I Contracted Myself

【006】Human head fruit

"Landlanders, get out of the ocean!"

Zhang Ping roughly knew what the Ocean Man was shouting through through the Translator of All Things.

Obviously, this ocean man did not welcome his arrival, and was even extremely hostile.

"Can you speak human language?" Zhang Ping asked curiously.

The Ocean Man seemed to get even angrier and started yelling again.

Because what he said was too unpleasant, I didn’t translate it. Anyway, Zhang Ping didn’t feel happy listening to it.

It seems that without Li Aoxue's training, the ocean people really deserve a beating, and at the same time they are very unfriendly to people on land.

However, Zhang Ping was not the kind of villain who would kill his whole family if they disagreed. Although he was not happy with Hairen's bad breath, he had no murderous intentions.

He cursed silently, you idiot, and then turned into water and became invisible.

The ocean man couldn't find anyone, so he yelled for a while and then turned around and left, completely unaware that Zhang Ping was following behind him.

Half an hour later, the Ocean People came to a deep sea canyon. A large number of caves were dug on both sides of the canyon. Many Ocean People came in and out. Some were busy polishing weapons, and some were carrying baskets woven from plants similar to seaweed. , you can see a lot of fish in the basket.

"Seal dog, where did you go to be lazy again?" An elderly Ocean Man asked with a serious face when he saw the Ocean Man who had just scolded Zhang Ping.

The ocean man named Sea Dog immediately defended: "I wasn't lazy, I went on patrol and drove away a despicable land man!"

"A land person? Hahahaha, who are you kidding? This place is several kilometers away from the ground. How can there be a land person here, bragging about manatees without drafting it!" After hearing this, a big man immediately laughed.

The sea dog suppressed his face and roared: "What I said is true, he has black hair, his skin is whiter than Karina, and his eyes are completely different from ours. Not only does it have no membrane, but it is just a line." , just like this!”

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes.


When Zhang Ping saw this scene, he wanted to tell the sea dog that not all land people had the same eyes as him, and there were many with big eyes.

"He is really a land man." The old seaman said thoughtfully after hearing this.

The seal said excitedly: "That's the land man!"

"If you find him there, take me to see him!" the old ocean man said seriously.

Zhang Ping was no longer interested in eavesdropping on their conversation and turned his attention to the Ocean People.

He controlled his body to sink slowly, and soon saw many female sea people working in the cave, and some children playing in the cave.

Although people from the ocean are very different from people from the land, it can still be seen from many details that we all have the same origin.

This is a very small village, with a population of about five hundred people, including more than two hundred children and a small number of elderly people.

Zhang Ping walked around and couldn't see any threat in this village.

“I don’t know how many villages there are like this.”

Zhang Ping came out of a cave and looked at the two children playing with small fish in the cave, and couldn't help but think.

At this time, the seal dog and the old marine man came back. Zhang Ping saw the old marine man holding the seal dog with a serious look on his face and talking about something, so he approached again.

"When you get there, blow the conch and someone will help you get there. Do you understand?" The old seaman grabbed the seal's arm tightly and asked seriously.

The seal was a little hurt, and he nodded repeatedly to express his understanding, hoping that the old sea man would let go of his hand quickly.

"Go ahead, if this thing goes wrong, you will be the sacrifice at the Poseidon Festival next year!" the old ocean man said seriously.

When the seal heard this, his face suddenly turned green, and he quickly turned around and left.

"Because of my arrival, who should I report to?" Zhang Ping made some guesses in his mind through the few words of the elderly ocean man.

He immediately followed the seal.

After leaving the village, the sea dog began to curse: "Asshole Xu Changhai, I was obviously the one who discovered that human being, why should I do such dangerous things without any credit, and be sacrificed if I didn't do it well? Asshole, bullshit "

But things still need to be done. After all, Xu Changhaide is highly respected in the village, and he is an orphan. Normally, the neighbors will sympathize with him, but if he is chosen to be a sacrifice, everyone will probably support it with both hands. After all, he will not be a sacrifice. There may be people in other families who want to make sacrifices.

In order not to make sacrifices, we have to fight hard.

"Shit, have you seen it?"

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded.

The seal dog was still angry and didn't realize anything strange at all. He replied smoothly: "Who has never seen the poop of a seal dog? Those bad guys always rob the fish in the hunting ground in our village, and their poop is very smelly. After dozens of sea miles, You can smell it outside.”

"Oh, it turns out to be fur seal poop." Zhang Ping suddenly said.

Then I looked at the sea dog. It was a bit funny. This guy’s name is sea dog!

But obviously the 'sea dog' in the sea dog's mouth is not himself, but another creature. It is estimated that his name comes from that creature.

It's like the children in the village. Some are called Ergou and some are called Gouzi.

The seal continued to walk forward, holding only the conch in his hand. Suddenly he realized with hindsight, who was talking to him just now?

He immediately looked back but saw nothing.

"Is there... a ghost?"

The seal's face turned green again, and he quickly continued walking forward, but his pace was much faster.

The body structure of marine people is actually not much different from that of humans, except that their hands and feet have an extra layer of webbing, and their bodies are more slender.

Their skin is a bit greener than normal, and their ears have gills that allow them to breathe underwater.

Zhang Ping felt a little funny when he saw the seals walking forward with scared faces. It seems that the inheritance of humans has not been completely broken on the side of the ocean people. At least the seals are still afraid of ghosts, which means that some things are still passed down from generation to generation. Came down.

Under the deliberate acceleration of the sea dog, he soon came to a larger crack under the deep sea canyon.

From time to time, a large number of bubbles float up from the cracks, and at the same time, seawater rushes towards the cracks, forming a terrifying undercurrent.

However, the sea dog relied on his skillful swimming skills to land easily in the current, and then he took the conch and blew hard.

A large number of bubbles erupted from the conch, and at the same time an invisible sound wave spread out around him.

Zhang Ping successfully deciphered the message in the conch by communicating with all things.

This is calling the ancestors!

He calmly distanced himself from the sea dog, landed behind a rock wall and stood still, staring at the large crack.

Vaguely, he could feel something moving and breathing under the big crack.

"Is it broken?"

After the seal blew the conch and waited for a while, he muttered doubtfully.

But as soon as he said this, a large number of eyes opened in the cracks, and then vines crawled out of the cracks, and the vines were covered with fruits.

Dark deep sea, black fruit.

The seal took a step back, his eyes opened wider and wider, and he saw his parents.


The heads of his parents were the fruits of the vine.

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