I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Fox [398] The Strength of the Secret Guard


With a low shout, the fiery horse under the golden armor man immediately ran towards Feng Laixian.

The two sides exchanged glances, and Feng Laixian immediately realized that the golden armor man was not weak. He immediately clenched his Guandao slightly, gritted his teeth and prepared to meet the impact.

"Take my sword!"

The golden armor man raised the sawtooth sword, and when he approached Feng Laixian, he chopped it down from above.


Feng Laixian raised his Guandao with both hands to block. When the weapons collided, he only felt an unimaginable force pressing on his body, and his legs sank directly into the ground.

Then the golden armor man put away his sword and hid behind the horse. The moment he passed Feng Laixian, he quickly used a saber to slash at Feng Laixian from front to back.

At this time, Feng Laixian's whole body had been inserted into the ground like a green onion, and there was no way to turn back to take the attack.

The golden armor man sneered in his heart, but before the sword chopped Feng Laixian's body, he suddenly felt that danger was coming, and he quickly tilted his head to avoid a golden fist.

"Get lost!"

With a loud shout, he was kicked in the chest and fell off the horse, leaving a long scratch on the ground.

At this time, he looked up at the attacker, who was the current Lord of Mingzhu City, Jin Bo!

Zhu Chengmian did not blame the man in golden armor for not being strong. He looked at Jin Bo and said with a smile: "Lord Jin Bo, Feng Laixian fought with my men openly, so it was wrong for you to sneak attack."

"Hmph, don't tell me these nonsense, Captain Situ is in your hands?" Jin Bo snorted coldly, his whole body emitting golden light.

Zhu Chengmian smiled lightly and said: "No, you missed a word, what you should ask is... Captain Situ died in your hands? That's the right question!"

"A clown like you can kill Captain Situ? Don't be ridiculous." Jin Bo didn't believe what Zhu Chengmian said at all. In his heart, Situ Shibai was a god. If he wanted to kill Situ Shibai, it would only be possible if a god appeared.

Zhu Chengmian chuckled and said, "Frog in the well!"

Next, he obviously had no intention of continuing the conversation, and directly signaled the golden armored soldiers around him to attack.

The golden armored soldiers around him were naturally not just random people, but all the assets left by Zhu Taihao.

Zhu Taihao himself was a cautious person, and the awakened ones with real potential were often recruited by him and finally joined his secret guards.

So the secret guards were the essence of the entire Zhu family.

In the third world, Zhu Taihao once asked the members of the secret guards to protect Zhu Chongba, but it was a pity that Zhu Chongba was looking for death in the end, and his hostility attracted the attention of the Dragon Lord, so he was killed by a cannon.

Otherwise, with the protection of the secret guards, Zhu Chongba would not have died so casually.

At this time, the first person to take action was Chen Jianbing, who had protected Zhu Chongba in the third world. His ability was called shortcut navigation, which was an extremely convenient ability in itself. After being equipped with the special equipment given to him by Zhu Chengmian, it became even more weird and difficult.

In an instant, Chen Jianbing appeared behind Jin Bo. Before Jin Bo turned around to attack, he had already returned to his horse.

Jin Bo's punch missed, and he looked down and saw a black iron ball on the ground.

He gritted his teeth and urged the golden blood in his body, and a brilliant light burst out of his body, and then the black iron ball exploded violently.

However, the explosion did not spread to the surroundings, but instead sank into Jin Bo's body like ripples. Jin Bo's skin burst like a rag, and dense small holes appeared directly.

He immediately knelt on the ground and looked in the direction of Zhu Chengmian in disbelief.

"Isn't it interesting? I also think Mr. Chen's ability is interesting. When you think the attack is coming from the outside, the real attack is actually from the inside. It's really hard to defend against." Zhu Chengmian looked at Jin Bo's face with a doubtful expression and said with some pleasure.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely not easily tell others about the abilities of his men, but now that he has the overall situation in his control, he doesn't mind letting Jin Bo die clearly.

Just like when he showed mercy and let Situ Shibai see his attributes and fulfilled Situ Shibai.

Chen Jianbing said modestly: "My subordinates' ability is far inferior to that of the master."

"Okay, stop flattering me. With Yuzhu in front of you, Lao Zhao will probably have to fight hard." Zhu Chengmian looked at the man in gold armor and said with a smile.

The man in gold armor boasted that he killed Feng Laixian like killing a dog, but now that he has fallen, he can only confront Feng Laixian, so he is naturally embarrassed.

Besides, he was the captain in the secret guard team, and Chen Jianbing was just an ordinary member of his team.

With Chen Jianbing's record of instantly injuring Jin Bo, he must not sit still and must use all his strength to kill Feng Laixian.

"You are unlucky!"

The man in gold armor took a deep breath and stared at Feng Laixian and said.

Just now, he attacked Feng Laixian, although he did not let her go, but he did not go all out.

If Feng Laixian could be easily dealt with, he would naturally have face when he returned, but now he couldn't be relaxed, so he could only kill Feng Laixian with the force of thunder.

In an instant, brilliant lightning burst out from the golden-armored man.

He was wrapped in lightning and roared: "Lightning Thunder Dragon Slash!"

The blue lightning turned into a white line, and the end of the line was a ferocious dragon head.

Feng Laixian actually knew that the golden-armored man was not easy to deal with.

Although the golden-armored man used the power of his mount in the previous fight, the force of the recoil was all borne by the golden-armored man himself.

The problem was that the golden-armored man not only did not shake at all, but was able to return a saber with one blow, which was enough to show that the golden-armored man's power was still above him.


The sawtooth broadsword and the Guandao collided with each other.

Feng Laixian saw the white dragon break away from the sawtooth broadsword and crash directly into his abdomen.

Under the huge impact, his skin quickly showed traces of lightning strikes, and at the same time, the whole person flew off the ground, flew backwards quickly, and finally hit the city wall behind him heavily, leaving countless blood.

"Thunder Dragon Cut!"

The golden armored man did not stop his attack. When Feng Laixian flew backwards, the whole person quickly followed.

The moment before, Feng Laixian hit the city wall, and the next moment, the golden armored man's knife slashed towards Feng Laixian's top of the head. If this knife was cut, it would be enough to split Feng Laixian in two.

However, just when the sawtooth broadsword was about to fall, Feng Laixian suddenly opened his eyes angrily and roared: "Get out!"

With this roar, the golden armored man was immediately sprayed out, and rolled several times after landing before stopping.

He half-knelt on the ground, with the sawtooth sword stuck in the ground, looked up at Feng Laixian, gritted his teeth and said: "Chaos Qi!"

Ever since Feng Laixian forced Zuo Xiangming back, the Beastmaster Zhu family has studied Feng Laixian's Beast King Fist.

But in the past, Feng Laixian still needed to inhale to use Chaos Qi, but this time there was no prelude, and he was directly blown away.

This shows that Feng Laixian has also become stronger, stronger than they expected!

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