I Contracted Myself


World Zero, Pearl City.

In the Beast King Boxing Gym, Zhang Ping was fighting with Feng Laixian.

Neither side used any other abilities, relying entirely on the bio-force field and physical fitness.

Pa pa pa pa!

Pa pa pa pa!

Zhang Ping and Feng Laixian kept fighting each other, and both sides countered each other's moves, and the fight was dazzling. The ground around them was shaken by a large number of cracks by the bio-force field.

"Too strong, is this the strength of the fourth stage of the bio-force field?" Bai De stood not far away, watching the two with other students, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He also awakened the bio-force field, but the bio-force field is currently only the third stage. However, compared with Wang Jieming's initial third stage, his bio-force field is undoubtedly more powerful, but it is still a long way from the fourth stage.

In fact, the level is mainly to divide each other's strength, but the gap in the same level is very obvious.

The same third level, just entering and entering for a few years, is actually very different.

For example, for the same attack, the first three stages can only defend more than ten times, while the third stage after several years of entering, may be able to block hundreds of times.

This is the difference in quantity.

Suddenly, Zhang Ping and Feng Laixian pulled away, and both of them smiled.

"Next, I will use the secret I have researched, you have to be careful." Feng Laixian reminded.

Although he knew very well that he was no longer Zhang Ping's opponent, and the so-called secret was difficult to hurt Zhang Ping, but the reminder still needed to be reminded.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up and smiled: "Then I will also use a little trick I have researched, I call it 'air flow'."

"Air flow?"

Feng Laixian was a little confused, how to say this name, a little weird.

"You will know after you see it."

Zhang Ping smiled mysteriously, and the next moment he quickly approached Feng Laixian.

At the moment of approaching each other, Feng Laixian's biological force field suddenly changed dramatically, and his biological force field seemed to become a flame, burning fiercely.

This is not a real flame, but a biological force field to simulate flames, and finally formed an invisible fire.

However, the specific power can only be known after testing.

Zhang Ping punched out, and Feng Laixian also punched back.

When the fists of both sides were about to collide, Zhang Ping's body left the ground, avoiding Feng Laixian's biological force field like an airflow.

His body slid softly over Feng Laixian's head, and his fist hit the back of Feng Laixian's head.

This punch was not heavy, but it made Feng Laixian look surprised.

He turned his head suddenly and saw that Zhang Ping had landed. The whole process was extremely smooth, just like an airflow blowing across his face.

"This... How did you do it?" Feng Laixian asked immediately.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "In fact, it's just the most basic prediction and grasp of the fighter plane. Of course... a little bit of skill is needed in the end."


Feng Laixian was speechless. What he wanted to know was that little skill.

"The bio-force field is actually very similar to telekinesis, but it contains more things. Strictly speaking, it is another embodiment of our life, so perception can be integrated into the bio-force field, and finally form a bio-force field with personal characteristics. My bio-force field is a flowing bio-force field, which is like water and wind, and finally becomes what it is now." Zhang Ping added with a smile.

Feng Laixian clenched his fist slightly, and the bio-force field changed in his hand like a flame. He thought thoughtfully: "So the one that suits you best is the best?"

"Yes, just like your flame force field, I can't learn it." Zhang Ping laughed.

Pa Pa Pa Pa!

At this time, a round of applause rang out. Feng Laixian and Zhang Ping looked in the direction of the applause, and Chen Weihua walked slowly.

"Your research on the bio-force field is ahead of many people. Can I record this conversation?" Chen Weihua smiled.

Zhang Ping glanced at Feng Laixian, and after Feng Laixian nodded, he shrugged and said, "You have already heard the words, can we still get them out?"

"In fact, the bio-force field can be integrated with superpowers. Master Feng might as well study this aspect more. Don't treat the two abilities as independent existences. They are both part of your life, an inseparable part." Chen Weihua returned the favor and said with a smile.

Feng Laixian nodded and said indifferently, "Yeah."

"Sister Weihua, what are you doing here?" Zhang Ping saw that the atmosphere was cold, so he asked.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Besides coming to see you, what else is there? If there is any situation, we will talk while walking."

"Okay, Master Feng, then we will have a chance to exchange again." Zhang Ping nodded to Chen Weihua first, and then said to Feng Laixian.

Feng Laixian nodded and said, "Well, business is important, go."

After Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua left, Feng Laixian walked to the clothes rack, picked up a vest and put it on, exhaling a breath of hot air slightly.

"Master, why did you refuse when Zhang Ping invited you to join the rescue team? Do you regret it now?" A student who was familiar with Feng Laixian asked curiously.

Feng Laixian shook his head and said, "I will never regret it when I make a decision. It's impossible for all the strong men to leave here. I just want to stay and protect this place!"

"Yes, if all the strong men leave, what if there is a powerful alien beast attacking Mingzhu City again, wouldn't there be no one to delay time? Although the patrol team is not as glorious as before, it still has a heavy responsibility." Bai De smiled.

Feng Laixian said calmly, "I'm going to the headquarters!"

After that, he left directly,


On the other side, Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua entered the patrol team headquarters, talking as they walked.

"There is a world where Mingzhu City is facing a tsunami?" Zhang Ping repeated Chen Weihua's words in disbelief.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Yes, but that world was not originally under our management. The problem is that with their strength, they may not be able to stop this tsunami."

At present, the rescue team has ruled the Mingzhu City of a large number of worlds, and the beastmaster Zhu family in these worlds has been crushed.

But some worlds are different.

The beastmaster Zhu family in those worlds is actually upright, while Situ Shibai's side is the villain.

After Zhang Ping and his team dealt with Situ Shibai, the city returned to peace, and the rescue team was not easy to overthrow the rule of the beastmaster Zhu family.

In the end, after some discussion, the rescue team opened an institution similar to an 'embassy' in those worlds, and did some small business by the way to make a profit from the price difference between the two worlds.

In theory, when these worlds face disasters, the rescue team only needs to evacuate all the staff in the 'embassy', after all, they are just guests there.

But they are a rescue team!

If you don't know, forget it. Now that you know, you can't just watch the whole city being destroyed by the tsunami.

"Since they can't stop it, what are you waiting for? Gather the ice awakeners and water awakeners to prepare for rescue."

Zhang Ping said straightforwardly after understanding the situation.

Then he saw Chen Weihua rubbing his hands and sighed, "I'll do the honors!"

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