I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [039] Treatment

Awakeners often fight in the wild, and it is inevitable that they will be injured and leave scars.

Male awakeners regard scars as honor. Unless the scars are really ugly, they will not take the initiative to remove the scars, but female awakeners are different. Even if they are injured and leave scars, they will find a familiar doctor to remove the scars when they return to Mingzhu City.

There are many healing awakeners in Mingzhu City who can remove scars, which is not difficult.

Zhang Ping doesn't know what Liu Sishan has experienced, nor does he know why Liu Sishan has scars.

But as a member of the cleaning team, if Liu Sishan wants to remove scars, it is definitely easier than ordinary awakeners. Therefore, he speculated that there are two possibilities for Liu Sishan's scars.

One is that Liu Sishan himself is unwilling to remove the scars.

The other is that the scars on Liu Sishan's face are not simple, and ordinary abilities cannot remove them at all.

As the saying goes, don't advise others to be good without experiencing their suffering.

Zhang Ping is not Liu Sishan, so he just mentioned his ability a little bit. If Liu Sishan is willing to find him to try to remove the scars, he will naturally tell him.

If she didn't want to remove the scar, he wouldn't force it, after all, it was Liu Sishan's own choice.

In his eyes, Liu Sishan was a strong little girl. Although she was only nineteen years old, she was steady and reliable, never had a small temper, and was a qualified comrade-in-arms and a partner who could be trusted behind the scenes.

As for the love between men and women, that was really not there.

He preferred petite and cute girls, and Liu Sishan was not his type.

Back to the safe house.

On the bed, Liu Tiefeng was already sleeping soundly. Zhang Ping supported himself with the dark mist and floated silently to Liu Tiefeng's side. He turned his right hand into pure blood, and then gently pointed at Liu Tiefeng's broken arm with blood.

His blood slowly seeped into the capillaries through the pores of the broken arm.

When his blood was mixed with Liu Tiefeng's blood, he could control the blood to start repairing Liu Tiefeng's injuries.

This feeling was wonderful. He didn't need to know any medical knowledge. Closing his eyes was like seeing countless broken walls, and all he needed to do was to repair these broken walls one by one.

Liu Tiefeng had a lot of hidden injuries.

Especially the injury on his waist, although it had healed, it was not completely healed in his eyes.

He consumed his own blood and continued to treat Liu Tiefeng. Gradually, Liu Tiefeng's breathing became smooth and his frown was slowly smoothed.

After all the hidden injuries in his body were repaired, his eyes fell on the position of the broken arm.

This was Liu Tiefeng's most serious injury at present.

Zhang Ping knew very well that the amount of blood in his arm alone was not enough to treat this injury, so his body was completely transformed into a pure blood form, and the whole person slowly penetrated into Liu Tiefeng's blood vessels.

This was completely different from the previous feeling.

He found that he could feel Liu Tiefeng's breathing, heartbeat, and even part of his blood circulating with the circulation. He knew how long Liu Tiefeng could live. If there was no disaster, he even knew how Liu Tiefeng would die.

In fact, when he first met Liu Tiefeng, he used the identification technique to identify Liu Tiefeng.

At that time, Liu Tiefeng's attributes were:

[Name: Liu Tiefeng]

[Race: Human]

[Force: Investigation Team (retired)]

[Potential: None]

[Lifespan: 86] (subtracting age is the actual lifespan)

[Level: Intermediate Awakener]

[Level: 18]


[Binding Golden Rope: can consume a certain amount of physical strength, manipulate gold to become ropes to bind the target, the stronger the mental strength, the stronger the binding force]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Multiple Golden Ropes: consume more physical strength, can manipulate three golden ropes at the same time]

But according to Zhang Ping's judgment at this time, Liu Tiefeng's actual lifespan is only 5 years.

According to the results of the above appraisal, Liu Tiefeng is currently 74 years old and should be able to live for about 12 years. That is to say, Liu Tiefeng lost 7 years of life due to this injury.

After knowing this, Zhang Ping felt very uncomfortable and made up his mind to repair Liu Tiefeng's broken arm no matter how much it cost.

The pure-blooded body can repair physical damage.

As long as there is enough blood, theoretically, even if a person only has his head left, he can repair the other person's body.

At this time, Liu Tiefeng's broken arm gradually grew new granulations, and the bandages on the wound that had been bandaged were gradually squeezed open and broken by the newly grown arm. The arm was like a chopped branch, growing new branches again.

Zhang Ping does not need to understand the distribution of blood vessels or the structure of bones. He only needs to provide blood continuously, and Liu Tiefeng's body will spontaneously repair the wound.

When Liu Sishan came back from the door, Liu Tiefeng's broken arm had been repaired for the most part, and only a palm had not grown out.

Liu Tiefeng woke up a long time ago, mainly because his arm was painful and itchy when it grew again, and he couldn't sleep at all.

"This girl, what medicine did you give me to drink? Why did my hand grow again?" He asked immediately when he saw Liu Sishan coming in.

