I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [398] The trapped beast still fights

Feng Laixian fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was also injured by the roar just now. After all, there wasn't much air in his lungs. It was completely squeezing out. Now the capillaries in his lungs were bleeding severely, and his lungs were full of blood.

However, under the influence of the Red Emperor's undead body, the more serious his injuries were, the faster he recovered. As soon as he finished vomiting blood, he stood up slowly, and his body temperature continued to rise.

The Guandao in his hand was already red and glowing white, the air was distorted by the heat, and the blade became extremely sharp.

Seeing this scene, the man in golden armor gritted his teeth and pulled off his helmet, and then took off the armor on his upper body.

Maybe for ordinary awakened people, this golden armor is a precious special equipment, but for the man in golden armor, this equipment will only affect his performance.

"Captain Zhao seems to be serious." Chen Jianbing saw this scene and said lightly.

The man in golden armor is named Zhao Minglei, and his ability is Thunder Dragon Body, which is the lower level ability of Vermilion Ape Dragon's Tyrannosaurus Body.

Compared with the body of Tyrannosaurus, which can absorb the four natural forces of wind, thunder, water and fire to recover from injuries and is immune to the damage of these four forces, the body of Thunder Dragon only has the body of a dragon and the ability to control thunder and lightning.

If Zhu Yuanlong hadn't been arrogant and had been tricked to death by Zhu Jiuyang and Zhu Hongfang early, he would have grown up to be stronger and more domineering than Zhao Lei.

However, although Zhao Lei's ability is not as good as Zhu Yuanlong, he has grown up to be a strong man.

No matter how great the potential of lions and tigers are, they are just big cats that everyone can play with before they grow up. However, no matter how inferior wolves and leopards are to lions and tigers, grown-up wild wolves and cheetahs are still extremely lethal.

Zhao Lei let out a low roar at this time, and dense blue lightning lines appeared on his body. At the same time, many blue dragon scales appeared on both sides of his cheeks. Two sharp dragon horns protruded from his temples, and finally formed a 'cauldron'-shaped magic pattern.

His body expanded from more than two meters to four meters, and the serrated sword in his hand turned into a toy.

"The sun is scorching bright, the sun is scorching, I am the Eastern King in the morning, I am the Red Emperor in the evening!"

Feng Laixian glanced at Zhao Lei and couldn't help but secretly recite the ancient songs sung by generations in Pearl City.

However, before he entered the form of the Red Emperor of the Sun, Zhao Lei suddenly appeared in front of him and slashed out with a condescending sword.

This knife is very fast.

Feng Laixian raised his hand to block it with his sword, and was then pushed into the ground by the saw-toothed sword. Then the saw-tooth sword flashed and slashed from bottom to top. Feng Laixian was pulled out of the ground again and flew quickly into the air.

The power is too strong!

Feng Laixian's hands were broken. Zhao Lei's first blow had shattered his arm bones, and the second blow had knocked him off the ground and strained his muscles.

Although his recovery ability is very fast, Zhao Lei's offensive is obviously faster.


From bottom to top.

Zhao Lei breathed out thunderstorm dragon breath at Feng Laixian in the air.

This is not an advanced skill, but the ability of the thunder dragon body itself.

Feng Laixian was hit by the dragon's breath, and his whole body became charred black, sending out black smoke and falling to the ground.

Suddenly, circles of light appeared in the sky, and Feng Laixian was enveloped in the circles. His injuries healed quickly, and at the same time, his charred skin peeled off and fell to the ground intact.

Zhao Lei looked at the city wall, narrowed his eyes and said, "Bai Yating!"

On the city wall, Bai Yating was holding a book in her hand, her neck and arms were still bandaged, but she was calmly looking at the army outside the city wall.

Zhu Chengmian raised his head and glanced at Bai Yating, and said with a smile: "Let's go for a full-scale attack. If we delay it any longer, the old guys in the family will probably be swayed."


