I Contracted Myself

【005】Is this considered sea-hunting?

In fact, ocean people have always been at odds with people on land. Liu Tiefeng once participated in a battle with ocean people.

In this world, it is not incomprehensible for the Ocean People to launch an attack on Pearl City.

After some discussion, Zhang Ping and Chen Weihua decided to take the initiative and go to the ocean to explore the situation first. They could not be passively beaten.

The task of gathering intelligence was finally taken over by Zhang Ping.

Based on what she saw, Chen Weihua arranged for members of the rescue team to set up defenses on the city wall. If the tsunami finally came, they would do their best to prevent the tsunami from hitting the city.

The members dispatched this time have superpowers related to water and ice. If everyone works together, even if they cannot protect Pearl City, there should be no problem in saving most people.

Zhang Ping left Pearl City and came to the beach and was not in a hurry to enter the sea.

The main reason is that he has never been to the sea before. It is quite magical to say that for such a long time, he has been wandering on land. The sea is obviously close at hand, but he has never considered going into the sea to explore.

"Safety first, take some insurance first!"

Zhang Ping stood on the beach, talking to himself, and immediately left a spatial mark on a reef.

If something goes wrong after entering the sea, he will decisively use the fairy leopard to guide him and sneak back.

Next, he walked around again and made many preparations. After making sure that he would not die even if he went into the sea and was attacked by countless alien beasts, he carefully walked into the sea. In the blink of an eye, his whole body sank into the sea. .

Under the water, he held up a bubble to protect himself, and then opened his eyes to observe the surrounding environment.

In fact, the location where he is now is relatively shallow, and there are no big fish in the water, but there are many things that Zhang Ping has never seen before.

If it were a previous life, the sea water would be nothing more than coral orange, seaweed, and the like, and many colorful fishes would shuttle in it.

But because of the existence of alienated beasts in this world, the death of alienated beasts often affects nearby plants, resulting in countless strange marine plants.

For example, there are plants that look like arms and are made up of countless spikes, and there are also plants with fish heads, but they are actually flowers.

Zhang Ping used his telekinesis to catch a small fish and test it, but the fish head ate it directly.

He was somewhat unconfident and used his mind power to analyze it, but the result was still a plant.

Because he was not sure whether the plants around him were deadly, he slowly groped forward. The countless marine plants really opened his eyes.

The most terrifying thing is that most plants are harmful plants. Basically, humans will be poisoned if they eat them. There are also many parasitic plants that look harmless in themselves, but if they are eaten, they will become parasitic in the body and eventually hollow out the entire human body. .

Many fish have these parasitic seaweeds growing inside their skeletons.

The environment is too dangerous.

Zhang Ping used his mind to pick up the parasitic seaweed and put it into the dream city, sighing as he grabbed it.

Although these plants can kill people when eaten raw, they are not said to kill people when cooked. Zhang Ping is a little curious about what will happen to these seaweeds after he goes back and cooks them.

“What a big lobster!”

Zhang Ping was collecting seaweed, and suddenly a large lobster appeared behind a seaweed.

This lobster should be about three meters long. Unfortunately, it has grown so big, but its courage does not seem to have improved much. After Zhang Ping pushed away the seaweed, it waved its pincers while retreating, obviously not daring to follow Zhang Ping. Head-to-head confrontation.

"It seems that I have never eaten lobster in my entire life. I can't let it go!" Zhang Ping muttered, then immediately walked around behind the lobster and put his hand on the back of the lobster. In the blink of an eye, the entire lobster was frozen.

This lobster has quite interesting abilities. Its large pincers are extremely sharp and can easily pinch off diamonds.

Zhang Ping extracted its super power, then threw the frozen lobster into Dream City, and when he came back to land, he was thinking about how to eat it.

"There doesn't seem to be any danger."

Zhang Ping looked around and felt that although the seabed was chaotic and dark, the danger was actually not high.

He clapped his hands and continued to pick various seaweeds. However, just after walking more than ten meters, the bottom of the sea suddenly closed violently, and he was swallowed by an unknown fish, and his body was stirred crazily by countless spikes.

Fortunately, the moment he was swallowed, the bubbles turned black, and after a while of rolling, he fell into a stomach full of stomach acid.


Zhang Ping was really speechless. As soon as he finished saying that there seemed to be no danger, Dahai directly gave him

A lesson.

He walked to the side of the stomach bag and directly cut it with the sharp mist. However, the stomach bag seemed to have superpowers and he was completely unable to cut it.

Next, he tried more than ten kinds of abilities, but none of them could shake the stomach bag.


Zhang Ping's face looked a little ugly.

Is he going to get out of this fish's ass?

This fish's superpower is probably related to this magical stomach. Any creature swallowed by it will never leave alive.

Zhang Ping finally had no choice but to use Dragon Dragon Master.

At the bottom of the sea, a huge nameless strange fish was slowly digging into the sand, making the sand on the bottom of the sea cover its head. Suddenly, its eyes and nostrils emitted bright light, and before it could scream, light erupted from every hole. When it came out, the fish around it were frightened and fled one after another.

When the light ended, the head of the huge nameless fish had disappeared. Zhang Ping swam out of the esophagus and complained: "Remember in the next life, eat carefully and slowly!"

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, turned around, picked up the nameless fish that had lost its head, and threw it directly into the Dream City.

It is worth mentioning that the process of throwing things was magical. When he waved his hand, the things in his hand would gradually become transparent, and finally transferred to the Dream City, so the sea water would not rush into the Dream City.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to move towards the deep sea, walking and stopping along the way, and "picked up" a lot of delicious things.

There were shells more than two stories high, colorful strange fish whose names were unknown and felt like they would lie down after eating, and soft-bodied creatures that looked delicious at first glance.

Unknowingly, he came to a depth of thousands of meters on the seabed, and the style of fish began to gradually become weird.

In this regard, fish seemed to be no different from deep-sea fish on Earth. Everyone didn't care what they looked like, and they were all weird and terrifying.

Zhang Ping even saw a fish similar to the double-bullet gas in Pokémon, and he didn't know what it tasted like.

He did consider catching one to try, but the problem was that it exploded when he tried to catch it, and polluted a large area of ​​the sea.

When he was still trying to find it, a marine appeared not far away and roared at him.

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