I Contracted Myself

【004】Image and speculation

Now everything in the rescue team is on the right track. Although many people join the rescue team for their ideals, there are also many people who come for the benefits and benefits.

Therefore, every mission requires meritorious deeds.

Even if most people don't care about interests, Zhang Ping and the others can't just ignore their efforts and take everything for granted.

However, Zhang Ping has accumulated a lot of meritorious service in the past three years, and he can withstand even a few more big operations.

The order was passed on quickly, and a large number of rescue team members reported in a moment, and then everyone headed to the 'station' together.

There are currently almost 15 million people in the rescue team. Although most of them are scattered in various worlds, there are also many members who stay at the rescue team headquarters on standby, ranging from 5.5 million to 7.8 million people. time, so now the rescue team headquarters has grown into a behemoth.

If you include the shelters opened for residents of various worlds, the habitable area in the mysterious sewer even exceeds the size of a large province in Zhang Ping's previous life.

After all, the building in the mysterious sewer cannot be built very high. The number of people a building can accommodate is very limited. In order to accommodate more people, it can only be expanded to both sides, naturally occupying more and more space.

This is similar to ancient times. In ancient times, a population of 10,000 occupied a much larger area than a population of 10,000 in modern times.

Such a large headquarters also has facilities like a station.

Zhang Ping and others arrived at the station and took the super-powered car forward. New members continued to join along the way, and the number of people gradually increased.

Most people already knew the contents of this mission through the rescue team's information desk. After getting in the car and clocking in, everyone started chatting, and the atmosphere was not serious.

An hour and a half later, the super-powered car arrived in front of the huge whirlpool. Everyone stopped talking and looked at the whirlpool.

The car passed through the whirlpool and entered the bumpy stone road in an instant.

“I hate the backwoods.”

A young man with a short hair knocked his head hard on the car when the car shook, and couldn't help but complain.

Every Pearl City after the rescue team's rule has basically undergone a new round of reconstruction. At least the roads are paved with super cement and will never be as uneven as the old city.

"First time participating in a mission? Just get used to it. It's like this every time you go to a new world." A middle-aged man said with a smile.

An old man laughed and said: "Young man, you have only lived a good life for a few years, and now you are in a remote place?"

Suddenly everyone burst into laughter again, and the young man with an inch head turned red.

At this time, the car stopped in front of the 'embassy', and various rescue teams

The captains of the team called their team members to get out of the car and waited for the next order.

There are no lone wolves in the rescue team, and they basically operate in small teams.

However, the number of teams is not fixed. There are two people in a team, and there are also ten people in a team.

Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua got off the car and entered the 'embassy' first to learn about the specific situation.

It is worth mentioning that the ‘embassy’ is not actually an embassy, ​​but is called the ‘Logistics Resource Management Office’.

This is a department under the logistics team that is responsible for material dispatch.

The main reason is that some worlds lack this, and some worlds lack that. Just exchanging the resources of the two worlds can avoid a lot of losses, and at the same time, the rescue team can also make some money through the price difference.

Basically, every Pearl City that is not managed by a rescue team has a logistics resource management office.

At the same time, there will also be a ‘city guard’.

The defender's task is simple.

Normally they don't need to do anything, but when a disaster occurs, they must be aware of the disaster in advance. Therefore, this position is generally held by those who are awakened to predict and predict the future.

Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua entered the Logistics Resource Management Office and soon met the city defenders of this world.

"You mean? You dreamed about a huge snake swimming in the sea water, and a bigger black shadow flashed past, and finally a large amount of sea water hit the city wall and knocked it down?"

After some questioning, Chen Weihua frowned and looked at Li Huatao, who was chattering in front of him.

All right.

Li Huatao, whose ability is dark inspiration.

Zhang Ping had seen her in the Moon King's dream, but Li Huatao from World Zero was not very smart and did not join the rescue team. The Li Huatao in front of Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua was from another world and was relatively normal. Li Huatao.

Moreover, after joining the rescue team, she prepaid more than ten years of merit and rented the superpower to stabilize her mental strength, so most of the time she is now normal.

But...only the majority!

For example, now she is a bit distracted.

"Captain, team leader, you have to believe me. This is the first time I have seen such a terrifying black shadow. It's just that the black shadow is so terrifying." Li Huatao saw that neither Zhang Ping nor Chen Weihua believed him immediately, so he grabbed The two held hands and said excitedly.

Zhang Ping stretched out his hand and tapped Li Huatao's temple, and a green energy suddenly spread slowly inside Li Huatao's body.

"Sorry, I'm a little too excited." Li Huatao's bloodshot eyes suddenly became clear. After taking a deep breath, she let go of their hands and said calmly.


Zhang Ping said, "Do you mind letting me see your dream at that time?"

"Yes, as long as the captain is willing to believe me." Li Huatao nodded and agreed.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "That offends me."

The next moment, he tapped Li Huatao's eyebrows, and Li Huatao immediately fainted. He hugged Li Huatao's delicate body, and a green line immediately extended from his finger to Li Huatao's head.

He quickly found Li Huatao's dream during this period, and then he saw the dark deep sea and the huge sea snake.

An alien beast hidden in the deep sea raised endless waves, turning into waves that covered the sky and the sun and swept the earth.

The black shadow only appeared for a second, but it gave people an unmatched feeling.

Mingzhu City was originally close to the sea, and it collapsed in the waves in an instant. Countless people screamed in the sea water, and a large number of marine alien beasts patrolled in the water, devouring the people struggling on the water surface. For a while, the sea water was stained with a layer of blood.

"There is no Li Aoxue in this world, so there is this scene now?" Zhang Ping squinted his eyes and thought after watching all the pictures.

Chen Weihua said, "Have you finished? Let me see it too."

"Yes, Sister Weihua, take a look!" Zhang Ping nodded, and then used information control to share the picture he had just seen with Chen Weihua.

After Chen Weihua finished reading, she thought, "Is there a figure of a marine man in the dark?"

"Sister Weihua also saw it? I also feel that this change may be related to the marine man." Zhang Ping smiled.

Li Huatao was dreaming and might not see it clearly, but Zhang Ping directly read all the pictures, so he could see that in the shadows in the dark, there were not only alien beasts, but also some outlines that looked more like humans.

In this world, the beast-controlling Zhu family has always ruled Zhucheng, but Situ Shibai came into being, but he was a wolf-like and ambitious person who wanted to occupy Zhucheng and cede land to become king.

At the same time, Li Aoxue did not betray Situ Shibai, and had always served as a general under Situ Shibai. So when the rescue team arrived in this world, after learning the details, they killed Situ Shibai and his rebels, and Li Aoxue naturally fell.

In the world where the beast taming Zhu family is the villain, Li Aoxue fled after an internal conflict with Situ Shibai, and eventually occupied a place in the ocean and brought the ocean people under his command, so there was no tsunami or other events.

After all, what Li Aoxue wanted was Mingzhu City and the people in the city. A tsunami might not save the city, and the people would definitely not be saved.

Li Aoxue would definitely not do such a thankless task.

She would only take it step by step, and if the time is not right, she would lie dormant and slowly look for opportunities.

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