I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [402] It’s settled.

In fact, Li Aoxue is indeed ready to make a move, but the world may not love her.

On the way here, the army led by Li Aoxue encountered a giant snake with a body length of more than 500 meters. This was a sea snake.

They could only hide in the corals and shiver, not even daring to take a breath.

Maybe humans can stand out on the ground, but they will always be just younger brothers in the sea. There are too many terrifying alien beasts living in the ocean. Human beings are too insignificant in front of these alien beasts.

Back to business.

When Zhu Chengmian raised the sun scepter, the soldiers who were originally wearing ceremonial uniforms took off their ceremonial uniforms to reveal their golden armor, and one by one they drew their weapons and prepared for attack.

At this time, Zhang Ping and others came from outside the square, and awakened people quickly poured out from all directions, forming a steel flow of people.

"Zhang Ping!"

Zhu Chengmian's originally murderous face suddenly turned pale when he saw Zhang Pingping.

The image of his father stubbornly believing that Zhang Ping was not dead flashed in his mind, as well as the father's wide-eyed, disappointed and angry expression when he attacked his father secretly.

"Zhang Ping!!!!!!"

There seemed to be a fire in Zhu Chengmian's heart, which exploded with a sudden sound, so that he stared at Zhang Ping and let out the most eccentric roar in his life.

He took off the crown on his head, flicked it, and jumped off the Sky Tower at an extremely fast speed.

In fact, his physical fitness is extremely terrifying, enough to defeat 99% of the awakened people. At this moment, he has forgotten everything and only has one thought left, kill Zhang Ping!


He came to Zhang Ping in an instant and stabbed Zhang Ping's throat with the death knife in his hand. However, Lin Renmei grabbed the death knife faster than him. The moment he crushed the knife, she slapped him. on his face.

So, he came back as he came, and in a blink of an eye, he hit the Dengtian Tower, knocking a big hole out of the Dengtian Tower.

"I fell into the trap. As expected, a kid with a yellow mouth can't believe it."

When Zhu Yanlao saw this scene, he sighed slightly in his heart.

Then he twisted the bracelet to leave, but nothing happened. He immediately raised his head and looked at the chain in the sky with a ferocious face, and quickly ordered: "Everyone, follow up and break out!"

"Everyone, kill!" Zhang Ping roared at this time and rushed directly towards the most eye-catching Prince Yue in the distance.

Prince Yue was also invited by Zhu Chengmian to participate in the ancestral confession ceremony, which was regarded as their royal

Partners and guests of the Beast Zhu Family.

To show respect, Prince Yue appears here in his true form.

When Prince Yue saw Zhang Ping, he didn't immediately want to fight, but wanted to run away.

During this time, it learned a lot of human knowledge. It knew very well that it was no match for Zhang Ping. Even if it hated Zhang Ping in its heart, it had to save its life to have a chance to take revenge.

In human terms, that means leaving green hills without worrying about running out of firewood!

But as soon as it turned around, its tail was grabbed by Zhang Ping's hand. Then it looked ferocious, cut off its tail fiercely, and grew more tails that opened like petals to block Zhang Ping's sight.

"This time, you can't run away!"

Zhang Ping threw away the tail in his hand, and the next moment he waved his hand, a large amount of dark mist formed a huge palm on his right side.

Before Prince Yue could dodge, his palm fell hard. When he lifted it up again, Prince Yue was already dying in the big pit of the palm print.

It's not that Prince Yue is too weak, but that Zhang Ping grows up too fast.

During this period of time, the residents of Pearl City were suffering too much. Their emotions and desires were like a constant stream of smoke. Zhang Ping was just monitoring the city, and the mist became even higher.

Although his Nether Mist is not as good as the Nether Mist King now, it is definitely better than all the remaining Nether Mist Aberrant Beasts.

"Have you felt this power? It's all the people's anger!" Zhang Ping looked at Prince Yue and said calmly.

Then he struck out with a crisp punch, killing this initial enemy.

After confirming that Prince Yue was dead, he looked in the direction of Lin Renmei and saw Lin Renmei grabbing Zhu Chengmian, slap after slap. No matter how Zhu Chengmian struggled, it was of no use.

"Where's the equipment he used to be immune to Situ Shibai's attacks?"

Although Zhang Ping found this scene very relaxing, he was also a little confused at the same time.

When Zhu Chengmian fought against Situ Shibai, he was invincible with a special piece of equipment that could be immune to Situ Shibai's attacks. Why is he not using it now?

Are there any special conditions for that piece of equipment?

Zhang Ping's heart moved, and a line quickly spread in the direction of Zhu Chengmian.

It can be said that Lin Renmei is Zhu Chengmian's nemesis. In terms of physical fitness, Zhu Chengmian is indeed extremely terrifying. Apart from Situ Shibai, he is confident that he is one of the best.

The problem is that Lin Renmei is even more perverted, so that Zhu

In her hands, Cheng Mian was like a sick young man without the strength to restrain a chicken. Not only was his body being tossed around, but he was also hit dizzy by Lin Renmei's slap after slap, and even his thinking ability became extremely poor. slow.

And his most dangerous ability has no effect on Lin Renmei at all. Even if he spends all his life, he can't do anything to Lin Renmei. After all, he will be shattered to pieces with a limited lifespan when he encounters an infinite lifespan. There can be no other outcome.

As a result, Zhu Chengmian, who was in high spirits just a few minutes ago, was now beaten by Lin Renmei and his nose was bleeding, and he was in an extremely embarrassed state.

Zhang Ping released a contract line to collect information, and then stopped caring about Zhu Chengmian, but looked at the other backbones of the Zhu family who controlled the beasts.

It must be said that as the steward of the Beast Taming Zhu Family, Zhu Zeming did not have much knowledge, but he knew all the important figures of the Beast Taming Zhu Family.

Zhang Ping flew into the air, and his telekinesis spread around. A few dozen meters away, the fifth elder Zhu Gaoyang had just knocked a patrol member to death, but before he could run to hide in the dark, his head was smashed by telekinesis.

Farther away, Feng Laixian was fighting with Zhu Yanlao and Zhu Yanlao's confidants.

Zhang Ping looked over with his eyes, and his laser eyes instantly shot several of Zhu Yanlao's confidants. Feng Laixian's pressure was greatly reduced, and his fists hit Zhu Yanlao frantically.

Although Zhu Yanlao's strength was still good, he was too old after all. As the saying goes, the fist is afraid of the young, and he could not hold on for half a minute before Feng Laixian beat the master to death with random punches!

"The situation is determined!"

Zhang Ping looked around and found that the battle was one-sided.

With the addition of the rescue team, the Golden Armored Army could no longer rely on their equipment to commit crimes. In addition, Feng Laixian had dealt with Zhu Yanlao and was free to help. The Golden Armored Army was quickly defeated.

Although Zhao Lei, Chen Jianbing and other members of the Secret Guard were still struggling, their morale could not be raised at all as long as they saw Zhu Chengmian being beaten into a pig's head by Lin Renmei.

"No killing if you surrender!"

At this time, Zhang Ping had an idea and shouted loudly.

When many Golden Armored Army heard this, they put down their weapons and squatted down to defend.

It was not that they were too cowardly, but they really could not see any hope and any chance of escape. The patrol team and the rescue team had already crushed them in terms of numbers, and they were the ones who were surrounded. The commander was also beaten and screaming. How could they fight?

No one wanted to die if they could survive.

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