I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [395] Three People

"The foreign object in my body is Zhang Ping's biological force field!"

"The external force of my body is Xuejie's biological force field, and the one sandwiched in the middle is my biological force field!"

Lin Renmei clearly sensed the biological force fields of Zhang Ping and Cheng Xuejie, and she suddenly understood.

She closed her eyes, carefully felt her biological force field, and gradually began to sense the existence of the biological force field.

This is like skills such as riding a bicycle and swimming. Once you learn it, you will never forget it. After sensing the biological force field, she quickly controlled the biological force field and wrapped herself in the biological force field.

"I have it under control."

Lin Renmei opened her eyes, looked at Cheng Xuejie and said happily.

"Renmei, don't get excited, get used to the biological force field first!" Cheng Xuejie quickly comforted her with a smile.

Lin Renmei nodded, and then slowly changed the biological force field into various shapes. Cheng Xuejie kept reminding her on the side, so that she could slowly adapt to the existence of the biological force field.

After mastering the biological force field, she could finally use her power with confidence without worrying about affecting her friends and teammates.

Because the bio-force field is an extension of her body, when she does not want the power to spread, all power can be contained by the bio-force field.

Zhang Ping came out of Lin Renmei's body, and the three of them gathered together to discuss how to control the biological force field.

The three of them have their own merits. Zhang Ping has the most abilities, and biological force field is only one of them. He naturally has unique insights based on analogies.

Cheng Xuejie has mastered the biological force field for the longest time. She has figured out many little skills on her own, and she teaches them all without reservation. Both Zhang Ping and Lin Renmei have benefited a lot.

Although Lin Renmei does not have the advantages of Zhang Ping and Cheng Xuejie, the problem is that her biological force field is the strongest among the three.

During the discussion, she quickly mastered methods such as flying, weaponizing biological force fields, and long-range attacks after the biological force fields were separated from the body.

In the end, with the blessing of a huge biological force field, she became proficient in various moves before Zhang Ping and the others.

Zhang Ping estimated that unless he used Dragon Dragon Master now, Lin Renmei's beating would be as easy as a muscular man beating a baby.

In addition, biological force fields can also pose a threat to energy bodies, such as ghosts and other entities.

Now, Lin Renmei can still punch one by one and kill as many as he comes.

It can be said that after awakening the biological force field, Lin Renmei made up for all her own shortcomings, truly reaching the level where she is not an infinite level ability user, but can defeat 90% of infinite level ability users.

The reason why she didn't say death was mainly because Lin Renmei still had weaknesses, and some special spatial abilities still posed a great threat to her.

For example, abilities such as space cracks can directly banish her into the universe. Even if she cannot die for a while, the result will inevitably be death.

The three of them chatted for a long time, and finally Zhang Ping simply slaughtered Zhu Chengmian for lunch, and everyone studied the use of biological force fields while eating.

The collision of ideas often gives birth to countless sparks of wisdom.

Cheng Xuejie used to do research alone, but now that Zhang Ping and Lin Renmei joined in, she immediately revealed many tricks that had not yet been researched. After some research, the three of them developed abilities such as mind reading and information masking.

Mind reading is actually the basic ability of biological force fields. Through the collision of biological force fields, one can forcibly read the opponent's thoughts. As long as the opponent's biological force field is weaker than one's own, one can basically see through everything the target is thinking.

As for information masking, it is through the identification of targets blocked by chaotic biological force fields. Zhang Ping is very experienced in this aspect, so with the help of information control and imagination, Zhang Ping first figured out the information masking and taught it to Lin Renmei and Cheng Xuejie .

"Theoretically, information masking is only the lowest form. When proficiency continues to improve, it can also evolve into information misleading. For example, if the enemy identifies us, we can give him the wrong answer!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie smiled bitterly and said: "This is too difficult. I still don't understand information masking. Please help me."

"Zhang Ping, where is this place? Why does such black soil exist? It's so nutritious. It's like the nutrients of countless soils have been blended together. This place can be used to grow vegetables, and you can definitely have a bumper harvest. !" While Zhang Ping and the others were chatting happily, Chen Weihua ran over holding black soil and said excitedly.

Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua as if she was mentally retarded.

He pointed to the sky and said with a smile: "What do you think you can grow in this kind of weather?"

"Is this the weather all the time?" Chen Weihua looked up at the dark clouds

The sky asked in hindsight.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "It has always been like this here. It is impossible for plants to grow in this environment."

"No, if the whole world is like this, why is the temperature just right? Normally it should have been frozen long ago." Cheng Xuejie asked curiously.

Zhang Ping shrugged and said with a smile: "Sister, do you think I am someone who knows the answer to such a profound question?"

"It doesn't look like it!"

Cheng Xuejie and Lin Renmei said in unison.

After saying that, both women couldn't help laughing.

World Zero, City Lord's Mansion.

Jin Bo frowned and was doing official business.

A few minutes later, Chen Ming, the think tank of the cleanup team, walked in. He frowned and said, "I checked. The captain did leave Pearl City half a month ago, but the specific direction is unknown."

"Is the Beastmaster Zhu family provoking or demonstrating?" Jin Bo asked.

Two days ago, a box was delivered to the City Lord's Mansion. Jin Bo opened the box himself and found Situ Shibai's head inside.

Fortunately, the head was identified and proved to be fake.

The problem is that the cleaning team can't contact Situ Shibai at all, which means that Situ Shibai may have really been in trouble.

For example, he was trapped in the trap of the Beastmaster Zhu family and they need to find a way to rescue him.

Chen Ming said worriedly: "Jin Bo, I have a very bad premonition. I'm afraid something big will happen this time. How many people in the investigation team have returned now?"

The investigation team came back once before, and left Mingzhu City again after Jin Bo issued the new regulations. Only Bai Yating kept dragging it with various excuses and never left Mingzhu City.

As a result, Bai Yating had an accident when she left the city some time ago.

Although Bai Yating said that it was a disaster, many awakened people still felt that something was wrong. During this period, thousands of awakened people fled, and they obviously did not intend to stay in Mingzhu City and live and die with Mingzhu City.

"No one came back!"

Jin Bo sighed and looked at Chen Ming and said.

There was one thing he didn't say, that is, not only did no one from the investigation team come back, but even some of the captains could not be contacted directly.

It is estimated that the captains of those investigation teams are either dead or have rebelled.

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