I Contracted Myself

【012】Special medicine

Pearl City.

Zhang Ping told Chen Weihua about Apophis' situation, and Chen Weihua responded immediately.

She didn't think it was all Zhang Ping's fault. After all, Zhang Ping had been very careful. Who knew that Apophis had laid eggs and spread them throughout the sea.

Besides, Apophis will die sooner or later, it's just the difference between early death and late death.

These seeds will still germinate when it dies, so Zhang Ping just detonated the bomb in advance.

She was very suspicious that Li Huatao's dream was essentially a dream with reversed cause and effect.

Because Li Huatao had this dream, Zhang Ping was attracted. Zhang Ping killed Apophis during the investigation, thus detonating the disaster.

After countless seeds come to life, one of them will take revenge on the land and set off a terrifying tsunami.

Of course, this is just one of the guesses. It is also possible that the tsunami has been suppressed by Zhang Ping.

"So what do we do now?"

After listening to Chen Weihua's analysis, Zhang Ping felt much better, and then asked further.

If the seeds of Apophis are allowed to wander randomly in the sea, sooner or later it will cause a huge disaster, which must be guarded against.

Chen Weihua used a special super glass bottle to hold Apophis' tentacles. She shook the glass bottle slightly, and the tentacles inside immediately squirmed crazily.

She smiled and said: "This thing has some kind of locking ability on the brain of living things, and it will chase the brain and act, but this seems to be instinctive, not driven by consciousness."

"It feels a bit like a facehugger." Zhang Ping complained after hearing this.

Chen Weihua nodded and said: "It does look a bit like it. I just did a small test and it seems to favor the human brain more. In other words, the probability of it targeting marine people is much higher than that of fish. Marine humans in the sea are dangerous. "

"In addition, we need more body tissues of Apophis. If there are enough body tissues, the medical research team may be able to develop a special medicine for Apophis. Then they only need to sprinkle the special medicine into the sea. Kill most of Apophis' seeds!" Chen Weihua put the glass bottle on the table and said.

There was a parallel world where Pearl City suffered from a rare alienated insect plague. Countless alienated locusts flew around Pearl City, killing countless residents.

Because there are too many alienated locusts, and they are coming one after another

They kept flying in from all over the place, and in the end even Zhang Ping couldn't do anything about them.

In the end, the solution to the pest disaster was the specific medicine developed by the medical research team.

Under the influence of a large number of special drugs, the alienated locusts were poisoned to death one after another, and only then Pearl City was rescued.

Although the enemy is in the sea this time, as long as enough body tissues of Apophis are collected, it is still possible to develop a special medicine to kill Apophis' seeds.

Zhang Ping nodded and said, "Okay, I'm going to collect Apophis' body tissue."

"I want to go too!" The seal popped its head out of the tank.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "You are the greatest help to us by staying here. There are many Apophis seeds parasitic in the bodies of Ocean People, and we need you as a sample for research!"

She said this in the language of the sea people, so the seals understood it.

But for some reason, the sea dog looked at Chen Weihua's smiling face, and his heart rate began to speed up. He swallowed, gritted his teeth and said: "I, the sea dog, am a born warrior. I can go back to the surviving compatriots and let them take samples!"

"Does he have any surviving compatriots?" Chen Weihua looked at Zhang Ping in surprise and asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "There seemed to be some who took advantage of the chaos and ran away. Because they scattered and ran away, when I tried to find them, they had disappeared."

"Then find them and bring them back. The sea is already very unsafe. Let them survive as much as possible." Chen Weihua said.

She feels that the world's oceans are too dangerous, and it is not certain that a bad ocean person will even become extinct because of this.

Of course, extinction only extinguishes the ocean people in this world. There are still a lot of ocean people in other worlds.

"Well, I'll keep an eye on it."

Zhang Ping responded and quickly left Pearl City.

He considered taking the rescue team with him, but thinking of Apophis's strength, he finally gave up this rare training opportunity.

The main reason is that the rescue team itself does not have much experience in underwater combat. The seeds of Apophis are top-notch alien beasts at the beginning. If the rescue team is really allowed to join, I am afraid that the rescue team will be damaged.

Then there are the seeds of Apophis.

Without activation, even information control cannot find the seeds. There should be some kind of masking detection ability at work.


It would be troublesome if someone in the rescue team was implanted with seeds.

"Sure enough, I am destined to work hard!"

Zhang Ping sighed in the air, then quickly fell into the sea and shuttled quickly through the sea.

Although Chen Weihua has worked hard to lighten his burden, there are always more than two hundred days a year that require him to do some tasks that only he can do.

For example, beat the Zhu Family of Beast Controllers, kill the Tianchang Fox, search the base of the Zhu Family of Beast Controllers, catch a few Zuo Xiangming and hang them up to fight...

In fact, dealing with Apophis was quite new.

This feels like a game, always stuck in the first act, fighting the same BOSS and mobs over and over again, it's so boring.

Zhang Ping has been fighting against his old rival for three years, and this time he finally has a new boss.

"Apophis, please answer if you hear me!"

Zhang Ping swam back and forth in the ocean, calling out Apophis' name from time to time.

This trick really worked.

After the seeds of Apophis came to life, their behavior would be different because of the different parasitic organisms, but no matter what organism it was, they would still pursue the brain.

Among all the brains, the human brain carries the most information and is their favorite prey.

This is actually an instinct of Apophis. They seem to be born with the ability to distinguish between smart and stupid people, and they like smart eggs!

But the ocean is too big and too vast.

Even if Zhang Ping wanted to find Apophis, he would not be able to meet him in a short time.

The first generation of Apophis was indeed very careful and spread a large number of seeds, but this large amount was actually nothing in front of the ocean.

Just as the resources controlled by humans are still insignificant in front of the planet.

Zhang Ping searched for a long time, but did not find Apophis. Instead, he met a few surviving marine people first, so he simply went forward to communicate, and when the communication failed, he directly captured it back to Pearl City.

Communicating with all things, indeed, can communicate with all living and dead things.

But sometimes, being able to communicate does not mean being able to communicate.

If the other party is hostile to Zhang Ping from the beginning, and regards whatever Zhang Ping says as a lie, then communicating with all things will be powerless to save the situation.

At this time, Zhang Ping can only forcefully save people.

After all, staying in the sea is too dangerous.

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