I Contracted Myself

【008】Dead but not stiff

A bit strong!

Zhang Ping felt a little troubled after reading Apophis' attributes.

Obviously, Apophis has an absolute advantage in the sea. If he doesn't use Dragon Dragon Lord, he and Apophis will have a low chance of winning in the sea.

The problem is that the more he looks at Apophis now, the more he feels like the black shadow that caused the tsunami.

Moreover, this thing pretended to be the ancestor of the ocean people in the big crack, which was obviously with bad intentions. Although the ocean people were very hostile to the land people, Zhang Ping knew very well that this was because there was too little communication between them.

You see, most of the time, the Haiyang people get together with Li Aoxue. It is obvious that they are the target of communication and unity.

As a human being, Zhang Ping couldn't stand it.

The heads on Apophis are all from humans!

At this time, a large number of vines extended from the large cracks, and heads were staring at Dragon Lord Taming. One of the heads that looked relatively complete asked: "Intruder, hand over your head, and I will spare your life!" "

Only then did Zhang Ping discover that these vines were not actually plants, but tentacles made of flesh and blood.


It's actually more of a tentacle than a vine, but it's so well disguised that if you don't look closely, you can't tell the difference at all.

Zhang Ping suddenly wanted to laugh after hearing Apophis' words. How could he not die if he handed over his head?

This sentence itself is a paradox.


The next moment, Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes slightly and gave an order directly to Dragon Master.

After receiving the permission, Dragon Dragon Master's eyes suddenly glowed green.


Almost at the same time, both sides launched attacks.

Apparently Apophis was also ready to attack, and he followed up decisively when Dragon Dragon Master made his move.

Its attack method is very special. The heads on the surrounding tentacles all have glowing eyes, and different superpowers are shot out from different angles.

There are fireballs, invisible water arrows, sonic shocks, laser beams, and more.

Dragon Dragon Lord's attack was much simpler. He just opened his mouth and fired a shot at the big crack where Apophis was.

Whether it was fireballs, water arrows or sound waves, they all dispersed in the light cannon.

Then the light cannon landed on the large crack, causing a terrifying explosion, and a large amount of water turned into steam.

Because the temperature of the water increased significantly in an instant, Zhang Ping had no choice but to restore his flesh and blood body, and at the same time used the dark mist to block the contact between the body and the water.

After the boiling water gradually subsided, he dispersed the mist and looked at the large crack.

In the large crack, countless tentacles have been charred, and only a few tentacles are still squirming. The magma is still boiling deeper, and no surviving tentacles can be seen.

"Is this matter over?" Zhang Ping scratched his cheek and said a little uncertainly.

The main reason is that Apophis' statistics are very good, but when he fights, he can't even block a shot from Dragon Dragon, which is a bit of a pick-me-up.

Of course, Zhang Ping also knew very well that it was not that Apophis was too weak, but that Dragon Dragon Master was too strong.

Dragon Dragon Master can extract the energy of countless stars in the body. If it is output at full power, it can be used as an anti-star weapon. Even the moon in the sky can be annihilated with one shot. It is used to kill creatures on the ground. It is purely an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes. It is overkill.

If Apophis can block the Dragon Taming Lord's attack, then it is no longer a mere king beast, but a more advanced existence.

However, thinking of Apophis's super regenerative ability, Zhang Ping controlled Dragon Dragon Master to fire several more shots at the big crack. The entire big crack was directly deformed, and all the remaining tentacle flesh and blood were lost in the light cannon. Turn into ashes.

"Safety first!"

Although Zhang Ping believed that the probability of Apophis' survival under this level of attack was extremely low, after the light cannon ended, he personally scanned the large crack and searched the entire sea area using information control.

He felt relieved after he was sure that Apophis should die without leaving anything behind.

At this time, the Ocean People also sensed the terrifying movement here. Several Ocean People braved the situation and came closer, followed by the fur seals.

"Okay, back to the city!"

Zhang Ping had no intention of contacting the Ocean People, so he decisively used the Fairy Leopard to guide them.

After Zhang Ping left, the ocean people approached cautiously. When Xu Changhai saw the changes in the big crack, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately knelt on the ground.

The other marine people followed suit when they saw it. Only the fur seal felt something was wrong and quietly took a step back.

"Ancestors, our descendants are unfilial and have caused great disasters for our ancestors. Please forgive me, ancestors." Xu Changhai muttered to himself in a confused voice, and then began to kowtow.

When those sea people saw it, they were a little hesitant, and the sea people

The dog even turned around and ran away.

About a minute later, a cross crack suddenly appeared on Xu Changhai's neck, and a tentacle slowly emerged from it.

"I need food!"

This tentacle conveyed a strong idea. Xu Changhai immediately narrowed his eyes, turned around and inserted his arm into the chest of a compatriot.

The Ocean Man who was attacked immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and the Ocean Man next to him roared angrily: "Elder Xu, are you crazy?"

"The ancestors need sacrifices, and he should feel honored as a sacrifice!" Xu Changhai said coldly.

These ocean people suddenly showed hesitation, mainly because the status of their ancestors was supreme, and they knew very well that their ancestors really existed.

If the ancestors really need it, then sacrificing a person as a sacrifice is not too much.

But the next moment, Xu Changhai's body swelled up, and he grabbed another marine with one hand, saying calmly: "The ancestors said it's not enough!"


Faith and survival.

At this moment, the remaining marines chose to survive.

The two marines in Xu Changhai's hands were actually struggling, scratching Xu Changhai's arms frantically with their hands, but they couldn't even scratch Xu Changhai's skin.

In the end, the two marines became weaker and weaker, and after a large number of blood bubbles came out of their nostrils, their bodies quickly dried up and turned into two mummies.

But their heads did not shrink down, but were carefully twisted off by Xu Changhai, and then grafted on his shoulders, forming the appearance of three heads.

"Don't worry, no one will die, just become an ancestor!" Xu Changhai smiled with scarlet eyes.

Then he walked towards the direction of the village, because the ancestors were not satisfied yet, and more and more sacrifices were needed.


Zhang Ping returned to the shore and felt something was wrong.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong. The Dragon Lord was so powerful that Apophis couldn't have survived.

He thought about it, and finally decided to play it safe and go back to check after eating.

You must be careful!

In this world full of superpowers, it is never too careful. After all, Apophis can get superpowers by grafting a brain, and it is possible that it has the ability to delay resurrection.

Zhang Ping grilled some fish meat on the beach, and then took out the fish he caught some time ago and ate it raw. After eating, he went into the sea again.

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