I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [End of Volume] Whose era are you talking about?

"Don't listen to him. Think about what you have done during this time. How could they let us go?"

Zhao Lei turned into a thunder dragon and swept away the surrounding rescue team members with his long tail. When he saw the Jinjia Army surrendering, he immediately roared angrily.

Those Jin Jiajun who surrendered suddenly turned pale. During this period, they took pleasure in torturing the residents of Pearl City, and even tortured many women...

To die!

The Jin Jiajun realized that Zhang Ping was deceiving them, and immediately picked up their weapons to make a final resistance. However, as soon as they got up, they were swept by a laser, and black marks appeared on each neck.

They stared at Zhang Ping with unblinking eyes, and finally fell to the ground one after another.

"I already said I would surrender without killing, so why do I still get up?"

Zhang Ping walked past the corpse and said calmly.

He really had no intention of killing these golden armored soldiers. The main reason was that the golden armored soldiers were all physically strong and their abilities were pretty good. He wanted to extract all their abilities and send them to the mines so that they could experience what the previous residents had experienced.

This can not only expand the capability pool of the rescue team, but also obtain free prisoners who will not feel guilty even if they are used to death. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

It's a pity that Zhao Lei's roar ruined his plan.

He looked at Zhao Lei with an unkind look. Zhao Lei immediately knocked a patrol member away and pointed directly at Zhang Ping decisively.

"Thunder Plasma Cannon!"

Zhao Lei opened his big mouth and sprayed out hot blue plasma towards Zhang Ping.

However, as soon as the blue plasma touched Zhang Ping, a black film appeared on Zhang Ping's body. This black film quickly absorbed the plasma, leaving Zhang Ping unscathed.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhao Lei and said calmly: "Surrender without killing, now do you believe it or... don't believe it?"

"I do not believe!!!!"

Zhao Lei's eyes turned red, and after roaring, he immediately charged towards Zhang Ping.

He was very aware of how hateful what he had done was, so when it came to this situation, he never thought he could survive.

"The ability is very good, I will accept it!"

Zhang Ping controlled Ming Wu to turn into a fist and directly knocked out Zhao Lei with one punch.

After obtaining Zhao Lei's ability, he whistled and walked slowly around the battle. The Jin Jiajun who resisted wherever he went were knocked unconscious. After the ability was taken out, they were dealt with by the patrol team and the rescue team.

Killing relieves Qi, if not killing, then slowly enslave them.

The decision-making power is in everyone's hands, and Zhang Ping has no opinion on everyone's choice.

Next, some people chopped off the heads of the Golden Armored Army soldiers with a clean sword, while others took off the Golden Armored Army's armor and took out a strip full of blood.

The spiked whip struck wildly, causing the opponent to roll on the ground, leaving a large pool of blood.

Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge.

Even many ordinary people were ready to make a move. When several members of the patrol team and rescue team invited them, they rushed up with sticks and started a barrage of sticks against the Jinjiajun who had lost the ability to resist.

Zhang Ping continued to walk forward. There were people from the Zhu family who controlled the beasts in formations all over the square. He then looked to the right. Behind the stone pillar not far away, several golden armored soldiers gathered together to resist Zhang Shouzhong's attack. Attack, while Chen Jianbing projects hidden weapons inside from time to time, making it difficult for Zhang Shouzhong and other members of the rescue team to break through.

"Come out quickly, didn't you hear our boss yelling to surrender without killing? If you continue to resist, there will only be death." Zhang Shouzhong threatened as he avoided a black iron rod.

Chen Jianbing was unmoved and projected an iron rod again.

He was actually the one who was most suppressed. The space here was completely locked and his abilities had no effect at all. As a result, he could only rely on his own strength to throw out the killer weapon he usually prepared as a hidden weapon.

In fact, he really couldn't understand why the situation suddenly became like this?

This morning, he had a beautiful breakfast under the service of his slaves, and then took a poop, and then came to the main square to wait for the canonization.

Zhu Chengmian promised him that after the ancestral ceremony was over, he would be named the captain of the patrol team.

The originally beautiful life was already waving to him, and his future should be beautiful.


There is still a chance!

As long as he escapes and escapes outside the city, he can escape the enemy's pursuit with his ability.

When he returns to the base of Zhu Family, there is still hope for a beautiful life.

He gritted his teeth and raised an iron rod, and just as he was about to throw it out, a ray of mist penetrated through the gap and cut off his hand neatly.

"Zhang Ping!"

Chen Jianbing looked up at the direction of the attack, his face suddenly turned pale.

For others, he would still have the confidence to break through, but facing Zhang Ping, he had no confidence at all.

"Zhang Ping, leave him to me!" Zhang Shouzhong said at this time.

Zhang Ping shrugged and said calmly: "Okay, don't kill him, he is still useful!"

In an instant, Chen Jianbing's eyes suddenly lit up. Didn't Zhang Ping intend to kill him?


His ability is an extremely rare space ability, and Zhang Ping may not be willing to kill him.

Beautiful life, there is still hope!

Zhang Shouzhong smiled and nodded in agreement. Of course he knew what Zhang Ping meant. Zhang Ping really took a fancy to Chen Jianbing's ability!

Next, Zhang Shouzhong met Chen Jianbing's gaze, and the two of them smiled in unison, as if they had become one of their own.

Zhang Ping ignored the battle behind him and continued to deal with some more difficult and stubborn enemies. After a lot of effort, the battle was coming to an end.

He looked at Zhu Chengmian who was beaten to death, and walked forward with a smile.

At this time, Zhu Chengmian's face was swollen like a pig's head, his teeth were all knocked out, his nose and mouth were blood clots, and the equipment on his body had been taken off by the members of the rescue team. Through the information control, it can be known that he did not really resist Lin Renmei just now, but it was useless to resist.

The most obvious thing is his life span.

The original life span of tens of millions of years has been squandered by him.

It is estimated that he must have been very desperate at that time.

Ten thousand years of life span!


One hundred thousand years of life span!

Still not dead?

One million years of life span!

Ah, why not die?

Keep a month of life span, and all the rest will be all. Ha!

In the end, the enemy did not die, but he had already lost everything.

What a sad scene.

Zhang Ping squatted down with a smile and patted Zhu Chengmian's cheek. Zhu Chengmian took a breath, and his eyes moved up with difficulty. Seeing Zhang Ping, his breathing became rapid.

"Pig, what did you say before... what did you say? Whose era is it now?" Zhang Ping approached with a smile and asked teasingly.

Zhu Chengmian's eyes suddenly widened.

He opened his mouth, and a 'ho ho' sound came out of his throat. The last mouthful of old blood spurted out, and his eyes suddenly looked up at the sky with a blank look.

He died of suffocation.

PS: This is the longest volume I have ever written. It starts with Prince Yue and ends with the death of Prince Yue and Zhu Chengmian. Although there is a paragraph in the middle that is not well written, it is mainly because I actually want to write about traveling through the world to get the coordinates of the various bases of the Beast Tamer Zhu family, and then the strategy of each base. But as I wrote, I felt too scattered, and the result was a bit unpleasant. I didn't have that feeling. Finally, after consideration, I gave up that line.

In addition, I heard that many readers read books on other apps. I usually only read comments on Zongheng, so if you have any opinions, you can post them on Zongheng's app, and I will see them. Thank you for reading!

Finally, Happy Lantern Festival. If you are interested, you can come to San Sheng’s book club to chat with San Sheng: 191443938

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