I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [397] Kill him like killing a dog

Anyone with a little bit of vision can see how well-equipped this army is.

Especially the gleaming battle armor, which has several special inlay positions, and these inlay positions are inlaid with different metal pieces.

Both Feng Laixian and Bai De could see that those metal pieces were not scrap metal, but real special equipment.

This is a top-notch army composed of awakened people, armed to the teeth with special equipment.

There is no organization in Pearl City that has such financial resources, and even the savings of the three major organizations over the past two hundred years cannot produce that much equipment.

Besides, even if they have money, they can’t buy it!

The manufacturing of special equipment is extremely inhumane, and Pearl City has already banned the manufacturing of special equipment in this vicious way.

Probably only the beast-controlling Zhu family has the confidence to come up with so much special equipment to arm their own army.

Finally, Zhu Chengmian came to the city wall.

He raised his head and glanced at Feng Laixian on the city wall, and countless past memories flashed through his mind.

When he was still young, Zhu Taihao took him to Mount Everest again and again, looking at the Pearl City in the distance outside the city, with a lonely and unwilling expression.

Although he killed Zhu Taihao in anger, it did not mean that he did not love his father.

It's just that he knows that he is more suitable to sit in the position of the head of the family. Only he can lead the beast-controlling Zhu family onto the right path.

Now is the time for him to fulfill his ambition!

With mixed feelings, he said in a deep voice: "Back then, Situ Shibai used despicable means to take away the Pearl City from my family. The whole Zhu family worked hard and worked hard, and finally killed the enemy in the countryside.

Now that the time, place, and people are all in place, I, the second-generation head of the Zhu family, Zhu Chengmian, officially declare war on Pearl City here. I, the Zhu family, will regain control of Pearl City. Anyone who refuses to obey...die! "

"Everyone in the beast-controlling Zhu family will be killed. If you want to enter the city, you must first pass me, Feng Laixian!" Feng Laixian narrowed his eyes and immediately shouted loudly.

Zhu Chengmian smiled and said, "That's exactly what I meant."

He raised his hand, looked at Feng Laixian on the city wall, and said calmly: "Give me the order to start attacking the city!"

After saying that, he pulled out the long sword hanging from his waist and waved it towards the gate of Pearl City.

The city gate that was originally closed was opened!

When Feng Laixian heard the movement under the city wall, her expression suddenly changed. She quickly jumped down to the city wall with a Guandao in hand, and shouted in mid-air: "No.

Well, stop them and don't give them a chance to enter the city! "

When he landed on the ground, colorful light waves suddenly hit him head-on. He held the Guandao in front of him and was then submerged by the light waves.


After a loud noise, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Feng Laixian held the red Guandao in her hand, and one-third of the flesh and blood on her body was evaporated on the spot, revealing bones covered with blood streaks.

He raised his head and blew out a puff of white smoke, and said in a deep voice: "You can't even take a step into the city wall!"

Pearl City, Watchtower.

When the spiked wild boar appeared, members of the rescue team monitoring Pearl City quickly passed the information back to the rescue team.

At this time, Zhang Ping, Chen Weihua, Cheng Xuejie, Zhang Shouzhong, Liu Sishan, and Lin Renmei were all gathered on the watchtower, looking at the situation in the distance.

"Feng Laixian can't stop Zhu Chengmian, should we take action now?" Cheng Xuejie asked.

Chen Weihua narrowed her eyes and said calmly: "It's not the time yet. Zhu Chengmian must have other methods that he hasn't used yet. Let's wait and see."

"Our goal this time is to get rid of the beast-controlling Zhu family once and for all, no matter how high the price is!" Zhang Ping gritted his teeth.

He knew that Feng Laixian was in danger when facing Zhu Chengmian, but if he took action now, the most he could do would be to kill Zhu Chengmian and his forces, which would not be enough to deal a devastating blow to the Beast Control Zhu family.

Therefore, they must endure it and wait for the other elders of the Zhu family to take action.

Once those elders feel that Zhu Chengmian's situation has been achieved and the overall situation has been decided, they will definitely not be able to help but take action in order to get a share of this victory.

When the beast-controlling Zhu family moved in full force, it was Zhang Ping's turn to take action, and with lightning speed, they established the world in one fell swoop.

"What if the beast-controlling Zhu family refuses to go all out?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "They can't help but take action. The Zhu family of beast control is not harmonious, but fights openly and secretly, and even fights against each other. The phenomenon of cannibalism is very serious. Whoever falls behind may be swallowed even to the bones." There is no one left, so they will definitely take action, because the fate of the one who doesn’t take action is obvious!”

This information was all obtained from Zhu Zeming.

As the veteran deacon of the Beast Controlling Zhu family, Zhu Zeming knows the situation of the Beast Controlling Zhu family very well.

"Then just wait and see."

Zhang Shouzhong took a deep breath and held back the urge to take action.

said impulsively.

Everyone held their breath and continued to watch the battle outside the city.

Fenglaixian is indeed very strong.

Especially Feng Laixian, who holds the Guandao in his hand, even when faced with the attack of the Zhu family's army, he can still block the vital points with the Guandao and always stay out of the city gate.

However, his current condition is very bad, and almost no part of his body is in good condition.

As Zhu Chengmian became impatient, the forward Jin Jiajun's offensive gradually became more frequent. Before his injuries healed, he was attacked by a new round of attacks. As a result, his body could not heal, but more and more wounds appeared on his body.

"Captain, all members of the patrol team have gathered!" Bai De yelled inside the city wall at this time.

Feng Laixian gritted his teeth and roared hoarsely: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's fight!"

Just now, Bai De had gathered all the patrol team members inside the city wall. Although the patrol team members' equipment was certainly not as good as the Zhu family's army, they were not completely powerless.

The most important thing was... the bell rang!




The heavy bell sounded, waking up everyone in Mingzhu City, and then the awakened people quickly grabbed their clothes and rushed out of the house.

In a moment, dense crowds of people appeared on various heights.

Mingzhu City has never been the Mingzhu City of the three major organizations, but the Mingzhu City of everyone. Once it comes to a life-and-death situation, all awakened people are obliged to participate in the war.

In a moment, the news of the attack of the beast-controlling Zhu family quickly spread among the awakened people.

"Too slow!"

Zhu Chengmian listened to the bell and said somewhat dissatisfiedly.

A man in golden armor said: "Master, I'm going to kill Feng Laixian!"

"Are you sure?" Zhu Chengmian looked at the man in golden armor and asked lightly.

The man in golden armor was originally the captain of Zhu Taihao's secret guard. Now that Zhu Taihao is dead, he naturally changed his allegiance and followed Zhu Chengmian directly.

The problem is that he has not made any contribution to Zhu Chengmian and urgently needs an opportunity to show his worth.

Only by showing enough value can Zhu Chengmian pay attention to him!

"Kill him like killing a dog!"

The man in golden armor pulled out a sawtooth sword and answered confidently.

"Then go!"

Zhu Chengmian nodded in agreement.

He wanted to see what the man in golden armor was like.

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