I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: Fox City [401] Ancestor Worship Ceremony

In just one day, Mingzhu City changed its owner.

And this time was completely different from the previous one. Although Jin Bo became the city lord, several families were dissatisfied, but they all discussed and at least they could make some suggestions.

This time, the Beastmaster Zhu family broke into Mingzhu City by force. Those chambers of commerce were killed as soon as they were about to unite, and many awakened people who resisted were killed and blood flowed like a river.

After three consecutive days of killing, Mingzhu City was quiet. Everyone knew that the Beastmaster Zhu family did not regard them as human beings at all.

But what can the survivors do?


If you don't obey, then die.

So Mingzhu City fell into the control of the Beastmaster Zhu family again, and Zhu Chengmian announced that the "enthronement ceremony" would be held on a chosen day.


In fact, it was not an enthronement ceremony, but a ceremony to report to the ancestors.

In short, he wanted to comfort his ancestors and show off to everyone that it was him, Zhu Chengmian, who regained the foundation of his ancestors.

In the following days, the Beastmaster Zhu family was busy preparing for the ceremony to report to the ancestors.

Many residents were required to perform labor service and were arranged by the Beastmaster Zhu family to serve in various mines. In just a few days, some people were so tired that they vomited blood and complained bitterly.

If the two hundred years of peace have made people forget the evil deeds of the Beastmaster Zhu family, then in just a few days, people have re-remembered the cruelty and tyranny of the Beastmaster Zhu family.

Zhang Ping and his men hid in the dark, followed the Beastmaster Zhu family, marked all the mines of the Beastmaster Zhu family, and even found the hiding place of Prince Yue.

In fact, Prince Yue has never set foot on the base of the Beastmaster Zhu family. It has been hiding in a cave in the wild, and it is in a symbiotic state with the flesh and blood tree.

At first, Zhang Ping wanted to find it, but the earth was vast, and looking for Prince Yue was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and in the end it could only be left unfinished.

But now the Beastmaster Zhu family has regained control of Mingzhu City, and Zhu Chengmian will become the lord of Mingzhu City after the ancestral ceremony, and many people have relaxed their vigilance.

After some residents died of exhaustion while serving labor, the supervisors would collect their bodies and finally transport them to Prince Yue, so Prince Yue was finally exposed.

"I can't stand it anymore. Do we really have to wait until that shitty ancestor worship ceremony to take action?" Cheng Xuejie looked down from the air and saw a thin child being whipped, and asked with gritted teeth.

Others also looked unhappy, and they all wanted to land on the ground immediately to rescue all the suffering people.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and clenched his fist slightly, saying: "We must be patient now. There are still many people from the Beastmaster Zhu family hiding in various bases. They will only appear on the day of the ancestor worship ceremony."

"Yes, the ancestor worship ceremony is the most solemn ceremony of the Beastmaster Zhu family. All the descendants of the Beastmaster Zhu family will definitely be present. That day is the best time to wipe them out." Chen Weihua said calmly.

Zhang Shouzhong bit a piece of bone into pieces, chewing and cursing: "I thought the Beastmaster Zhu family should have some reflection, but there has been no change in more than two hundred years."

"No, there are changes. They are even more unscrupulous." Liu Sishan said coldly.

Everyone knew that this was actually the revenge of the Beastmaster Zhu family. In their eyes, all the people in Mingzhu City were traitors who betrayed their Zhu family's rule.

So after ruling Mingzhu City by force, they intensified their torture of the residents of Mingzhu City. This was both revenge and intimidation.

In a blink of an eye, it was finally the day of the ceremony of announcing the ancestors.

Zhang Ping and his friends seemed to have flames in their eyes, and Zhang Shouzhong had bubbles in his mouth because he was a little angry during this period.

The Beastmaster Zhu family was called the Sun Clan in the past, so the ceremony of announcing the ancestors was held throughout the day, from the rising of the morning sun to the setting of the evening sun.

Early in the morning, a large number of members of the Beastmaster Zhu family came from all directions, and many members who had stayed in the base also appeared one after another.

Zhu Chengmian, wearing a red blazing sun cloak, a gold-inlaid blood jade crown, holding a sun scepter in his hand, rode a blazing horse from the city lord's mansion to the Mingzhu City Square.

Of course, the Mingzhu City Square has now been renamed the Sun Square by him, and a tower has been built.

The entire Mingzhu City is now decorated in red, with banners with sun symbols hanging everywhere. The roads leading to the square are all painted red, and the blood of countless dead people is covered in red.

Zhu Chengmian came to the square, and all the people of the Beastmaster Zhu family were waiting here. Zhang Ping had read Zhu Zeming's memory before, so he naturally recognized each elder.

Except for a few elders who were extremely incompatible with Zhu Chengmian, basically everyone who could come came.

According to Zhang Ping's understanding of Zhu Chengmian, those elders who did not come should have died under his calculations.

Zhu Chengmian dismounted at the edge of the square and then walked slowly into the square. Countless Zhu family members bowed their heads. When he walked past several elders, those elders were very unwilling, but they all bowed their heads to show their submission.

His mouth curled up slightly, and he walked towards the Dengtian Tower step by step.

Hundreds of meters away, Zhang Ping and others hid in a small building near the square, and could look at the square through the window.

Cheng Xuejie put the fist blade on her hand and asked, "Can we start?"

"Wait a little longer, the barrier will be deployed soon. When the barrier is set up, we can kill happily." Chen Weihua said.

In order not to give the beast-controlling Zhu family any chance, this time the rescue team will use all resources to seal the entire Mingzhu City, and the spatial ability will not be able to be used in Mingzhu City.

This is to ensure that some big shots will not take the opportunity to slip away.

The ceremony of paying respect to the ancestors began.

Zhu Chengmian stood at the top of the Dengtian Tower, first recalling the power of his ancestors, then telling the decline of the Zhu family, and finally praising himself.

After he finished his long-winded speech, the ceremony reached the second step, worshiping the ancestors!

Many residents were tied up with their hands and feet, escorted to the square with their upper bodies bare, and finally forced to kneel in front of an artificial fireball.

Obviously, these people were to be sacrificed in blood!

Zhang Ping looked at Chen Weihua, who stared at the sky. When the executioner of the Beastmaster Zhu family was about to kill those people, the sky suddenly trembled slightly, and then golden chains covered the entire sky.

"Do it!"

Zhang Ping roared, and the next moment the pupils of his eyes turned into green diamonds and emitted brilliant light.

At the same time, information control was activated, and a large amount of information was transmitted to the surroundings through the contract line.

Patrol team headquarters.

Because the members of the Beastmaster Zhu family were all in the big square, the patrol team headquarters was empty.

Feng Laixian's body suddenly appeared in the captain's office. He received a message as soon as he opened his eyes. After reading the message, he immediately understood his situation.

He pushed open the door, and sure enough, Bai De and others had just resurrected. He gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone pick up weapons and defend their homes!"

"Defend their homes!"

All patrol team members shouted.

In addition, some awakened people also resurrected, and they were all in their respective homes.

Many residents also resurrected, and after receiving the message, they cooperated with the awakened people to rescue the imprisoned survivors.

The big square.

Zhu Chengmian's face sank slightly when he saw the golden chains in the sky.

However, he did not doubt Situ Shibai or Zhang Ping. Instead, he wanted Li Aoxue. Now the only person who has not been resolved and coveted Mingzhu City is Li Aoxue.

It's just that Li Aoxue usually hides in the sea, so he can't do anything to Li Aoxue, but if Li Aoxue dares to show up, then he will solve it once and for all today and eliminate this last threat.

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