I Contracted Myself

【007】Apophis·Original Form

The sea dog wanted to escape at this moment, but his legs were shaking and his body was completely unable to move.

He watched in horror as his parents' heads came closer and closer. The vines circled around his neck and finally floated in front of him.

A strange atmosphere permeated the deep sea.

"Dad, Mom, Xu Changhai asked me to find... find..."

The sea dog swallowed the slightly salty sea water in his mouth and mustered up the courage to explain the reason, but his mind was in a mess. The more he tried to explain, the more unclear he became.

"Child, don't be nervous. Dad and Mom didn't become monsters. They just lived in another form. You will always be our favorite child." The sea dog's father spoke slowly at this time.

He spoke very slowly. After a paragraph, he continued to look at the sea dog expressionlessly.

About a minute later, the sea dog's mother spoke: "Son, tell me what you have to say. Your father and mother don't have much time to wake up."

"There are land people approaching the village. Xu Changhai is worried that the land people will find something." The sea dog gritted his teeth and said quickly.

After a while, the two heads said in unison: "Land people? I see. Go back and tell Xu Changhai not to act rashly recently. Strengthen the patrol of the village and release the jellyfish."

"I see..." The sea dog clenched his fists and nodded in response.

The vine loosened from his neck, and the two heads slowly retracted into the big crack in front of the sea dog. The sea dog stared at the big crack, and after a while, it spit out a lot of bubbles and swam back without looking back.

Zhang Ping did not follow the sea dog away, but stared at the big crack curiously.

However, considering his current poor condition, he did not act rashly, but swam slowly upwards, and finally landed in a coral group above the Grand Canyon.

He opened his attributes and adjusted his abilities.

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Force: Rescue Team]

[Potential: ???????????????]

[Lifespan: 600]

[Level: Top Awakener]

[Level: 33]


[Contract Gem][Information Control][Night Walker in the Dark Mist (Rent)][Energy Eater][Wind Whisperer (Rent)][Glutton][Body of Dark Mist][Body of Pure Water][Body of King's Blood][True King's Blood][King's Gem][Purifying Gem][Super Thought][Gold Devourer][Mutated Eye][

Brutal Body (Rent)][Sixth Sense Enhancement][Communication with All Things][Bald Ripple (Rent)][Blood Sucker (Rent)][Sub-Spore (Rent)][Activated Fairy (Rent)][Toxin Storage (Rent)][Survivor (Rent) )】【Sharp Thrust】【Fire Element Control (rental)】【Activated Virus (rental)】【Flamebutter (rental)】【Flame Coat (rental)】【Laser Eyes (rental)】【World Destroyer】【Cryogenic Resistance (rental)】【Mysterious Sewer】【Spirit Out of Body】【Blood Flame (rental)】【Linker】【Book of Good Deeds】【Dream City】【Super Power Combination】【Dream Orb】【Dream Key (rental)】【Ice Control (rental)】【Water Element Control (rental)】… omitted

[Contract Ability:]

[Fairy Leopard Guide]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate - Unlimited Contract]

[Advanced - Contract Power]

[Top - All Things Trading]

[King Attributes:]

[King's Certificate]

Since he advanced to the top level two years ago, he can rent out his abilities to others.

To activate an ability, the tenant needs to pay twice the energy, one of which is the rent. At the same time, they can still improve the training of these abilities by using these superpowers.

When the tenant returns the ability, the relevant experience will also be deprived, and finally fall into Zhang Ping's hands.

This is equivalent to a large group of people working for Zhang Ping, but they have to pay Zhang Ping.

Therefore, most of Zhang Ping's unused abilities are usually in a rental state, and they will only be temporarily transferred back when they are needed.

"When fighting in the sea, water element control can be used, and temperature-related abilities can also be temporarily taken back. This eternal fire is also useful, and it can also burn in water." Zhang Ping picked and chose, and temporarily took back various abilities.

If the tenant is in a combat state, Zhang Ping will still have a display, so he can adjust according to the tenant's status, and there will be no situation where he takes back the ability, the tenant suddenly loses the ability while fighting, and finally gets killed.

When he takes back the ability, the tenants on the other side will also get a prompt, and the whole process is very convenient.

After taking back some of the abilities, he entered the Grand Canyon again and came to the edge of the big crack.

Below, countless vines rolled together, and the heads seemed to be dormant.

But just when Zhang Ping's eyes fell on these people's heads, suddenly all the heads opened their eyes, and then they locked

on the Dragon Lord behind Zhang Ping.

Although Zhang Ping was in a pure water state, the presence of the Dragon-Channeling Lord behind him was only extremely low, but it did not disappear.

Just now, the distance was far, so the heads on the vines did not notice the Dragon-Channeling Lord, but now that Zhang Ping has run to the edge of the big crack, the Dragon-Channeling Lord has suddenly become very obvious.

Of course, this is only very obvious to these heads.

Before, Zhang Ping followed the sea dog, and the sea dog did not notice the existence of the Dragon-Channeling Lord at all.

Countless vines in the big crack moved, as if black snakes were entwined, and finally the densely packed heads looked in the direction of Zhang Ping.

This scene is very scary, because although these heads can still move, there is only a heavy death in their eyes, and they don’t look like living creatures at all.

Zhang Ping knew that he was exposed, so he decisively activated his ability to identify this thing first.

In an instant, he got a lot of information about the vine.

[Identification successful]

[Name: Apophis·Original Form]

[Race: Corpse Form]


[Lifespan: 8000000]

[Level: Primary King Beast]

[Level: 41]


[Dark Brain: Apophis can gradually absorb the information in the brain of a creature, thereby improving its own consciousness. ]

[Superpower Core: Apophis can obtain the target's superpowers by grafting the target's brain. When the head is destroyed, it will also lose the ability. ]

[Information Marking: Apophis can emit invisible pheromones through the flesh vine. When the target is contaminated with pheromones, Apophis can find the target no matter how far away it is. 】

【Top Regeneration: Apophis has a very strong regeneration ability. Even if only one cell is left, it can still be reborn again. 】

【King Beast Characteristics:】

【Primary-Life Field: Within a ten-kilometer range, the brains of dead creatures in the sea will remain active for one day and will automatically move to the location of Apophis. 】

【King Attributes:】

【Deep Sea Ruler: Apophis can exert 200% of its power in the ocean. When killing a target, it will plunder the target's potential. 】

【King Skills:】

【Ultimate Chaos Cannon: Combine countless superpowers into one, forming a chaotic energy bullet and shooting it at the target. 】


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