I Contracted Myself

【013】The Shame of Apophis

Deep sea.

A sharp-nosed sawtooth longfin fish is looking for suitable prey.

Its shape is similar to that of a megalodon, but it has long fins similar to wings, and its mouth is very sharp. If it continues to evolve, it may grow a beak similar to that of a bird in the future.

As an alien beast, its hunting ground is very large. Although it occasionally encounters other sharp-nosed sawtooth longfin fish, it often does not need to take action. Those of its kind will consciously avoid it and quickly flee its territory.

At this time, it found prey, which was a prey it had never seen before, with a strange head and limbs similar to kelp.

It was too obvious.

Compared with the dark scales of fish, the body of this prey was like a light bulb on the seabed.

It immediately twisted its tail and attacked like a fish. Torpedo.

"Good guy, I'll eat you tonight!"

Zhang Ping sat on a rock in the deep sea and was just about to eat something.

But before he could take out the food from the Dream City, a big fish swooped down, and it seemed that it wanted to slide into his stomach.

It was hard to refuse such a generous offer.

Zhang Ping opened his mouth, and a stream of black energy suddenly gushed out of his mouth.

Before the fish realized the danger, the energy turned into a huge mouth and swallowed the big fish directly.


Zhang Ping absorbed the black energy into his body and couldn't help but make a satisfied sound.

Although he tried hard to make himself more like a human, as his abilities increased and his strength became stronger, although he did not change on the surface, he was actually getting further and further away from humans.

If he recovered all his abilities and used all his abilities, his image would change greatly.

You can imagine a person who is 10,000 meters tall, with eyes all over his body, a sun burning on his chest, a huge tail, and a black cloak, holding a huge sickle, with a vortex behind him, a nine-layer halo on his head, and a giant dragon surrounding him...

If this image is said to be a demon god, some people will definitely believe it, but if it is said to be a human... who will believe it!

Strictly speaking, that was his true form, and he was just a weakened version now.

But even if he was a weakened version, his full power state was still a bit scary.

Besides, it was not cost-effective to use full power. If he really encountered an opponent that he thought was very troublesome, he would definitely use the Dragon Chan Zun first. If the Dragon Chan Zun could not beat the enemy,

then he would increase the power of the Dragon Chan Zun.

If he could not beat the enemy again...

Zhang Ping would decisively choose to retreat temporarily, and then summon Lin Renmei to attack and blow up the opponent with one punch.

Since the rescue team had Lin Renmei as a trump card, Zhang Ping had not gone all out for a long time, and it seemed that he did not need to go all out.

These days, he has been looking for the seeds of Apophis.

Through a large-scale search, he really locked a location and is now heading there.

Originally, he planned to eat something and continue on the road, but who knew that the sharp-nosed sawtooth longfin fish would take the initiative to deliver it to his door, saving him a lot of reserve dry food.

After eating the sharp-nosed sawtooth longfin fish, Zhang Ping felt a weak power in his body in a moment.

He opened his attributes, took a look at them, and rented out his abilities. Every member of the rescue team was his tenant, and the contract gem could sense the abilities he was renting out.

Through the rented abilities, Zhang Ping's breathing was getting stronger, and energy was transmitted back from the tenants every second. Part of the rent would be used to strengthen his body, and part would be used to strengthen his abilities.

However, he still liked running, push-ups, and sit-ups.

These exercises could no longer temper his body, but they could temper his mind, allowing him to firmly grasp the anchor point of being a human being, and never deviate because of being too strong.

After dealing with the new abilities, he continued to move towards his destination.

In fact, Zhang Ping was already accustomed to a new ability popping up from time to time, as long as his potential was not zero, then the new ability would pop up.

His probability of obtaining new abilities was now very high. Except for some overly dangerous abilities that could not be rented out, he rented out most of his abilities directly.

Occasionally, he would even feel like a scumbag.

Renting out abilities was like giving birth to a child and not raising it yourself, giving it to others to raise, and charging money.

Forget about charging money.

Finally, it deprived the other party of the experience of raising children...

How bad!


Several kilometers away.

Apophis was thinking.

Each seed of Apophis can be said to be Apophis itself, but they are not the same individual.

Because the brains collected are different, the behavior patterns of each Apophis are completely different, even very different.

This Apophis parasitized on an alien beast similar to an octopus. After it controlled the brain of the octopus, it found that it still could not control its tentacles.

It did not know that the tentacles of the octopus were not controlled by the octopus brain. They had their own brains and their own control organs.

So, it was carried by the tentacles.

Even in life-and-death crises, it had to strengthen these tentacles.

When the tentacles became stronger, it found that it did not need to do anything. These tentacles would automatically complete their tasks and deliver food to its mouth.

The day before yesterday, it hunted a marine man. In the brain of the marine man, it understood its current situation.

Eating soft rice!

This is how the marine people define its current behavior: it is eating the soft rice of the tentacles.

According to the information in the Ocean Man's brain, this does not seem to be a good behavior, but it has no way to stop the tentacles, because the seeds have already taken root in the octopus's brain, and it is the octopus's brain.

Although the octopus will not die once it is separated from it, it will lose the ability to move as a seed, and its fate will be the same as death.

It has no choice but to accept a life of food.

Probably because it had enough time to think, it became smarter and smarter, and even completely absorbed all the knowledge of the ocean people, giving birth to its preliminary self.

In the end, it became an outlier among Apophis, and it had a dream!

It wants to become a human being and then support itself, just like the information in the brain of the ocean man, get married and have children, and finally die under the reluctant eyes of the child.

But it still couldn't do anything, and the tentacles became stronger again.

At first, it strengthened the tentacles, but after the tentacles were strengthened, it seemed to have lost control, and in turn controlled it, and even drew energy from it, constantly strengthening itself.

Thus, this Apophis became the shame of Apophis among countless Apophis!

"When will I get the chance to be human?"

Apophis thought boredly as he finished eating the small fish sent by his tentacles and looked at the sparkling waves above the sea.

It has become accustomed to being unable to do anything and daydreaming every day. It really makes it a human being, and it is a little worried that it will become an unqualified human being.

While worrying about gains and losses, it saw a human being swimming towards it.

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