I Contracted Myself


"How can it be!"

Yu Dahai slowly knelt down and looked at the Botao City that had turned into hell, as if he had lost his soul.

As he said, there are countless strong men in Wave City, and there are dozens of strong men who can fight with the top alienated beasts. There is also the Sea King Army, which can easily sweep dozens of sea areas once it is deployed, and there is no fish in the sea that can defeat it.

But now the entire City of Waves has turned into a sea of ​​blood, with countless headless corpses of ocean people floating in the water, obviously massacred in a very short period of time.

"Mom and Dad!"

After being shocked, several apprentices yelled crazily and swam quickly towards Wave City.

Yu Dahai stretched out his hand and opened his mouth but didn't shout anything. He wanted to call those brats back, but what's the use of coming back?

They have become lost dogs!

"Ahhh, kill!"

Yu Dahai grabbed his hair frantically with both hands, finally stood up, grabbed the harpoon, let out a crazy shout, and also rushed towards Wave City.

Ten minutes later, Yu Chenghai saw dozens of tentacles similar to human spines piercing out of the city. In an instant, Yu Dahai and the apprentices were pierced by the tentacles. There was no point in struggling no matter what.

"how come."

Yu Chenghai murmured to himself, his mind going blank.

In the morning, her mother prepared a sumptuous breakfast for him and told him to learn from Yu Dahai and become an excellent sea hunter.

Before setting off, he was very excited and secretly vowed that he would not disappoint his mother who had worked so hard to raise him.

But in just half an hour, everything changed.

Home is gone.

Coach, no more.

The target is gone.

Mother is gone too.

Yu Chenghai's eyes secreted tears. He wanted to ask, why is this happening?

But who could he ask?

At this time, the tentacles in Wave City sprouted densely packed eyes. They rotated like fan blades, patrolling everything near Wave City.

Except for Yu Chenghai, the surviving apprentices turned around and ran away. However, before they could run very far, tentacles pierced their chests from above, and then they were pulled into the Wave City while screaming.

Yu Chenghai lowered his head. He knew that he could not escape, so he simply waited for death to come. After all, everything he cared about was gone.

But the expected pain never came.

After a while, a head slowly extended from the tentacles and came right in front of him.

"Why didn't you run away or attack me?" the human head asked.

The seed of Apophis is essentially instinct and has no self.

It is like a plant, doing everything just to survive.

When it possesses the brains of other creatures, it will quickly absorb the information in these brains, thereby optimizing itself and becoming a better hunter.

But it still has no ego!

But this time it encountered an incomprehensible situation.

After it absorbed the memories of all the Ocean People in Wave City, it judged that Ocean People would only behave in two ways when encountering it. One was to attack like Yu Dahai, and the other was to run away like the surviving apprentices.

The problem is that Yu Chenghai has no choice. He cannot understand Yu Chenghai's behavior.

Then it learned from the brain information of Ocean Man what to do in this situation, and that was to ask.

"Why didn't you run away? Why didn't you attack?"

Yu Chenghai looked at the living head in front of him and slowly repeated the head's question.

"Why do you learn to speak like me?" Apophis asked again.

Yu Chenghai clenched his fist slightly and asked, "What about you? Who are you?"

"I am...Apophis!"

Apophis paused and finally gave his answer.

It didn't know why it was called Apophis. It seemed that it was born with this name. At the same time, it realized that many creatures did not seem to have names, but ocean people all had names.

"Why are you and I the only ones with names?" Apophis asked.

Yu Chenghai shook his head and said, "I don't know."

He now feels that he has gone crazy, otherwise why would he have such a calm conversation with the murderer of Wave City.

Normally, he would have roared at Apophis, then grabbed the harpoon on the ground and struck a fatal blow.

But he didn't.

Not only did he not, but he also started chatting with the murderer.

He twisted his head, raised his head and asked, "Why do you want to kill them?"

"Kill your compatriots? Because I want to live. Killing them will allow me to live better. I don't want to die." Apophis replied.

Yu Chenghai shook his head and said: "This answer is wrong. You are so powerful, how could you be killed."

"No, I have died once." Apophis replied.

Yu Chenghai frowned and said, "Who killed you?"

"I don't know, I don't know, but I want to live." Apophis replied.

It did not inherit the memory of the original Apophis. Each seed grew up as an independent individual. Its current knowledge comes from a piece of the Ocean Man.

Every brain, it can be said that it is now the collective wisdom of Ocean People in Wave City.

"Isn't there a win-win way? Isn't there a way where everyone can survive?" Yu Chenghai clenched his fists and asked angrily.


Apophis thought.

Why is the main body killed?

It doesn't know the answer.

But could it be because Ontology has not found a win-win solution?

In the memory of the marine people, there are indeed cases of win-win, such as the marine people and the coral colonies. The feces of the marine people happen to be the nutrients needed by the coral colonies, so the coral colonies form towering walls to provide protection for the marine people, and the marine people constantly excrete feces to make the coral colonies more luxuriant.

There are also creatures such as luminous shells and cleaning fish, all of which live together with the marine people and achieve a win-win situation.

So they are not enemies.

The marine people will not harm the coral colonies, luminous shells, and cleaning fish, and will even provide them with protection, and everyone lives together.

Win-win, you can survive!

Apophis came to a conclusion, so its ability began to change, and all the heads on the tentacles screamed.

"Am I not dead?"

Yu Dahai opened his eyes wide and looked at the dark ocean, his head a little confused.

Then he reacted belatedly and realized that he was only left with his head, and at the same time realized that he was indeed dead, but was alive only for some strange reason.

Maybe, this is not living.

Yu Dahai wanted to get out of the tentacles, but suddenly the tentacles slowly extended and finally put him on the ground.

The flesh behind his head quickly deformed, and in a blink of an eye he returned to his original appearance.


His body became stronger.

He looked up at the huge white tentacles, and suddenly felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

This joy came for no reason, and at the same time he understood the meaning of his resurrection, which was win-win!

In the city of waves, countless marine people were resurrected again.

They were still them.

But they seemed to be no longer them.

Yu Chenghai watched the marine people come out one by one, and for some reason, he felt creepy.

When he had the idea of ​​running away again, Apophis said: "Now we can win together, and live happily!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Chenghai's head had moved to the tentacles.

When he landed again, his expression had become extremely calm, and he smiled slowly: "Okay, we are together...win-win!"

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