Liu Sishan replied: "It's Zhang Ping who is treating you."

"Zhang boy? He... where is he?" Liu Tiefeng said unexpectedly.

Liu Sishan smiled and said, "You'll know in a moment."

"What exactly is Zhang's ability? He can eat fire, and now he can heal." Liu Tiefeng asked curiously.

Liu Sishan replied, "You can ask Zhang Ping about this question."

Although she admired what Liu Tiefeng had done, she did not let down her guard against Liu Tiefeng.

In fact, she does not trust anyone. She is loyal to Pearl City and protects Pearl City. Even Situ Shibai, whom she respects the most, she has reservations and does not trust absolutely.

Half an hour later, Liu Tiefeng's hand also grew back, but his arm was too young and white to match his body.

It felt like he had been given the arm of a twenty-something.

Then, a large amount of blood seeped out of his arm, and he immediately felt dizzy. After he got used to it, he saw the blood falling on the ground gradually forming a human shape.

One of Zhang Ping's arms turned into flesh and blood, and then a large amount of dark mist poured out from the arm. He put on his clothes under the cover of the dark fog, and then the dark fog was dispersed.

"Boy Zhang, were you in my body just now?" Liu Tiefeng finally understood what was going on when he saw this scene.

Zhang Ping nodded and smiled: "Well, Grandpa Liu, please see if there is anything wrong with this arm. This is the ability I just gained, and it can be used to treat your injuries."

"What are your abilities? You can swallow fire, control fire, release smoke, and turn your whole body into blood. Are you... the legendary ability copying person?" Liu Tiefeng didn't care about his hands at all. He looked at Zhang Ping, surprised. asked.

Zhang Ping said a little distressed: "My ability is a bit complicated. Explain

It's quite troublesome to watch, and it's a little different from those who copy abilities, but it's basically the same, and the abilities will increase more and more. "

"Then your ability isn't...infinite!" Liu Tiefeng stared at Zhang Ping in shock.

A person with unlimited abilities.

Liu Tiefeng looked at Zhang Ping and gradually became excited.

Pearl City has not seen an infinite-level ability user for more than two hundred years. He really didn't expect that he would be able to see a live, fresh, young infinite-level ability user.

This is the treasure of Pearl City.

He immediately realized why Liu Sishan happened to show up to save him, because Liu Sishan was originally protecting Zhang Ping.

If the country still existed thousands of years ago, Zhang Ping would definitely be called a national treasure.

Every infinite level ability user is a national treasure!

"Grandpa Liu, don't get excited, take a deep breath, calm down, don't get excited."

Seeing Liu Tiefeng's face flushed with excitement, Zhang Ping was so frightened that he quickly stepped forward to comfort Liu Tiefeng. He patted Liu Tiefeng's back and said nervously.

"I'm fine, I just didn't expect that I would live to see new infinite-level ability users. Remember, awakened people have thousands of abilities. Even if you are infinite-level, you may encounter difficult enemies. If you are not absolutely sure, Before that, you must not expose yourself as an infinite-level ability user," Liu Tiefeng said seriously with a blush on his face.

Before, he regarded Zhang Ping as the inheritor of Liu family's forging skills and his descendant, but now in his eyes, Zhang Ping has been promoted to the pearl of Pearl City. In the future, Zhang Ping can suppress the luck of Pearl City and help countless people. The savior who brings happiness to people.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

"Okay, okay, okay, Pearl City finally has a 'real pearl' again." Liu Tiefeng said happily.

After the great sorrow and joy, he insisted on chatting with Zhang Ping for a few more words until his energy ran out, and then he fell asleep again. Zhang Ping simply sat by the bed and watched over him.

Hanhai Academy.

Chen Xueli was sitting in the room, holding a long sword in his hand.

After his granddaughter Chen Junting disappeared, he has remained in this state, as if he was guarding against something.

"Xuetu Chen, everything has been packed. Shall we set off tonight?" At this time, a servant walked into the room lightly and asked softly.

Chen Xueli opened his eyes, sighed slightly tiredly, and asked, "You haven't found Junting yet?"


The servant lowered his head and did not answer, but the answer was self-evident.

Chen Xueli pondered for a moment and then said: "Then leave Pearl City directly through the secret passage and prepare to set off."

"Yes!" the servant responded.

The entire Hanhai Academy was mobilized, and many people dragged their families and left Pearl City through the secret passage.

Although Hanhai Academy is similar to a martial arts school, in fact, their existence is more like a sect. The students are directly selected from the orphanage and are trained by Hanhai Academy from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, these students are extremely loyal to the academy.

"Teacher, why do we have to leave?"

In the secret passage, Chen Xueli was walking at the front holding a long sword. A middle-aged disciple behind him asked reluctantly.

Hanhai Academy has been operating in Pearl City for more than 150 years. Leaving now is equivalent to giving up everything in Pearl City. Moreover, their future is slim and their next stop is still unknown.

In the entire Hanhai Academy, there are 1,645 people. How many people can reach the finish line alive?

The price is too heavy.

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