I Contracted Myself

【009】Sowing Genius

"Help, Xu Changhai is crazy!"

An old ocean man ran away frantically, and then was entangled by a tentacle.

The sea dog looked at Xu Changhai who was approaching the old Haiyang Man dozens of meters away in horror, his eyes widened, and then he turned around and ran away.

At this time, Xu Changhai had dozens of heads growing on his body. Some of these heads grew on his shoulders, some on his back, and some on his head.

Now he doesn't look like a human being, more like a monster in human skin.

"Not enough, not enough!"

Xu Changhai roared loudly, and then saw the escaping seal dog, and chased it directly at an extremely fast speed.

"Don't chase me!"

The seal felt the change in the water flow, screamed in horror, and moved a little faster.

Suddenly, he saw a land man swimming from the water, and he shouted: "There is a land man over there, if you want to eat, eat him!"

Saying that, he immediately swam in the opposite direction.

Zhang Ping happened to see Xu Changhai with a full head at this time, and directly felt that his whole body was contaminated. What the hell is that?

However, when Xu Changhai was about to catch up with the sea dog, he took action decisively and immobilized Xu Changhai with his telekinesis.

Then through information control, he learned about Xu Changhai's situation, and his expression changed slightly in an instant.

Xu Changhai actually has a back-up plan left by Apophis. When Apophis himself dies, the seeds will germinate on Xu Changhai. Then Xu Changhai will instinctively prey on all living creatures around him and use them to support Scrap Four. The offspring grew rapidly.

The most terrifying thing is...Apophis left not just one seed, but a large number of seeds that were spread throughout the sea along with various fish.

There are now countless Apophis seeds sprouting and multiplying like crazy.

This is not Apophis' superpower, but the inherent ability of creatures like him, just like humans can still have children without superpowers.

Giving birth to children is not among the attributes of human beings, and Apophis' reproductive ability is naturally not included in it.

"Damn it, am I making a big mistake?"

Zhang Ping crushed Xu Changhai's brain and pulled out a tentacle. He pinched the struggling tentacle with his mind and said through gritted teeth.

He really didn't expect Apophis to have such a skill.

too disgusting.

Obviously, the next situation cannot be solved by him alone.

The whole sea is full of Apophis

As a descendant of Si, unless he uses Dragon Dragon Lord to evaporate the entire sea and kill all the creatures in the sea, it is impossible to prevent Apophis' resurrection.


Zhang Ping cursed secretly, and then looked at the Ocean People's village. Seeing that there were no more survivors in the village, he quickly grabbed the fur seals in the distance with his telekinesis and returned directly to the land.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

On the shore, as soon as Zhang Ping put down the seal, the seal was struggling and rolling in the beach, its hands waving wildly.

Zhang Ping said speechlessly: "Why do I wait until now to kill you?"

"Landman, how come you know the language of our ocean people?" As soon as the sea dog heard that Zhang Ping would not kill him, he immediately felt that he could do it again. He looked up at Zhang Ping and asked confidently.

Zhang Ping created a reserve deed, first contained the tentacles, and then said calmly: "Because I have ears."

"Xu Changhai is crazy, does it have something to do with you?" Sea Dog saw the tentacles being put into the gem by Zhang Ping, reacted belatedly, and roared angrily.

The village just disappeared. Although many people escaped, a large number of people were also killed by Xu Changhai.

Xu Changhai couldn't have gone crazy for no reason, and the changes in the big crack couldn't have appeared for no reason. All of this changed because of the appearance of Zhang Ping, a land man!

"Feel sorry."

Zhang Ping pursed his lips and bowed his head decisively to apologize.

He really didn't realize that Apophis had such a power, nor did he expect that its control over Xu Changhai was so strong that even just a seed could strengthen Xu Changhai to the level of a top awakener.


Although Zhang Ping casually crushed Xu Changhai to death, Xu Changhai's physical fitness has definitely reached the strength of a top awakened person, so the marine talents cannot defeat Xu Changhai at all, and can only escape as much as possible.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!" Sea Dog, with red eyes, grabbed a stone and knocked it at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping did not dodge or dodge, and just hit the seal at will until the stone in the seal's hand broke into two pieces.

"Damn it, damn it..."

The seal picked up a few more stones, but instead of continuing to knock Zhang Ping, he hit them on the beach.

"The ancestor you worship is actually a powerful alienated beast. It covets your heads and has been collecting the heads of everyone in your village. I killed it but I didn't expect that it left something on Xu Changhai. It was my mistake to be able to exert such great combat power, and I am very sorry." Zhang Pingman said.

Said apologetically.

The sea dog clenched the sand in his hand and cried: "I know, I guessed it. That thing was brought back from outside by Xu Changhai eighty years ago. He said it could make the village happy. But later, I don't know why, but there were many people in the village. Everyone agreed, and it gradually became a rule.

My father and my mother actually didn’t like the rules in the village. When I was a child, I said a lot of bad things about the village. Later, I was chosen as a sacrifice and was forcibly taken away.

In fact, I have thought about it a lot, but I just don’t dare to admit it. "

"Then what are your plans in the future? If you don't know what to do, I can help you." Zhang Ping sighed.

Now there are countless descendants or clones of Apophis in the ocean who are frantically plundering blood and food, and it is obvious that they can no longer go back.

"I don't know, but I want revenge!" The sea dog looked up.

Zhang Ping scratched his cheek and said embarrassedly: "Although I am sorry, it is a bit difficult for you to seek revenge on me."

"Not you, but that thing!" The sea dog said seriously.

Although he was very sad because the village was gone, he was not that sad. It was just that he had lost his place to stay. Normal people would feel hesitant and sad at the same time.

"It is still a bit difficult. Apophis is very powerful. Its seeds can directly pull the parasitic creatures to the strength of the top alien beasts. Although it is limited to the physical body, with its original abilities, ordinary top awakeners may not be its opponents." Zhang Ping sighed.

The sea dog stopped talking. It was too heartbreaking.

Although he didn't know how strong the top alien beasts and top awakeners were, he had confirmed Xu Changhai's strength with his own eyes.

"How about this, I'll send you to Mingzhu City, ask our think tank, and then decide what to do, okay?" Zhang Ping said at this time.

The sea dog still didn't speak, just stared at Zhang Ping.

"Don't be like this, I really want to help you, and I feel very guilty, at least give me a chance to make it up to you." Zhang Ping smiled bitterly.

The sea dog moved his mouth, and finally fell to the ground, and the whole person was like a fish on the shore, twitching.

"I almost forgot that the marine people will be short of water if they stay on the shore for too long!"

Zhang Ping slapped his forehead and quickly controlled the water flow to wrap up the sea dog.

In fact, the marine people can greatly extend the time on land through exercise. The marine people under Li Aoxue have all exercised, so as long as there is water to keep them moist, it is enough.

The sea dog has never been on land in the past, so this situation occurred.

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