Chen Jianbing responded, then pulled out his sword and shouted: "The master of the family has ordered, attack with all out!"

All the soldiers in golden armor shouted loudly and immediately launched a charge.

Feng Laixian didn't care about confronting Zhao Lei and immediately turned around and ran away. Zhao Lei took a deep breath and was about to chase but was interrupted by lightsabers. He couldn't help but look angrily at Bai Yating on the city wall.

On the other side, Feng Laixian grabbed Jin Bo, who was lying on the ground with unknown life and death, and quickly returned to the city. At the same time, he shouted: "Come on Juma, Lujiao, the whole team will fight!"

"Ji Ma, Antlers, fight!"

Countless awakened people passed on messages one after another, and some awakened people immediately took control of the ground, forming a large number of obstacles.

A minute later, the Jinjia Army rushed in from the city gate. After a wave of elemental attacks from the patrol, only a few unlucky ones were injured.

Zhao Lei followed the army in, his eyes always fixed on Feng Laixian. At this time, he exerted force with his feet and directly smashed the horse made of rocks. He quickly found Feng Laixian and fell with the serrated sword wide open and closed.


Feng Laixian used Guandao to block the serrated sword, bent her legs slightly, and immediately slid a distance on the ground.

The place where they are fighting now is the buffer zone in the city. The ground is made of rocks. After being reinforced layer by layer by countless awakened people, although it has not reached the hardness of the city wall, it will not sink so easily.

Feng Laixian is very adaptable to this environment and can easily guide and discharge power into the earth.

So this time he was not as embarrassed as before.

"The time, place and people are favorable. Now the time and place are on my side!" Feng Laixian looked at Zhao Lei and said calmly.

The next moment, a trace of golden flame flowed out from the corner of Feng Laixian's eyes.

Its daybreak!

Zhao Lei looked up, and then looked at Feng Laixian. Feng Laixian had entered the form of the Red Emperor of the Sun, and his whole body was burning with the true fire of the Sun.

"That's just right!"

Zhao Lei roared and his body changed again.

Just now he was only half-dragon, and now he is further transformed into a dragon.

Eighty percent thunder dragon body!

His head suddenly turned into a dragon, a pair of wings grew from his back, and his body expanded to six meters again.


Both sides exerted force almost at the same time, holding weapons and slashing at each other.

The Guandao and the sawtooth broadsword collided with each other, making a thunderous explosion. Feng Laixian retreated dozens of meters again and crashed into a house.

Fortunately, the patrol team had just evacuated the nearby people, so there were no casualties.

Feng Laixian got up from the ruins of the house, and Zhao Lei flew over in an instant, slashing down fiercely from top to bottom with the dagger-like sawtooth broadsword in his hand.

As a last resort, Feng Laixian could only raise the Guandao to fight. Under the huge force, he was hit again and slid a distance.

"Your strength is not as good as mine, I am not afraid of your flames, what can you use to beat me?" Zhao Lei landed, walked towards Feng Laixian step by step, and smiled confidently.

The thunder dragon body is immune to lightning and high temperature.

Although the temperature of Feng Laixian's Great Sun True Fire is extremely high, it has little effect on Zhao Lei.

Now they were fighting not for elemental damage, but physical attacks, because like Zhao Lei, after entering the Great Sun Red Emperor form, Feng Laixian also had a high resistance to lightning, and lightning could hardly cause him any damage.

Feng Laixian spit out a mouthful of blood foam and said with a smile: "How can I beat you? Who knows?"

In this battle, he was just doing his best, and he didn't care about the result.

"So that's how it is, trapped beasts still fight, then I'll play with you!" Zhao Lei looked at Feng Laixian, and suddenly understood Feng Laixian's thoughts, so he simply threw the serrated sword in his hand and said lightly.

Now the serrated sword in his hand is almost like a toy, and it has little effect.

His whole body is covered with dragon scales, and the hardness of these scales is far higher than that of the serrated sword, so now he is more powerful with his fists than with weapons.

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