he is still far away from the 100,000-year lifespan. Therefore, the moment he was hit by the death flying knife, his lifespan was completely deducted.

According to Situ Shibai's cautious personality, he should not have appeared here in person. To do more is to send a clone to test the wave. The problem is that Zhu Chengmian also used the first talent - the disaster of delusion!

At the expense of his son Zhu Shixiong, Situ Shibai was bound to step into the trap he carefully prepared. This already involves the level of fate. Situ Shibai, like Zhang Ping, was indeed tricked.

Situ Shibai let out a long sigh and asked, "Last question, why is my attack ineffective on you?"

"The effect of a piece of equipment is just that. Although the cost of using it is high, if it can kill you, it's all worth it!" Zhu Chengmian put the ring back on and then said lightly.

Situ Shibai sighed. Zhu Chengmian obviously would not tell him what the equipment was used for or what its weaknesses were.

Although he is on the verge of death and relies on his superpowers to survive, he still has the strength to fight.

The problem is that he doesn't know Zhu Chengmian's weakness, so this effort may be in vain. He has no confidence in killing Zhu Chengmian, and he doesn't know what the fate of Pearl City will be after his death.

But now he can only do what he can do.

In an instant, his whole person's aura surged, and he didn't look like a dying old man at all.

"Life and death are the same as fate!"

Situ Shibai stretched out his hand and pointed directly at Zhu Chengmian from a distance. Ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and an invisible wave shot towards Zhu Chengmian instantly.

But the wave that hit Zhu Chengmian's body penetrated through and fell into the void.


Situ Shibai was aging visibly to the naked eye. His skin gradually turned gray and even had dense cracks.

However, he didn't care about these side effects. Instead, he stared at Zhu Chengmian with a disappointed expression on his face.

Zhu Chengmian smiled proudly and said mockingly: "It seems that you are indeed old. You can't even see clearly where I am."


Situ Shibai glanced at Zhu Chengmian for the last time unwillingly, and then his body gradually turned into ashes and disappeared.

The same fate of life and death refers to the same fate in one move.

With all its superpowers, its original owner used this ability to kill a top alienated beast.

Situ Shibai obtained this ability but never used it, because the activation condition for this ability was his own death.

When oneself dies, the enemy will also die together, truly living and dying together.

It is worth mentioning that in World No. 3, Situ Shibai was hit by a death-throwing knife, and in the end he used the finger of life and death to pull Zhu Chengmian to death together.

It's just that in that world Situ Shibai succeeded, in this world Situ Shibai failed.

Zhu Chengmian watched Situ Shibai die and did not act rashly immediately. He calmly looked at the gray ashes on the ground, waiting for the final result.

He knew that Situ Shibai should be dead, but to be on the safe side, he decided to wait a little longer.

"Situ Shi died in vain?"

At this time, the ground behind Zhu Chengmian exploded, and Prince Yue slowly emerged from the ground.

Its body is half flesh and half plant, and its back is covered with dense branches, which looks extremely terrifying.

Zhu Chengmian looked at the ashes on the ground and said calmly: "He should be dead."

"Hahahahahaha, Zhang Ping, the culprit, is dead, and Situ Shibai, the accomplice, has been executed. Pearl City belongs to you, and I will wipe out the lives of everyone in the team." Prince Yue suddenly laughed happily.

Zhu Chengmian nodded and said: "Okay!"

The sweep-up team was his enemy to begin with, so it would be great if Prince Yue was willing to do it for him.

On the city wall in the distance, Zhang Ping looked at Zhu Chengmian and Prince Yue in silence. He originally thought that Situ Shibai was just faking his death in order to obtain information from Zhu Chengmian.

But now Situ Shibai seems to be really dead.

Zhang Ping felt very unreal.

After all, even Dragon Master Taming couldn't deal with Situ Shibai in a short time, and in the end he could only seal Situ Shibai in the space inside his body.

How could such a strong man be killed so easily.

"Really or not? Could it be that he was faking his own death like me?"

Zhang Ping's mood was very complicated. He actually didn't want Situ Shibai to die in the battle. With Situ Shibai in World Zero, the Beast Control Zhu family would not dare to do anything wrong to Pearl City.

Now that Situ Shibai is dead, the clean-up team will definitely have no hope, and the pressure will all fall on the rescue team.

Zhu Chengmian's ability is very dangerous, especially the first advanced skill combined with the second advanced skill

, it was a sure kill by surprise.

Don't look at the fact that he didn't show off his skills in the fight with Situ Shibai.

In fact, his hand-to-hand fighting ability is probably very terrifying, and he also has huge mental power as a backing. Even if his overall combat effectiveness is not as good as Situ Shibai, the gap is probably not very big.

The real difference between the two is still ability!

Zhu Chengmian was not a person with unlimited abilities, and his methods were too simple. Without that special piece of equipment to protect him, Situ Shi would have killed him like a dog.

But with that piece of equipment that could withstand damage, the gap between Zhu Chengmian and Situ Shibai was actually very small.

No matter how fancy Situ Shibai's abilities are, it means nothing if he can't kill Zhu Chengmian. Although Zhu Chengmian's superpower is single, it can kill Situ Shibai.

Similarly, if Zhang Ping fought Zhu Chengmian, before he figured out the effect of that special equipment, the result would be better than Situ Shibai, but he couldn't do anything to Zhu Chengmian.

His only advantage was that he was not afraid of the interference of Prince Yue, and he was confident that he could avoid the attack of the fatal flying knife.

But it was still too dangerous.

Zhang Ping didn't know if Zhu Chengmian had any other equipment. Facing an opponent who might kill him with one blow, he could still get into trouble no matter how careful he was.

"Wait, why should I do it myself?"

The more Zhang Ping thought about it, the more he felt that Zhu Chengmian was difficult, but he soon realized one thing. Now he was in the dark and Zhu Chengmian was in the light, so he didn't need to deal with Zhu Chengmian himself.

The rescue team now had someone who was more suitable to deal with Zhu Chengmian than him, and that was Lin Renmei!

Lin Renmei's life span was infinite, which completely defeated Zhu Chengmian's ability.

After all, even if Zhu Chengmian bet all his life span, it would only be more than one million years, but Lin Renmei's life span had no limit at all. Even if the infinite one million was deducted, the remaining was still infinite.

"I hope the seniors can quickly figure out how to awaken the bio-force field, otherwise Lin Renmei won't be able to fight." Zhang Ping thought to himself as he relaxed after thinking of a solution.

Lin Renmei's attack is too terrifying now. A casual punch can cause a landslide, and a little more force can cause a nuclear explosion.

If she goes all out, she can even destroy atoms on the spot.

If the battlefield is too close to Mingzhu City, Lin Renmei won't be able to fight at all, so the top priority now is to find a way to make her awaken the bio-force field!

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