I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [396] Paving the way with blood

In fact, it is not only the city lord's palace that is under pressure, the patrol team is also under tremendous pressure.

Incidents of alienated beasts approaching the city walls are slowly increasing. In the past, the patrol team might not encounter an alienated beast invasion once a week, but now they can basically encounter an alienated beast once every three days.

It's fine during the day, but once night comes, it can be said that the pressure increases sharply.

Many members of the patrol team were injured and had to take time off for treatment. Due to the lack of manpower, it became even more difficult for the patrol team to maintain law and order in the entire Pearl City, and a vicious cycle began to form.

The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building.

Feng Laixian smelled the undercurrent in the city and the unusual atmosphere.

During this time, he began to work at night, sitting at the patrol headquarters to prevent any unexpected events.

If anyone wanted to do something to Pearl City, then the patrol team would definitely be the first to be targeted.

At the beginning, Tian Changhu had also dealt with the patrol team first, and then quietly invaded Pearl City, but now all the pressure fell on Feng Laixian's shoulders.


Bai De quickly walked into the patrol headquarters. He looked at Feng Laixian, who was holding a Guandao and closing his eyes to rest, and whispered: "Master, it's bad, there are a lot of alienated beasts outside the west wall!"

"What kind of alienated beasts are these?" Feng Laixian opened her eyes and asked.

Bai De frowned and said, "You can't see clearly. It's dark. Only the eyes are glowing red. It's about one meter tall."

"Go and have a look!" Feng Laixian immediately stood up and said.

The two quickly rushed to the west wall of Pearl City. When they climbed up the wall, they saw that it was completely dark outside.

Because these alienated beasts are so dark, their appearance cannot be seen clearly in the darkness of the night. Only their red eyes are particularly bright and oppressive in the dark night.

"Use the rocket to see how good it is!" Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes and continued.

For a moment, a patrol member fired a flaming arrow at the black alien beast. When the arrow fell from a high altitude, densely packed black wild boars were immediately seen.

These black wild boars are fat and strong, and the hair on their bodies is like the long thorns on the back of the pig, standing upright. They also have huge tusks.

Each fang has a blood groove on it, and you can tell it is a killing weapon at a glance.

Feng Laixian looked at Bai De, who frowned and said, "Master, this is a sharp point."

Thorny boar is a very weak alien beast. In addition to their relatively strong bodies, they can only run rampant and cannot possibly destroy our city walls. "

"The question is why do they gather here?" Feng Laixian pondered.

Bai De couldn't help but smile and shook his head. Who knew what these alienated beasts were thinking.

miles away.

An army composed of awakened people is stationed in the mountain col.

Zhu Chengmian was riding a fire horse and was watching the situation in Pearl City through an awakener.

His illegitimate son, the eleventh son Zhu Qianlie, was riding a horse and couldn't help but asked with some confusion: "Father, we obviously started to assassinate the Lord of Jinbo City easily, and then took over Pearl City without bloodshed, why do we have to attack the city head-on?"

"It's good to fight without bloodshed? Are you not ashamed to sneak back like a mouse?" Zhu Chengmian frowned slightly, feeling a little regretful that it was Zhu Shixiong who was sacrificed in the first place.

If it were Zhu Shixiong, he would definitely not ask such a stupid question.

Unfortunately, the higher the status of blood relatives in his heart, the stronger the effect of the sacrifice. If he wanted to kill Situ Shibai, Zhu Qianlie was not qualified as a sacrifice.

Zhu Chengmian took a deep breath, forced himself to be patient, and explained: "If our Zhu family wants to go back and regain control of Pearl City, we must go in with dignity. I want all the dog slaves in Pearl City to know that their master came back.

If we can't fight our way into the city from outside the city, how can we suppress the world and silence those dog slaves? "

"My child... my child understands." Zhu Qianlie couldn't help but said with some fear.

Zhu Chengmian glanced at Zhu Qianlie's incompetent look, immediately snorted coldly, looked at an awakened person on the other side, and said calmly: "You can do it now!"

"Yes, Master!" The awakened person immediately lowered his head and said.

The next moment, he put his hand into his mouth and whistled loudly.

When the spiked wild boars in the distance heard the whistle, they immediately made a grunting sound, and then they all charged frantically and crashed directly into the wall of Pearl City.

There is no doubt that this approach is overwhelming.

Countless spiked wild boars crashed to death on the city wall of Pearl City. The city wall was not damaged except for a lot of blood stains.

"Master, I have a bad feeling, I'm afraid this is just

It's an appetizer! Bai De said worriedly as he watched the spiked boar's desperate charge.

Feng Laixian nodded and said: "I feel the same way. Send the order and attack the spiked wild boars below on the wall. Try not to let them hit the city wall."

"Yes!" Bai De responded immediately.

The order was passed on, and the patrol members who were just watching on the wall began to take action.

Those with long-range abilities used long-range abilities, and those without long-range abilities also shot arrows at the spiked boars below. In a short time, many spiked boars were killed on the way to the charge.

When all the spiked wild boars died outside the city, it was already dark.

The pheasants in the mountains crow loudly, and the morning dew condenses on the edges of the surrounding leaves, dripping with the wind.

Feng Laixian looked solemnly at the spiky wild boar carcass below. Bai De looked at it and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

"Their blood has not coagulated!" Feng Laixian said.

Bai De took a closer look and found that it was just as Feng Laixian said. The body of the spiked boar was still bleeding, and the blood did not seep into the ground. Instead, it slowly flowed and gathered at the base of the city wall.

"Find a way to clean up all the blood!" Feng Laixian immediately said to Bai De.

Bai De nodded and quickly called the team members. After discussing for a while, he immediately came up with a feasible plan.

One of their team members was an awakener who could control the soil. They planned to use the soil to form a closed container to directly hold all the blood.

But before they could act, the blood formed a red carpet near the city gate.

This blood-red carpet extended outward until it sank into the woods in the distance.

When the red carpet extended, dense footsteps came from a distance. Whether it was Feng Laixian or Bai De and others who were discussing, they all looked in the direction of the footsteps.

About half a minute later, Zhu Chengmian appeared on a fiery horse.

He was wearing red armor, a golden cloak on his shoulders, and a long sword inlaid with red gems on his waist.

Behind him, the awakened people wearing armor stood in rows.

Bai De swallowed and whispered: "Damn, this is really bad. Do we have to fight against such an opponent?"

The other patrol members also looked bitter and wilted before the fight even started.

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